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MH17 pilot audio and flight data recorder, why is this not public? (1 Viewer)

Why is MH17 black box data delayed?

  • The delay is indicative of skullduggery.

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Not really Mike.

To my knowledge Dave Fagan never posts here at CT. Certainly he is not a regular, and I do not recall ever seeing a thread of his in the CT section.

Yet he starts a thread regarding the black boxes of MH 17, and it's placed in the CT section. Seems odd to me. Maybe the military section, maybe General Politics, but CT?

Was refering to VT not the poster DFagen.

VT editor has admited that 30-40% of what they post is lies.
(and not that they post the lies of the govt. That VT itself even in editorial post junk).

I expect though you believe VT post nothing but the truth in all it posts.
What a pathetic response Mike.

You are either not paying attention to what's been happening on this thread, or......
Has anyone noticed that the MH17 story has completely dropped out of Western Mainstream Brainstream Media since the data recorders turned up. No leaks, no nothin'. Seems damn peculiar to me. Almost like a Media black hole is being created because the data does not fit the pre-ordained propaganda that this plane was shot down by a SAM missile. Like the Mythical Russian armored "allegedely" destroyed by Ukraine. I want to resurrect this post because I think its' premise will be justified by forthcoming facts and the insult of having it described as a Conspiracy Theory will be very public.

What is there new to report?

Exactly right Dave.

The western media (read Pentagon) is stone-cold silent on the story now.

The way I see it, the ball is now in the court of the international community, especially the Dutch.

Flight Data Recorders were heavily manipulated or made from whole cloth in the case of UA77. Will the same happen with MH17?

I hope not.

I don't trust the Dutch, but I'm thinking the Malaysians may demand an honest report. That last $40 billion deal between the Netherlands and the US Federal Reserve indicated some strong covert ties. If you were a gov't and knew the data recorders were not going to support your case, the gov't/s would do everything in their power to drown the Media. Since the Media looks pretty inept in this issue already, anything can happen. The longer thye can delay, the better their chances that reader won't remember the previous details, like the bogus audio, tape and social media proofs presented by those gov'ts.
Serious Conflicts of Interest in MH17 Investigation led by Dutch Safety Board | nsnbc international

"The DSB stated that this data is currently being compared and will subsequently be analyzed. It adds, that it is unclear whether this information could be supplemented with information from further investigations at the crash site, citing the changed safety situation in Ukraine as reason.

It is noteworthy that the military forces loyal to the post-coup government in the Ukrainian capital Kiev have intensified their military campaign in the region since the crash of MAS MH17 causing a state of emergency in several Russian regions due to the displaced, predominantly ethic Russian or Russian-speaking population. The number of Ukrainian refugees who have been displaced and fled to Russia is estimated to be about 480,000.

The DSB adds in its press release that to “date, under Ukrainian supervision, only a few investigators were able to briefly visit the crash site”.

The statement is in direct conflict with previous statements issued by both the Malaysian government, Malaysian air-crash investigators and OSCE observers who praised the local authorities in the rebelling Donetsk People’s Republic for their cooperation."

I would reccommend reading the entire article. It was dated August 11 and said the report would be out in a week. That would have been yesterday 18 August, but time will tell.

nsnbc.me, or nsnbc ìnternational
, is a lowercase alternative news site created in 2013 by a Danish man named Christoff Lehmann as a replacement for his blog.[1] The website is one of the more professional-looking crank sites. However, under the shiny exterior, the website supports a wide range of conspiracy theories and woo.

nsnbc features articles supporting 9/11 conspiracy theories,[2][3] FEMA concentration camps,[2][4] Bilderberg conspiracies,[2][5] Zionist conspiracies,[6] Rothschild conspiracies,[6] Monsanto conspiracies,[7] Séralini's discredited rat study,[8] vaccine-induced autism,[9] fluoride conspiracies,[10] and cancer woo.[11]

nsnbc.me - RationalWiki

You're like a wet sponge that has soaked up all the Mainstream Brainstream Media blather. If I were you, I would prepare myself for some truth, although it makes no difference to me whether you know anything or not, eh?
You're like a wet sponge that has soaked up all the Mainstream Brainstream Media blather. If I were you, I would prepare myself for some truth, although it makes no difference to me whether you know anything or not, eh?

interesting. I though the same about you and the sources you use.

