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Martha McSally concedes defeat to Kyrsten Sinema in Arizona Senate race (1 Viewer)


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Another flip from red to blue.

Martha McSally concedes defeat to Kyrsten Sinema in Arizona Senate race

Republican Rep. Martha McSally has conceded Arizona's Senate race to Democrat Kyrsten Sinema. McSally made the announcement in a video posted to Twitter. She said: "I just called Kyrsten Sinema and congratulated her on becoming Arizona's first female senator after a hard-fought battle."

The race between Sinema and McSally was one of the most closely watched in the nation. Sinema was declared the winner Monday as her lead grew insurmountable during Arizona's lengthy vote-count, The Associated Press reports.​
Thus far, Republicans have had the best Senate map in a generation and they are up by one seat. If the same Democratic turnout happens in 2020 as in 2018 Republicans will be facing armageddon.
Another flip from red to blue.

Martha McSally concedes defeat to Kyrsten Sinema in Arizona Senate race

Republican Rep. Martha McSally has conceded Arizona's Senate race to Democrat Kyrsten Sinema. McSally made the announcement in a video posted to Twitter. She said: "I just called Kyrsten Sinema and congratulated her on becoming Arizona's first female senator after a hard-fought battle."

The race between Sinema and McSally was one of the most closely watched in the nation. Sinema was declared the winner Monday as her lead grew insurmountable during Arizona's lengthy vote-count, The Associated Press reports.​

There's a good chance she will be appointed to take over McCain's seat after Kyl steps down at the end of the year. Plus it's not that big of a flip since Sinema voted with the Republicans more often then not while in the House.
There's a good chance she will be appointed to take over McCain's seat after Kyl steps down at the end of the year. Plus it's not that big of a flip since Sinema voted with the Republicans more often then not while in the House.

The biggest aspect of it is that it's that one step closer to taking the senate majority.
Thus far, Republicans have had the best Senate map in a generation and they are up by one seat. If the same Democratic turnout happens in 2020 as in 2018 Republicans will be facing armageddon.

TBH though, take a look at the map. There will be far more GOP seats up for election next map for sure but it's not really that advantageous due to their locations.
The biggest aspect of it is that it's that one step closer to taking the senate majority.

IS it really though if she votes with the Republicans more often than not?
TBH though, take a look at the map. There will be far more GOP seats up for election next map for sure but it's not really that advantageous due to their locations.

The 2020 Senate map is not cup of tea for the Democrats.
There's a good chance she will be appointed to take over McCain's seat after Kyl steps down at the end of the year. Plus it's not that big of a flip since Sinema voted with the Republicans more often then not while in the House.

I mean it's pretty big. Republicans were bragging that they picked up some seats in the Senate as proof of a blue wave not existing. The fact that Dems took the house and a bunch of state positions didn't seem to phase them. Now they're losing what they were bragging about. If the other races flip the Senate will be much closer to an even split, and with a democratic house you might start to see some moderate republicans actually have a spine (I'm not hoping on it, though).
Thus far, Republicans have had the best Senate map in a generation and they are up by one seat. If the same Democratic turnout happens in 2020 as in 2018 Republicans will be facing armageddon.

Do not underestimate the ability of the demorat majority in the House to royally screw up by concentrating their efforts on 'investigations' and introducing legislation that has no chance of being passed - Pelosi is already talking about 'gun control'. There is also a distinct possiblility that the demorat's 2020 POTUS candidate will be Hillary, Bernie or Fauxcahontas.
IS it really though if she votes with the Republicans more often than not?

As far as party control of the committees it does.
I mean it's pretty big. Republicans were bragging that they picked up some seats in the Senate as proof of a blue wave not existing. The fact that Dems took the house and a bunch of state positions didn't seem to phase them. Now they're losing what they were bragging about. If the other races flip the Senate will be much closer to an even split, and with a democratic house you might start to see some moderate republicans actually have a spine (I'm not hoping on it, though).

Don't get me wrong, I'm in favor of the pickup. In fact I voted for her. If you asked me if there was a blue wave I'd say yes.

As far as party control of the committees it does.

That's a good point. I didn't think of that. I was thinking more about voting.
True but there was a slew of "retirements" which politicians are notorious for doing when they know they are in for a loss.

