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Mighty White of You (1 Viewer)

Is "Might White of You" a RACIST Statement/Sentiment?

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Just waiting for my set...
DP Veteran
Sep 29, 2007
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How racist is this statement?

Is it still used today? It is.
Should it be considered Hate Speech?

mighty white of you

Used to describe someone who thinks they've done a great deed, charitable action or sacrifice, but in reality they've done very little to help the human condition.
Earl: I gave that homeless man my half eaten apple.
Roger: Wow, thats mighty white of you.

How racist is this statement?

Is it still used today? It is.
Should it be considered Hate Speech?

mighty white of you

Used to describe someone who thinks they've done a great deed, charitable action or sacrifice, but in reality they've done very little to help the human condition.
Earl: I gave that homeless man my half eaten apple.
Roger: Wow, thats mighty white of you.

I have always felt that calling certain types of men's underwear "tighty whities" was grotesquely racist.
It is impossible to be racist against the dominant racial group. When white people claim they've been subject to racism, it is almost always a particular phrase or moment when something happened to them.

Racism is a 24/7/365 issue.
“Free, white and over twenty-one”

another anachronistic phrase best left in the past……

@Bodhisattva get the 64 pack it has its own sharpener….. 1650575434355.jpeg
It is today.

One must teach our children to be super careful about using certain expressions.

Above all, never ever yell: "Well, I am glad that you have finally shown your true colors!"
It is impossible to be racist against the dominant racial group. When white people claim they've been subject to racism, it is almost always a particular phrase or moment when something happened to them.

Racism is a 24/7/365 issue.
I guess I never looked at it that way... so since nobody faces racism 24/7/365, because that is literally impossible, nobody faces racism....

...so there is no racism.
How racist is this statement?

Is it still used today? It is.
Should it be considered Hate Speech?

mighty white of you

Used to describe someone who thinks they've done a great deed, charitable action or sacrifice, but in reality they've done very little to help the human condition.
Earl: I gave that homeless man my half eaten apple.
Roger: Wow, thats mighty white of you.

A good yardstick is to change the identifier with another, for example:

That's mighty Black of you.

That's mighty Yellow of you.


If one thinks any of the changes is racist, then it is likely the original example is racist too.
A good yardstick is to change the identifier with another, for example:

That's mighty Black of you.

That's mighty Asian of you.


If one thinks any of the changes is racist, then it is likely the original example is racist too.
I did that before posting this and felt as if I said "that is might black of you" to a group of black people that white liberals would literally cheer if the black people beat me up over it.
I guess I never looked at it that way... so since nobody faces racism 24/7/365, because that is literally impossible, nobody faces racism....

...so there is no racism.
Congratulations, you've defined the main problem with racism. 'If I don't understand, it doesn't exist.'
I've always wondered about "That's the pot calling the kettle black"--which I still hear frequently from hosts of news programs.
That is absurd. You are telling me all a KKK douche has to do to not be racist is move to Zimbabwe?
The KKK is made up of the dominant racial group.
That is absurd. You are telling me all a KKK douche has to do to not be racist is move to Zimbabwe?
It is a weird argument that the Left has been positing the last few years... that Billy Bob White Boy in Arkansas can't be subjugated to racism because Washington has more white Senators than black Senators. Somehow, Billy Bob White Boy is part of the power elite.
Congratulations, you've defined the main problem with racism. 'If I don't understand, it doesn't exist.'
That is not remotely what my post was about.
That is absurd. You are telling me all a KKK douche has to do to not be racist is move to Zimbabwe?
I'm interested in this response. Are you not aware of the racial situation in Zimbabwe?
It is impossible to be racist against the dominant racial group. When white people claim they've been subject to racism, it is almost always a particular phrase or moment when something happened to them.

Racism is a 24/7/365 issue.

What a very strange thing to believe.
How can other races exercise their dominance over a white person in America?

You are negating Free Will. You are saying the individual does not exist. There are only groups. You are making the claim that your "race" determines whether or not you are morally inferior to someone of another "race."

I think there is a word for thinking one "race" is inferior to another.
I've always wondered about "That's the pot calling the kettle black"--which I still hear frequently from hosts of news programs.

Well, before the advent of Steel, aluminum, etc., pots and kettles were both made of either Iron or Copper. If Iron that means they were typically black or brown in color.
Not in Zimbabwe.
How will that person be able to do anything to the dominant power group? The thread is talking about racism, not racists (as I understood it).
It is impossible to be racist against the dominant racial group. When white people claim they've been subject to racism, it is almost always a particular phrase or moment when something happened to them.
I disagree. One of the largest failures of leftist advocacy was the redefining of racism from how most people understand it (bigotry due to perceived racial difference) to the power+prejudice academic definition.

I'm my humble (and correct ;)) opinion it is far better to say everyone can be racist (bigoted) and then go onto describe how systemic racism (at least in the US) exists almost exclusives to the advantage of White people.

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