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Meanwhile in Russia... (1 Viewer)

Starting to look like Putin is going to be in for some serious troubles.

Good. But I wonder how much weight and influence such protests in Russia have on Putin.
This whole thing is about to spiral outta control.
Just wait until the international sanctions start to impact the Russian people. His troubles have only just begun.
this is gonna be a 15-20 year financial war.
this is bad, this is a bad response. If putin feels like he has nothing to lose, why wouldn't he just say "**** it" and nuke everyone?

Wonder if the military commanders would follow Putin's orders to release a large scale nuclear attack?
I suspect maybe the top generals would give the order. Not so sure all of the lower commanders and soldiers would.
Good. But I wonder how much weight and influence such protests in Russia have on Putin.
It has to be massive street protests in all major cities calling for him to step down. But even then a lot of people will get hurt, killed, and arrested.
this is bad, this is a bad response. If putin feels like he has nothing to lose, why wouldn't he just say "**** it" and nuke everyone?
Oh my aren't they big tough guys grabbing the women!
this is gonna be a 15-20 year financial war.
I'd be surprised if all the billionaire oligarchs will allow his flights of fancy to drain their funds for that long. I think Russia will be out of Ukraine by 2026-2027.
Wonder if the military commanders would follow Putin's orders to release a large scale nuclear attack?
I suspect maybe the top generals would give the order. Not so sure all of the lower commanders and soldiers would.
knowing the consequences of disobeying putin, why wouldn't they? We only kick soldiers out if they don't do their duty. Russia......they don't even talk about it.
knowing the consequences of disobeying putin, why wouldn't they? We only kick soldiers out if they don't do their duty. Russia......they don't even talk about it.
Just maybe the Russian military would take out Putin if he ordered a nuclear strike.
Just maybe the Russian military would take out Putin if he ordered a nuclear strike.

One would like to believe so, but many in the Russian military are as ideologically indoctrinated and paranoid as the KGB Colonel.
It's good to see some domestic antiwar protesters in Russia, even if you do fear what might happen to them for doing so. It's interesting too that they still make those protests despite the propaganda they are fed and the dangers they face just for protesting. It's obviously hard to judge the antiwar feeling in Russia precisely because it is an authoritarian society but I would imagine it is significant. Possibly more than the US domestic support for their own illegal attack and regime change war in Iraq? It's an interesting proposition about the effectiveness of the propaganda systems in authoritarian countries and those in the " free" countries. I would like to see Edward Snowdens opinion on it.
this is gonna be a 15-20 year financial war.

With 650 billion reserves? Won't even last him a year with the bills he's racking up.
Oh OOPS!!! Update:

More than half of central bank reserves of Russia will be blocked under new EU sanctions:
More than half of the central bank reserves of Russia will be blocked as part of new EU sanctions against the country, Borrell announced on Sunday.

Guess that nest egg just shrunk by half.
He's already running out of time.
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One would like to believe so, but many in the Russian military are as ideologically indoctrinated and paranoid as the KGB Colonel.
The leadership are probably loyalists. Putzin wouldn't have that any other way.

The rank and file? Not so much. I read on Fox News where parents were complaining their kids were forced to sign up to fight in this folly.

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