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Melania calls for top WH aide to be fired (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Jul 13, 2017
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Slightly Liberal
Good for her! Make Melania great again!! Love her!
First lady Melania Trump, through a statement released by her spokeswoman, pushed for the ouster of deputy national security adviser Mira Ricardel CNN's Kate Bennett reports. Source: CNN

If Michelle Obama did this there would be so much faux outrage.

I can't say how much of the outrage would have been feigned, but there's no denying there'd have been an abundance of outrage had Mrs. Obama done the same.
Happy wife, happy life
After looking, there seem to be a few dismissals from the NSC.

Rich Higgins-SEP17
Jennifer Arangio-JUL-18

This is the first one called for by the East Wing.

Entirely inappropriate, imo. If FLOTUS wants someone gone, it should have been handled in-house. But nothing shocks anymore.
Reminiscent of Nancy Reagan and CoS Don Regan and the “astrologists.”

Wonder what Bolton’s position is, this is supposed to be his top deputy......
First lady Melania Trump, through a statement released by her spokeswoman, pushed for the ouster of deputy national security adviser Mira Ricardel CNN's Kate Bennett reports. Source: CNN


If Michelle Obama did this there would be so much faux outrage.

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She must have read one of Hillary's books about her time as FLOTUS and now thinks she's Co-President.
Ok. That was funny.

HRC Dictator.

I've heard from a handful of military insiders about the atmosphere of the Clinton WH, none of them good. I retired in 1998, so haven't heard much since then, but I doubt her personality changed much since then.
I've heard from a handful of military insiders about the atmosphere of the Clinton WH, none of them good. I retired in 1998, so haven't heard much since then, but I doubt her personality changed much since then.

What does any of this gossip about HRC have to do with the OP? Did HRC ever issue a notice from her office that someone be fired?

I wouldn’t care if she privately told her husband to fire someone. I just don’t get this official statement. It’s not her job.

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What does any of this gossip about HRC have to do with the OP? Did HRC ever issue a notice from her office that someone be fired?

I wouldn’t care if she privately told her husband to fire someone. I just don’t get this official statement. It’s not her job.

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It's related by the fact the actions of the present FLOTUS aren't any different than past FLOTUS's.
What does any of this gossip about HRC have to do with the OP? Did HRC ever issue a notice from her office that someone be fired?

I wouldn’t care if she privately told her husband to fire someone. I just don’t get this official statement. It’s not her job.

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Why did you find it necessary to bring up Mrs. Obama in your OP? You opened the door to First Lady actions and certainly Mrs. Rodham Clinton has had her share of involvement, such as Travelgate.
On the same note, Melania has now officially changed the name of her bully campaign to Be Bitch.
Yeah, this could have been done quietly, but she released a statement on wanting the lady fired...sounds personal.
Yeah, this could have been done quietly, but she released a statement on wanting the lady fired...sounds personal.

Agreed, but is it only about the #2 in the NSA? Maybe Melania is sending a message to her husband that she wants out, one way or another and this is just the first salvo?
What does any of this gossip about HRC have to do with the OP? Did HRC ever issue a notice from her office that someone be fired?

I wouldn’t care if she privately told her husband to fire someone. I just don’t get this official statement. It’s not her job.

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Hillary Clinton At Core of Travel Office Case
"Foster regularly informed me that the First Lady was concerned and desired action -- the action desired was the firing of the travel office staff. On Friday, when I was in Memphis, Foster told me that it was important that I speak directly with the First Lady that day."

He wrote that he had called Mrs. Clinton that evening and that she had conveyed "her desire for swift and clear action to resolve the situation.""

"the dismissals were precipitously pushed through almost entirely at Mrs. Clinton's insistence, despite his preference for a gradual reorganization.

He would have resisted, he said, but he was afraid of dismissal.

In explaining that fear, Mr. Watkins referred to an earlier incident in which he said Mrs. Clinton had become furious over his failure to transfer Secret Service agents whom she blamed for disclosing an unflattering story to a news magazine."

Alzheimers must be a burdensome cross...God Bless
She must have read one of Hillary's books about her time as FLOTUS and now thinks she's Co-President.

At least Hilary was a natural born American and not someone who married a large millionaire for citizenship.

I didn't like Hillary calling any shots while her husband was President. In fact, I found it offensive and appalling. But in retrospect, at least she was a lawyer. A Slovenian immigrant nude porn model shouldn't be playing politics. Wouldn't you agree?
Yeah, this could have been done quietly, but she released a statement on wanting the lady fired...sounds personal.

