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Miscegenation (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
May 13, 2016
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Anti miscegenation has all but vanished from legal code. America is the great melting pot, there's a lot of cultural crossover, especially in urban areas. Is miscegenation wrong or right for the future of our culture?
Anti miscegenation has all but vanished from legal code. America is the great melting pot, there's a lot of cultural crossover, especially in urban areas. Is miscegenation wrong or right for the future of our culture?
I think whatever is right between two people --> is none of our business! :doh
I think whatever is right between two people --> is none of our business! :doh

you ended the thread in the second post
I agree with that second post and I don't think we should return to segregation of social functions. Segregation of social functions would make it difficult, but not impossible for miscegenation to occur.
Anti miscegenation has all but vanished from legal code. America is the great melting pot, there's a lot of cultural crossover, especially in urban areas. Is miscegenation wrong or right for the future of our culture?

unless are culte is about the government telling you what to do to appease racists its necessary for are culture if anyone wants it

its only worng if you are a racist
Anti miscegenation has all but vanished from legal code. America is the great melting pot, there's a lot of cultural crossover, especially in urban areas. Is miscegenation wrong or right for the future of our culture?

hell I had to look up the word

I came from a small white waspish community and there were only a handful of blacks in town. A black family lived on our street. It was interesting from a child's perspective to hear different views and comments from neighbours as I grew up.

I knew they "looked" different but I really didn't know why, and I didn't care. Their kids were older than me so out of my league.

The oldest boy married some gorgeous tall blonde that had been a model. There were a lot of comments about the contrast and "what would happen to the kids"

I never really understood what that meant since nothing had happened to him as a kid growing up on our community that I could see from my little perspective.

Now I doubt anyone would even comment or likely have an opinion if we took those same people and moved them forward into the world today.

Thus that was just about growing pains.
Anti miscegenation has all but vanished from legal code. America is the great melting pot, there's a lot of cultural crossover, especially in urban areas. Is miscegenation wrong or right for the future of our culture?
I don't believe race is biological so interbreeding there of is not possible.
I don't believe race is biological so interbreeding there of is not possible.

If I understand what you wrote correctly, I agree. We are all humans. There is no such thing as miscegenation. There are only humans having babies. Humans, of different cultures and with different physical traits perhaps, but humans all nonetheless.
Genetically speaking, "race" was debunked years ago. We are all one species. So I don't even know what we're trying to talk about here.

Humanity's appearance-based conflicts are all ethnic and cultural.
Genetically speaking, "race" was debunked years ago. We are all one species. So I don't even know what we're trying to talk about here.

Humanity's appearance-based conflicts are all ethnic and cultural.

You know, race doesn't have to be propagated across a biological medium as people of different races interbreed. I have heard for example, that Jews across the world are more biologically similar to one another than a random sample taken of African Americans. But I have also walked through a Jewish community in Brooklyn, NY which was very much culturally homogeneous.

I think debunking biological differences is somewhat like embracing determinism as a physical concept, though I would be interested to see substantiation of the claim that "race" has been debunked.
You know, race doesn't have to be propagated across a biological medium as people of different races interbreed. I have heard for example, that Jews across the world are more biologically similar to one another than a random sample taken of African Americans. But I have also walked through a Jewish community in Brooklyn, NY which was very much culturally homogeneous.

I think debunking biological differences is somewhat like embracing determinism as a physical concept, though I would be interested to see substantiation of the claim that "race" has been debunked.
...given current scientific data, biological races do not exist among modern humans today, and they have never existed in the past. Given such clear scientific evidence as this and the research data of so many other biologists, anthropologists, and geneticists that demonstrate the nonexistence of biological races among humans, how can the “myth” of human races still persist?

If races do not exist as a biological reality, why do so many people still believe that they do? In fact, even though biological races do not exist, the concept of race obviously is still a reality, as is racism. These are prevalent and persistent elements of our everyday lives and generally accepted aspects of our culture.

Thus, the concept of human races is real. It is not a biological reality, however, but a cultural one.
the study of living organisms, divided into many specialized fields that cover their morphology, physiology, anatomy, behavior, origin, and distribution.
the plants and animals of a particular area.
"the biology of Chesapeake Bay"
the physiology, behavior, and other qualities of a particular organism or class of organisms.
"human biology"

physiology (fĭz'ē-ŏl'ə-jē)
The scientific study of an organism's vital functions, including growth and development, the absorption and processing of nutrients, the synthesis and distribution of proteins and other organic molecules, and the functioning of different tissues, organs, and other anatomic structures. Physiology studies the normal mechanical, physical, and biochemical processes of animals and plants.

