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Might not be Northam in KKK photo (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Sep 16, 2012
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Tucson, AZ
Political Leaning

I understand that Gateway Pundit often runs short on facts and long on sensationalism but it is kind of interesting that Northam is in another picture with a guy wearing the same pants and having the same poofy hair as "blackface guy". It's also interesting that Northam is taller than the possible "blackface guy" while the KKK guy is shorter than "blackface guy".



If it isn't Northam in blackface or the hood then should he still be pushed out of office because he admitted to the moonwalk in blackface thing?


I just want to throw one other possibility out there. What if this picture was of a white guy in blackface and a black guy in KKK garb? What if this picture came about as an ironic statement on racism by a white guy and a black guy? I can't tell from the yearbook picture but it's certainly possible that the guy in the hood is black.
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Whether or not the picture is of Northam is no longer an issue for me. The way the Governor and his staff responded to the controversy is what is telling to me. Can he be removed for “voter’s remorse?” That’s another sticky wicket. His wife having to tell him that demonstrating his ability to ‘moon-walk’ while at the podium would be inappropriate is also disturbing.

A talking head stated that whomever handled the opposition research for Northam’s Republican opponent would be fortunate to find another campaign.
Whether or not the picture is of Northam is no longer an issue for me. The way the Governor and his staff responded to the controversy is what is telling to me. Can he be removed for “voter’s remorse?” That’s another sticky wicket. His wife having to tell him that demonstrating his ability to ‘moon-walk’ while at the podium would be inappropriate is also disturbing.

A talking head stated that whomever handled the opposition research for Northam’s Republican opponent would be fortunate to find another campaign.

That moonwalk thing was pretty pathetic. The guy obviously isn't too quick out of the gate.
If it wasn't him, he would immediately have said so.

If he'd only been in blackface the one time, while in a dance competition, he would have immediately said so.

The conclusion is that this is probably something he did more than once. Which means that particular photo isn't exactly critical to the situation anymore.

"Someone else wore similar pants" isn't exactly convincing evidence to the contrary.
That moonwalk thing was pretty pathetic. The guy obviously isn't too quick out of the gate.

Not gonna lie, I am legitimately annoyed that his wife stopped him from doing it. That would have been the greatest moment in press conference history.
The problem Northam is having right now is that the apology is making things much worse than they already were. I grew up in Norfolk, where he went to med school and graduated HS the year before the photo was taken. There was definitely a culture of casual racism there at the time and I agree that photo was a “product of the time and place.” However, its a terrible look for a governor in 2019.
The problem Northam is having right now is that the apology is making things much worse than they already were. I grew up in Norfolk, where he went to med school and graduated HS the year before the photo was taken. There was definitely a culture of casual racism there at the time and I agree that photo was a “product of the time and place.” However, its a terrible look for a governor in 2019.

You know what I have noticed if a politico apologizes they usually get their asses handed to them anyhow.
The problem Northam is having right now is that the apology is making things much worse than they already were. I grew up in Norfolk, where he went to med school and graduated HS the year before the photo was taken. There was definitely a culture of casual racism there at the time and I agree that photo was a “product of the time and place.” However, its a terrible look for a governor in 2019.

Still this was 35 years ago......He is not resigning....Time for people to move on
Still this was 35 years ago......He is not resigning....Time for people to move on

Nah, I'd rather run him out of the party.

I understand that Gateway Pundit often runs short on facts and long on sensationalism but it is kind of interesting that Northam is in another picture with a guy wearing the same pants and having the same poofy hair as "blackface guy". It's also interesting that Northam is taller than the possible "blackface guy" while the KKK guy is shorter than "blackface guy".

View attachment 67249568

View attachment 67249569

If it isn't Northam in blackface or the hood then should he still be pushed out of office because he admitted to the moonwalk in blackface thing?


