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Member pic thread! (1 Viewer)

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DP Veteran
Jul 19, 2005
Reaction score
Political Leaning
it is me!

post yer pics!


  • 70021140607_0_ALB.jpg
    13.1 KB · Views: 179
I won't make you guys suffer the thumbnail.

Edit: Sorry all - had no choice. lol

*stickie thread*


  • vauge.jpg
    36.6 KB · Views: 365
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Oh my god vague, you look exactly as I pictured you! Well, I mean, not exactly cause that would be very "the call is coming from inside the house"...but close

Deegan, are you doing the pistol finger? I thought there was a reason people stopped doing it...:mrgreen:

So I'm already in my avatar...but here's another...same party, but bigger.

Holy crap, that was a pain in the ass. Is there an easier way to post pictures here?


  • 88799514308_0_ALB.jpg
    15.8 KB · Views: 318
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vauge said:
I won't make you guys suffer the thumbnail.

Pic of me.

I get this when I click "pic of me"...

cnredd, you do not have permission to access this page. This could be due to one of several reasons:

1. Your user account may not have sufficient privileges to access this page. Are you trying to edit someone else's post, access administrative features or some other privileged system?
2. If you are trying to post, the administrator may have disabled your account, or it may be awaiting activation.

#2 seems a little doubtful...considering you are READING THIS....
lol - I will up a thumb. That was posted in the mod area some time ago. I guess that proves the permission system is working.

Kelzie said:
Oh my god vague, you look exactly as I pictured you! Well, I mean, not exactly cause that would be very "the call is coming from inside the house"...but close
Studly devil aren't I? :twisted:

j/k, from that angle it makes me look like 3 million lbs. (unsure of the actual weight conversion for you metric folks)

Deeg, are you a copper? That is too cool.
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vauge said:
lol - I will up a thumb. That was posted in the mod area some time ago. I guess that proves the permission system is working.

Studly devil aren't I? :twisted:

j/k, from that angle it makes me look like 3 million lbs. (unsure of the actual weight conversion for you metric folks)

Deeg, are you a copper? That is too cool.

Hahaha, no, that's my friends badge, he works homocide.:shock:

I'm just your average sales exc., that picture was taken at my last high school reunion, and I had downed more then my fair share of drinks.:3oops:
There you go, I fixed it for you.

Still no worky for me. :(

Wait... maybe that is a good thing.
Socialist have large fangs, giant ears, and say "muahahah" alot - right? *scary*
vauge said:
Still no worky for me. :(

Wait... maybe that is a good thing.
Socialist have large fangs, giant ears, and say "muahahah" alot - right? *scary*

Fixed it again.

Here's my cat, he's a big Bears fan......

Those eyes are trippy man.

Possesd Bears fan! Auh... run for your lives. lol

galenrox, did you just come out of the closet?
That's just the flash, my cat is very handsome I'll have you know!;)

I can't believe nobody thought of this thread before..
while we're at it..

Here's my kitty witty smitty litty skitty...

Arch Enemy said:
Fixed it again.


Why is my pic retarded? I want to post some of my little sibs, but I'm scared now...

Thnx for fixing BTW...
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vauge said:
Still no worky for me. :(

Wait... maybe that is a good thing.
Socialist have large fangs, giant ears, and say "muahahah" alot - right? *scary*

Well...I don't know about the fangs and ears...but I do say muahahah a lot...it's the influence of the Count on Sesame Street I think...I quote Dora the Explorer a lot too...oldest of six kids. What can I do?
Kelzie said:
I quote Dora the Explorer a lot too...oldest of six kids.
Egads, my Tivo is full of her.

I'm the map, I'm the map, I'm the maaaap.
Lurk, register, post on Debate Politics
Lurk, register, post on Debate Politics

vauge said:
Egads, my Tivo is full of her.

I'm the map, I'm the map, I'm the maaaap.
Lurk, register, post on Debate Politics
Lurk, register, post on Debate Politics


"Swiper, no swiping!" is my fave!! :mrgreen:
Very strange vauge...

It appears I am your "little" brother...

Wow that is eerie...
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