Race Is Real. What Does that Mean for Society? | RealClearScience
Physical traits due to geographical differences are real. Natural selection favored lighter skin in northern climates due to it being better at absorbing vitamin D, thus giving those offspring a btter chance at surviving into breeding age in areas with weaker sunlight. And, maybe in a million years of isolation between them and our brothers in Africa, a separate race would have evolved. But, the time of isolation was short--a few thousand years not millions--so we are still the same, genetically speaking. We are all part of the human race.
Physical traits due to geographical differences are real. Natural selection favored lighter skin in northern climates due to it being better at absorbing vitamin D, thus giving those offspring a btter chance at surviving into breeding age in areas with weaker sunlight. And, maybe in a million years of isolation between them and our brothers in Africa, a separate race would have evolved. But, the time of isolation was short--a few thousand years not millions--so we are still the same, genetically speaking. We are all part of the human race.

We are all part of the human species. "Racism" occurs 12 times in the Newsweek article. I think the article is just as much about debunking racism as it is about debunking race.

In the article clines were mentioned. This article is attempting to split biological and behavioral traits, which may be convenient for anthropologists. For our purposes, it's just giving a different name to the same thing. Obviously in biology you should be aware of the implications of the theory of evolution. I don't see that this article has taken steps to disprove evolution, but simply assigned a more specific name to biological and behavioral traits, and described how they come about.

Yes, humans are more genetically similar to one another than to other species, but I don't think that race is meant to imply that humans are a different animal altogether, depending on their race. It's a way of collectively referring to a group of clines.
We are all part of the human species. "Racism" occurs 12 times in the Newsweek article. I think the article is just as much about debunking racism as it is about debunking race.

In the article clines were mentioned. This article is attempting to split biological and behavioral traits, which may be convenient for anthropologists. For our purposes, it's just giving a different name to the same thing. Obviously in biology you should be aware of the implications of the theory of evolution. I don't see that this article has taken steps to disprove evolution, but simply assigned a more specific name to biological and behavioral traits, and described how they come about.

Yes, humans are more genetically similar to one another than to other species, but I don't think that race is meant to imply that humans are a different animal altogether, depending on their race. It's a way of collectively referring to a group of clines.

I'm not sure what your point is here. Yes, humans from opposite ends of the globe have many different physical characteristics. So?
I'm not sure what your point is here. Yes, humans from opposite ends of the globe have many different physical characteristics. So?

Humans around the globe have many different physical characteristics which do not immediately change when they are introduced into another region. That's part of what race is. The Newsweek article is just splitting hairs. You're trying to get to the bottom of the issue of race while we talk about miscegenation, as though describing race in a different manner would change the way we talk about miscegenation. Miscegenation is just interbreeding among racial groups, i.e. humans with different physical characteristics from foreign regions where many other such humans exist as a group, together.
Humans around the globe have many different physical characteristics which do not immediately change when they are introduced into another region. That's part of what race is. The Newsweek article is just splitting hairs. You're trying to get to the bottom of the issue of race while we talk about miscegenation, as though describing race in a different manner would change the way we talk about miscegenation. Miscegenation is just interbreeding among racial groups, i.e. humans with different physical characteristics from foreign regions where many other such humans exist as a group, together.

Their physical characteristics will change over the next 35,000 years. With or without miscegenation.
Their physical characteristics will change over the next 35,000 years. With or without miscegenation.

That's beside the point. Do you think miscegenation is good for society? You might try considering this from the perspective of first, second, third, fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh, eighth, ninth, tenth, eleventh, twelfth, thirteenth, fourteenth, fifteenth, sixteenth and seventeenth generation immigration and transient cultures.
That's beside the point. Do you think miscegenation is good for society? You might try considering this from the perspective of first, second, third, fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh, eighth, ninth, tenth, eleventh, twelfth, thirteenth, fourteenth, fifteenth, sixteenth and seventeenth generation immigration and transient cultures.

Mixing diverse genes is very good for society. Funny you should ask a silly question like that. Are you a fan of inbreeding?
Mixing diverse genes is very good for society. Funny you should ask a silly question like that. Are you a fan of inbreeding?

Diversity is relative. Are you a fan of empiricism?
Diversity is relative. Are you a fan of empiricism?

Genetic diversity is healthy. A positive trait for survival of a species.

And it doesn't matter whether it's "good for society" or not. It's not anyone's place to tell anyone who they should or should not copulate with.
Is miscegenation wrong or right for the future of our culture?

This is a stupid question. The concept of "miscegenation" is based on racial theories that have been disproven and miscegenation itself is inevitable; it has occurred all throughout human history, even in the 500 year period in which Western civilization was dominated by the absurd theory of "race", and will continue to occur for the duration of the existence of the human species.

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