Bet you like VeternsToday also:mrgreen:

What one should do is look a a variety of sources. Then determine who is more likely giving the straight facts. imo, all news spins the material.
My bet it was almost brand-spanking-new Sukoi 25, or a flight of them. Probably they got a missile hit on one engine, and cannon fire across the wing to the cockpit.

You bet that because you have some sort of evidence of it being air to air and from what aircraft type?

Hitting one engine with a missile would have also ruptured the wing tanks and the aircraft would be on fire. There'd be no need to then strafe it.
Information Clearing House? Really, Dude?


With acronyms like NWO_spook and Mossad Zioshill you would think you could contribute one iota of content about this thread and you have contributed Nada. Keep up the good work. Really, Dude!

Commercial content that is bought and paid for spins more and nonstop. A/K/A, the Mianstream Media. That's what the Media sells. They don't even need investigative reporters anymore because they can get lots of print/slant/audio/video from their sponsors, don't ya' know?
With acronyms like NWO_spook and Mossad Zioshill you would think you could contribute one iota of content about this thread and you have contributed Nada. Keep up the good work. Really, Dude!

Why ? You quote one of the worst sources one could possibly use, so, in effect, there is nothing to contribute to. Keep up the poor work.

Yes, but cetain alternative news sites play to a certain reader group.

VT admits 30-40% of their content is false.

While a smaller dollar amount, even sites like VT and yours sell adds and make money.
Why ? You quote one of the worst sources one could possibly use, so, in effect, there is nothing to contribute to. Keep up the poor work.

Once again you have failed to contribute one iota to content. Did you know the lovely audio on the shootdown was time/date/stamped a day before the event? Pardon me, bur your contributions clearly indicate what you know.
Yes, but cetain alternative news sites play to a certain reader group.

VT admits 30-40% of their content is false.

While a smaller dollar amount, even sites like VT and yours sell adds and make money.

I don't know what VT is, but it clearly must be one of your favorite sources.
Yes, but cetain alternative news sites play to a certain reader group.

VT admits 30-40% of their content is false.

While a smaller dollar amount, even sites like VT and yours sell adds and make money.

'Alternative' media lacks the regulation of the mainstream media, and it merely offers highly biased and unsubstantiated content that is geared toward its audience. Most of it is utter garbage.
Once again you have failed to contribute one iota to content.

No content worthy of contribution.

Did you know the lovely audio on the shootdown was time/date/stamped a day before the event?

LOL, where did you get that snippet from? Information Clearing House? Please explain what this means to you. What does it suggest to you? How do you know it's accurate?

Pardon me, bur your contributions clearly indicate what you know.

Is that so? How do you figure that little bit of unfounded projection?
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I don't know what VT is, but it clearly must be one of your favorite sources.

Veterans Today, an emagazine hosted by the resident nutters Jim Fetzer and Kevin Barrett. It is an 'alternative media' outlet that panders to those predisposed toward 'fringe' theories, much like Information Clearing House, Global Research, Infowars and Prison Planet, among others. Mike exposed some of their lies on a recent thread, so I truly doubt it is one of his favourite sources.
I don't know what VT is, but it clearly must be one of your favorite sources.


nope. it is a site that caters to Conspiracy theories.

Like I said, its good to look at many sites for information.

Its interesting how they all spin the story in a certain direction.
'Alternative' media lacks the regulation of the mainstream media, and it merely offers highly biased and unsubstantiated content that is geared toward its audience. Most of it is utter garbage.


I do find it interesting to see how some spin the story.

The mainly cater to a specific readership.
Why ? You quote one of the worst sources one could possibly use, so, in effect, there is nothing to contribute to. Keep up the poor work.

This thread has a link to the photo of the MH17 cockpit area. I can look at the photo and make conclusions and you can also. I can listen to the Ukrainian issued YouTube audio, issued by Kiev that won't release tower audio or radar tracks, etc. and if they had nothing to hide, they (Kiev) would not have confiscated the tower tapes and disappeared the controller on duty because it would be evidence that would exonerate them. At this point in time, Kiev is the highly probable source for the holes in the cockpit, since it was their aircraft adjacent MH17. On the other hand, there is always the possibility of a meteorite storm of coincidentally same size round rocks, eh? I'm thinking that is what will be deduced by the UK authorities. I mean, it is so obvious, eh? Of course, all those US satellites over Ukraine have total coverage, but, alas, that doesn't seem to be forthcoming. They will definitely show any BUK locations for the time and date and the license plate numbers of any nearby vehicles. The only reason I can think that the US would not release these satellite photos is to protect Kiev, the likely culprit, don't ya' know?

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