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Media Freaks When Donald Trump Jokes About the Second Amendment,.... (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Jan 10, 2015
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Southern Oregon
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....Stays Silent When HIS Life Is Threatened

The lamestream media cartel is FREAKING OUT that Donald Trump made a casual joke about Second Amendment unity during a campaign rally on Tuesday.

Media elit-o-crats insisted that Trump was calling on Hillary Clinton to be assassinated if she’s elected so she can’t nominate anti-Second Amendment liberal justices to the Supreme Court.

The media was too blind to realize that Trump was actually talking about the Constitutional “power of unification,” as his campaign clearly clarified.
Media Freaks When Donald Trump Jokes About Gun Unity, Stays Silent When HIS Life Is Threatened | Heat Street
So what are the "second amendment people" going to do if Trump doesn't win?
calling for your opponent to be assassinated is politically incorrect
As a former director of the CIA pointed out, if someone else had said that at an event, he'd be in the back of a police wagon being interrogated by the Secret Service.
....Stays Silent When HIS Life Is Threatened

The lamestream media cartel is FREAKING OUT that Donald Trump made a casual joke about Second Amendment unity during a campaign rally on Tuesday.

WHAT!!!? Leftists hyperventilate?!? Nah, say it ain't so. LOL

It's a wonder leftists aren't dropping like flies from strokes and heart attacks. Leftists are like china. Very fragile.
....Stays Silent When HIS Life Is Threatened

The lamestream media cartel is FREAKING OUT that Donald Trump made a casual joke about Second Amendment unity during a campaign rally on Tuesday.

Media elit-o-crats insisted that Trump was calling on Hillary Clinton to be assassinated if she’s elected so she can’t nominate anti-Second Amendment liberal justices to the Supreme Court.

The media was too blind to realize that Trump was actually talking about the Constitutional “power of unification,” as his campaign clearly clarified.
Media Freaks When Donald Trump Jokes About Gun Unity, Stays Silent When HIS Life Is Threatened | Heat Street

I have to say, it's rather amusing to see your desperation in action.

1) Presidents and candidates occasionally receive death threats. It happens. It rarely receives national media attention, nor should it.

2) Trump displayed, yet again, his total lack of fitness for public office. Given that he is running for public office, and that he had plenty of advance notice that every tiny thing he does will incur scrutiny, he still displays a stunning lack of self-control and awareness.

And no, just because enough Republican primary voters gave him a pass to get him the candidacy, does not mean the entire voting public of the US is willing (or obligated) to do so as well.

3) Trump's own campaign belly-flopped when it had to explain this new mess. They don't have a consistent explanation, because it was Trump making an off-the-cuff irresponsible attempt at a joke.

4) There is no such thing as a "constitutional power of unity."
This just goes to show the liberal mindset, Trump obviously meant that people that support the 2nd will vote against Hillary to keep her from appointing a gun grabber SC Justice, but to a liberal anyone that supports the 2nd is a mass murderer and Trump wants Hillary assassinated.
As a former director of the CIA pointed out, if someone else had said that at an event, he'd be in the back of a police wagon being interrogated by the Secret Service.

Really? And yet the SS charged with protecting candidates let a known terrorist sit behind Clinton waiving a tiny flag for a country he hates. Not a lot of faith in their ability to react to the obvious.
As a former director of the CIA pointed out, if someone else had said that at an event, he'd be in the back of a police wagon being interrogated by the Secret Service.

Trump in no way said he wanted Hillary assassinated, although considering all the mysterious deaths surrounding the Clinton Crime Family Karma wouldn't be bad.
This just goes to show the liberal mindset, Trump obviously meant that people that support the 2nd will vote against Hillary to keep her from appointing a gun grabber SC Justice, but to a liberal anyone that supports the 2nd is a mass murderer and Trump wants Hillary assassinated.

So that's why the people sitting behind him at his rally flinched, made faces, and then laughed after he said that - because they flinch and laugh at the idea of the 2nd Amendment supporters voting for him?

Is that why he said "I don't know...." after he said those words? Because he doesn't really know if the 2nd Amendment supporters should cast votes against Hillary?
Really? And yet the SS charged with protecting candidates let a known terrorist sit behind Clinton waiving a tiny flag for a country he hates. Not a lot of faith in their ability to react to the obvious.

A known terrorist?
Trump in no way said he wanted Hillary assassinated, although considering all the mysterious deaths surrounding the Clinton Crime Family Karma wouldn't be bad.

Hey! Tell it to everyone around the world who heard it precisely that way.
....Stays Silent When HIS Life Is Threatened

The lamestream media cartel is FREAKING OUT that Donald Trump made a casual joke about Second Amendment unity during a campaign rally on Tuesday.

Media elit-o-crats insisted that Trump was calling on Hillary Clinton to be assassinated if she’s elected so she can’t nominate anti-Second Amendment liberal justices to the Supreme Court.

The media was too blind to realize that Trump was actually talking about the Constitutional “power of unification,” as his campaign clearly clarified.
Media Freaks When Donald Trump Jokes About Gun Unity, Stays Silent When HIS Life Is Threatened | Heat Street

Making an assassination threat isn't a joke.

You have entered the cult phase, where your cult leader can do no wrong, and you will always defend him, like an automaton.
"Hillary wants to abolish -- essentially abolish the Second Amendment. By the way, if she gets to pick, if she gets to pick her judges, nothing you can do, folks. Although the Second Amendment people, maybe there is, I don't know," Trump said.

So if Hillary is in office and gets to pick her judges the "second amendment people" will do what? I've seen vote, which doesn't make sense, and I've seen unify which I guess are protests. Granted it is Trump so he probably doesn't know how the process works, but it doesn't sound good.
Really? And yet the SS charged with protecting candidates let a known terrorist sit behind Clinton waiving a tiny flag for a country he hates. Not a lot of faith in their ability to react to the obvious.
As someone once said, "A known terrorist?"
Really? And yet the SS charged with protecting candidates let a known terrorist sit behind Clinton waiving a tiny flag for a country he hates. Not a lot of faith in their ability to react to the obvious.

To Democrats ISIS supporters aren't terrorists, they just people that need jobs. He was there to support Clinton's jobs program.
Don't play gotcha games with me Tres. I clarified my statement with a link.

No you didn't. Your link contains no acts of terrorism the man committed. I know what his son did. I know he was at the Clinton rally. I know Muslims are anti-gay. I'm asking for something to back up your claim that he is a "known terrorist". That isn't a gotcha game. That's what we do on this board - back up our claims.
He's a known Taliban supporter. His YouTube videos denounce the United States and call for his God to punish gays. Why Was the Orlando Terrorist’s Pro-Taliban Dad Invited to Stand with Hillary? - Fox Nation

I kind of hate to take part in a derail away from little boy Trump calling on his 2nd Amendment people to take care of ol' Hillary, but ....
CBS News said:
After watching his videos -- none of which were recorded in English -- CBS News' Ahmad Mukhtar said it seemed possible that Seddique Mateen is delusional. "He thinks he runs a government in exile and will soon take the power in Kabul in a revolution," notes Mukhtar.
And his claim that it's not for humans to punish gays, it is for God to do so sounds like something out of the mouths of some of our esteemed posters here on site. ;)

Fairly interesting article:

Orlando shooting gunman Omar Mateen father Seddique Mateen a Taliban supporter says God will punish gays - CBS News

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