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Merry Christmas Everyone! (1 Viewer)



To all of my friends at Debatepolitics I'd like to with you a Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!


We all love our country and want to see it be the best it can be, even if we have different ideas on how to get there. The fact that we can enjoy this debate is one of the reasons that makes America so great.

Here's to a peaceful 2006!
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hipsterdufus said:
To all of my friends at Debatepolitics I'd like to with you a Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!

I'm deeply offended that you have declared war on Kwanzaa by wishing me Happy Holidays. :lol:
Hmph. I prefer to be wished a Happy Christmas. But whatever floats your boat, man. :mrgreen:
Have an excellent holiday or vacation!

Everyone knows this is just a prelude to the real celebration that is my birthday in February...:cool:
cnredd said:
Everyone knows this is just a prelude to the real celebration that is my birthday in February...:cool:

...Are you Jesus?
Engimo said:
...Are you Jesus?
No, but I have been known to work miracles...

I can make an On-Cor lasagna disappear, and I 've been known to turn my paycheck into beer...:cool:
cnredd said:
Everyone knows this is just a prelude to the real celebration that is my birthday in February...:cool:

Which is just a prelude to MY birthday in March....:mrgreen:
Stace said:
Which is just a prelude to MY birthday in March....:mrgreen:

Which could be a prelude or sequel to my birthday.. which is also in March!
(Aries are the sexiest of them all).

Conflict said:
Which could be a prelude or sequel to my birthday.. which is also in March!
(Aries are the sexiest of them all).


I guess it'd have to be a prelude, 'cause I'm a Pisces...and sorry, but WE'RE the sexiest of all.
April- Aries, definitely the sexiest!
independent_thinker2002 said:
April- Aries, definitely the sexiest!

Come on now, do you have to rain on my parade like that? I dealt with enough rain today, thank you very much....:(
Merry Christmas, happy holidays, and happy new year!

Hope that it doesn't get to cold in the Northern hemisphere, its going to be 36c, tomorrow, where i live in Australia! Might have to have a beer.


Nobody has the bad boy act down like us Aries.. we just have that cool yet hot confidence that ignites the fire of our carnal interest... It's the prowess of fire.... The God of war... the truth in conviction. You know you want us. :rofl
It is obvious the answer to being the absolute sexiest is between pisces and aries.

Exactly. Those of us on the cusp are truely the sexiest.

The emotional aspect of pisces and the bold directness of aries. We can cuddle when needed or grab the lampshade and monkey bars - and be happy with both! :shock:

vauge said:
It is obvious the answer to being the absolute sexiest is between pisces and aries.

Exactly. Those of us on the cusp are truely the sexiest.

The emotional aspect of pisces and the bold directness of aries. We can cuddle when needed or grab the lampshade and monkey bars - and be happy with both! :shock:

222...The cuspiest of them all!...:cool:
Australianlibertarian said:
Merry Christmas, happy holidays, and happy new year!

Hope that it doesn't get to cold in the Northern hemisphere, its going to be 36c, tomorrow, where i live in Australia! Might have to have a beer.

That's not fair!....

Pulling out the "beer and good weather" card will get you nowhere!...;)
Conflict said:

Nobody has the bad boy act down like us Aries.. we just have that cool yet hot confidence that ignites the fire of our carnal interest... It's the prowess of fire.... The God of war... the truth in conviction. You know you want us. :rofl

Well, gee, when you put it that way....*swoon*

But, you know....Pisces are intuitive creatures...not to mention compassionate, selfless, kind....

.....and secretive.....

and we're all about feelings.....so many feeeeeelllllliiiinnnnnggggsssss......
You two are aware.....the only reason you are so damn sexy is because the Libras allow it to be so. All things are made in the mind of the Libra.
Well, I am a Virgo and that makes me the very symbol of earthly purity. :tink:

Hey.....who's that laughing?
Merry Christmas, happy Chanukah and general season's greetings to everyone!

About astrology - hah, I own you all. In the Chinese zodiac, I'm a dragon. :mrgreen:
HA! You wanna talk sexy? I was born in August, which means that I'm an august baby, which means I don't know anything about my astrological sign because while you guys were learning things about them and arguing over what sign was sexier, I was out getting laid.

so ha.:lol:
RightatNYU said:
HA! You wanna talk sexy? I was born in August, which means that I'm an august baby, which means I don't know anything about my astrological sign because while you guys were learning things about them and arguing over what sign was sexier, I was out getting laid.

so ha.:lol:

Well, I didn't have to learn anything, 'cause I already knew....Astrology has always been an interest of mine.

Secondly, I don't have to worry about when I'm getting laid, so.....yeah.:mrgreen:

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