I think it's worse than just personal. She apparently raised the issue privately with the President several times and he refused to do anything about it so she went over his head - or around him - to force the issue.
That's wrong on so many levels.
At least Hilary was a natural born American and not someone who married a large millionaire for citizenship.

I didn't like Hillary calling any shots while her husband was President. In fact, I found it offensive and appalling. But in retrospect, at least she was a lawyer. A Slovenian immigrant nude porn model shouldn't be playing politics. Wouldn't you agree?

Wives of Presidents have always influenced their husbands. Nature of the beast.
This person does seem to rub people the wrong way

Ricardel most recently feuding with members of the first lady's staff over her trip to Africa. One person familiar with the matter said Ricardel quarreled with the first lady's staff over seating on the plane and use of National Security Council resources.

A White House official accused Ricardel of being dishonest about the feud and subsequently leaking stories to try to cover her behavior.

And before her spat with the East Wing, Ricardel butted heads repeatedly with Defense Secretary Jim Mattis, a rivalry that was well-known within the Trump administration. Her disputes with Mattis preceded her time as deputy national security adviser, going back to the presidential transition when Ricardel sought to block Mattis from hiring certain people who had been critical of Trump or were viewed as insufficiently loyal to Trump.

Tensions had also been rising between Ricardel and chief of staff John Kelly and his deputy Zach Fuentes in recent weeks, according to people familiar with the matter. Kelly and Fuentes believe Ricardel was leaking negative stories about them to the press, the people said.

Even one NSC official who said they liked Ricardel said she "liked to pick fights with a lot of different folks" and suspected her latest feud with the first lady's office was "the last straw."

At least Hilary was a natural born American and not someone who married a large millionaire for citizenship.

I didn't like Hillary calling any shots while her husband was President. In fact, I found it offensive and appalling. But in retrospect, at least she was a lawyer. A Slovenian immigrant nude porn model shouldn't be playing politics. Wouldn't you agree?

Well, at least we know you support the border wall and want all immigrant blocked. You could add that to standing on a soap box with a bullhorn in one hand and Bible in the other screaming at people of how they are going to hell for sex sins.

What are your credentials for playing politics?

PS. Post links to some of your messages attacking Stormy Daniels.
This person does seem to rub people the wrong way

Ricardel most recently feuding with members of the first lady's staff over her trip to Africa. One person familiar with the matter said Ricardel quarreled with the first lady's staff over seating on the plane and use of National Security Council resources.

A White House official accused Ricardel of being dishonest about the feud and subsequently leaking stories to try to cover her behavior.

And before her spat with the East Wing, Ricardel butted heads repeatedly with Defense Secretary Jim Mattis, a rivalry that was well-known within the Trump administration. Her disputes with Mattis preceded her time as deputy national security adviser, going back to the presidential transition when Ricardel sought to block Mattis from hiring certain people who had been critical of Trump or were viewed as insufficiently loyal to Trump.

Tensions had also been rising between Ricardel and chief of staff John Kelly and his deputy Zach Fuentes in recent weeks, according to people familiar with the matter. Kelly and Fuentes believe Ricardel was leaking negative stories about them to the press, the people said.

Even one NSC official who said they liked Ricardel said she "liked to pick fights with a lot of different folks" and suspected her latest feud with the first lady's office was "the last straw."


This probably all true; as has been posted before, this could/should have been handled discreetly. Melania and her “office” have no business publically weighing in on NSC staffing....
Well, at least we know you support the border wall and want all immigrant blocked. You could add that to standing on a soap box with a bullhorn in one hand and Bible in the other screaming at people of how they are going to hell for sex sins.

What are your credentials for playing politics?

PS. Post links to some of your messages attacking Stormy Daniels.

Is this stupid post supposed to mean something, or did you just stumble into the wrong thread and puke up this off topic nonsense?

My post wasn't about the border wall and blocking immigration or Stormy Daniels. It was about Mrs. Trump and Mrs. Clinton acing like the co-Presidents. I also am not playing politics. Unless you think I'm Mrs. Trump, and you're going to PM me asking for more nudie pictures? You can't find the photos of her flashing her private parts all over the internet.
On the same note, Melania has now officially changed the name of her bully campaign to Be Bitch.

You could look at Melania and see that one of her “modes” was “bitch!”

Cross her enough and wake up a eunuch..........
At least Hilary was a natural born American and not someone who married a large millionaire for citizenship.

I didn't like Hillary calling any shots while her husband was President. In fact, I found it offensive and appalling. But in retrospect, at least she was a lawyer. A Slovenian immigrant nude porn model shouldn't be playing politics. Wouldn't you agree?

No, I don't agree. FLOTUS isn't an elected position and has no official powers. The idiots who whined about Michelle don't realize that fact and now we have the flip-side.

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