I just want to throw one other possibility out there. What if this picture was of a white guy in blackface and a black guy in KKK garb? What if this picture came about as an ironic statement on racism by a white guy and a black guy? I can't tell from the yearbook picture but it's certainly possible that the guy in the hood is black.

The bolded is certainly possible, but if true, why wouldnt he have just come right out and said that from the start?
Nah, I'd rather run him out of the party.

Then you'd be playing into the hands of the Far Right...and Far Left...I'm judging him by his actions as Governor , not by a silly stupid photo from 35 years ago...If forced to resign, the extremists will just try to force the next official out....Amusing to see Republicans "outraged" yet staying silent on Stephen King.....Crazed comments from just a few weeks ago
Then you'd be playing into the hands of the Far Right...and Far Left...I'm judging him by his actions as Governor , not by a silly stupid photo from 35 years ago...If forced to resign, the extremists will just try to force the next official out....Amusing to see Republicans "outraged" yet staying silent on Stephen King.....Crazed comments from just a few weeks ago

I have my own motivations and couldn't give two ****s about what the "far right" and whatever you perceive "far left" to be think about it.
Then you'd be playing into the hands of the Far Right...and Far Left...I'm judging him by his actions as Governor , not by a silly stupid photo from 35 years ago...If forced to resign, the extremists will just try to force the next official out....Amusing to see Republicans "outraged" yet staying silent on Stephen King.....Crazed comments from just a few weeks ago

If you could park your partisan hatred for five seconds and pay attention, you would see that there arent that many people on the right calling for his head.
If you could park your partisan hatred for five seconds and pay attention, you would see that there arent that many people on the right calling for his head.

That it might be him is enough. There are thousands of qualified people wanting the job and he serves at our pleasure. We don't owe him anything. We don't need him. He's a replaceable part. Buh bye.

People act like he's their ****ing benefactor. He's a politician.
The bolded is certainly possible, but if true, why wouldnt he have just come right out and said that from the start?

Based on the press conference the other day I'd say that Northam isn't exactly the brightest bulb on the tree. Maybe the pic was in the yearbook as a mistake and he really didn't remember so he just blurted out whatever came to mind first.
I have yet to see any demonstrable proof that either individual is Northam. He now totally denies it

If one of the individuals in the picture IS Northam, then who is the other individual? S/he would be an eyewitness.

Northam has handled this incident like a pud, but I dislike convicting on supposition.
If you could park your partisan hatred for five seconds and pay attention, you would see that there arent that many people on the right calling for his head.

Really?????...Fox News has done segment after segment...Even that idiot trump has weighed in.....FAIL
I have my own motivations and couldn't give two ****s about what the "far right" and whatever you perceive "far left" to be think about it.

Can't figure out the who these extremists on both sides are?.....Still he is NOT resigning...Move on
Based on the press conference the other day I'd say that Northam isn't exactly the brightest bulb on the tree. Maybe the pic was in the yearbook as a mistake and he really didn't remember so he just blurted out whatever came to mind first.

I wonder if the people in the pic will actually step forward
Can't figure out the who these extremists on both sides are?.....Still he is NOT resigning...Move on

Franken didn't resign until he did.
Many of the allegations against Franken were false....He should have stood his ground....

I actually agree with you there. Franken did nothing that should have caused him to resign. And I dont think Northam has either. You guys want to purge these people from your ranks, thats your business.
If it wasn't him, he would immediately have said so.

If he'd only been in blackface the one time, while in a dance competition, he would have immediately said so.

The conclusion is that this is probably something he did more than once. Which means that particular photo isn't exactly critical to the situation anymore.

"Someone else wore similar pants" isn't exactly convincing evidence to the contrary.
This is what I keep coming back to. Northam went to great pains to tell us what a vivid memory he has. He remembered the pains of doing blackface with just some smears of shoe polish, which is way less than the thick, shiny tar face in the photo. How does one remember one, and not the other?
I wonder if the people in the pic will actually step forward

In this political climate? If they have a thimble full of common sense they won't.

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