Perhaps, I'm not sure how many actually retired as opposed to decided to seek another elected office.
Do not underestimate the ability of the demorat majority in the House to royally screw up by concentrating their efforts on 'investigations' and introducing legislation that has no chance of being passed - Pelosi is already talking about 'gun control'. There is also a distinct possiblility that the demorat's 2020 POTUS candidate will be Hillary, Bernie or Fauxcahontas.

Pelosi says the first legislative order of business will be strengthening voting rights via automatic registration, which will certainly address a good many problems we faced in the last election. That's good, but if she's smart she'll make strengthening of health care protections an immediate second priority.
Democrats will take control of the U.S. House in January with big items topping their legislative to-do list: Remove obstacles to voting, close loopholes in government ethics law and reduce the influence of political money.
Voters Approve Major Changes To Redistricting And Other Voting Laws
Voters Approve Major Changes To Redistricting And Other Voting Laws

Party leaders say the first legislative vote in the House will come on H.R. 1, a magnum opus of provisions that Democrats believe will strengthen U.S. democratic institutions and traditions.

"It's three very basic things that I think the public wants to see," said Rep. John Sarbanes (D-Md.), who spearheads campaign finance and government ethics efforts for the House Democratic Caucus. He said H.R. 1 will "demonstrate that we hear that message loud and clear."

TBH though, take a look at the map. There will be far more GOP seats up for election next map for sure but it's not really that advantageous due to their locations.

And the one Democrat seat the GOP will probably gun for the most is Corny Bonkers.

My guess is they will latch onto his "Spartacus" moment and his admitting to groping a minor. Corny is not going to have fun.
There's a good chance she will be appointed to take over McCain's seat after Kyl steps down at the end of the year. Plus it's not that big of a flip since Sinema voted with the Republicans more often then not while in the House.

No biggy! Sinema she can't be any worse than Flake or McCain from a Republican standpoint & she's kinda good looking for a senator!
No biggy! Sinema she can't be any worse than Flake or McCain from a Republican standpoint & she's kinda good looking for a senator!

my sister in law and several close friends live in Arizona. They all said that the two women running weren't all that different in most areas. I noted that one Gun group had McSally an A and Sinema an F and all of them said that was BS-that Sinema is at worst middle of the road and there was some talk that Sinema claimed she would have supported Kavanaugh. McSally started off as a Flake style anti Trump Republican and then shifted to a Trump slurper late in the campaign but I suspect she gets into the senate anyway. Sort of surprised that in a military heavy state, her military credentials weren't worth more
The 2020 Senate map is not cup of tea for the Democrats.

Actually, it is... its all the 2014 people. The Republicans will be defending 22 seats.


For one, Cory Gardner (CO) is toast in 2020. Colorado is now a solid blue state. He remains the only remaining state-wide elected Republican. Hickenlooper may run against him and it won't be a contest. Others that need sweat a bit are seven senators from purple states, including Susan Collins (ME), the McCain seat in AZ, Joni Ernst (IA), Thom Tillis (NC), Steve Daines (MT), David Purdue (GA) and John Cornyn (TX). The Dems will be defending 11 seats. The only challenge for the Dems will be Doug Jones (AL). The rest of the seats are in pretty solid blue states.... and, if Trump is on the ticket, then 5 or more of the listed people will be gone.
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Actually, it is... its all the 2014 people. The Republicans will be defending 22 seats.


For one, Cory Gardner (CO) is toast in 2020. Colorado is now a solid blue state. He remains the only remaining state-wide elected Republican. Hickenlooper may run against him and it won't be a contest. Others that need sweat a bit are seven senators from purple states, including Susan Collins (ME), the McCain seat in AZ, Joni Ernst (IA), Thom Tillis (NC), Steve Daines (MT), David Purdue (GA) and John Cornyn (TX). The Dems will be defending 11 seats. The only challenge for the Dems will be Doug Jones (AL). The rest of the seats are in pretty solid blue states.... and, if Trump is on the ticket, then 5 or more of the listed people will be gone.

Fingers crossed the dems win the senate in 2020. And if trump is re-elected he will have to deal with a democrat controlled senate AND house. He won't be able to deal with this and will probably resign.
Do not underestimate the ability of the demorat majority in the House to royally screw up by concentrating their efforts on 'investigations' and introducing legislation that has no chance of being passed - Pelosi is already talking about 'gun control'. There is also a distinct possiblility that the demorat's 2020 POTUS candidate will be Hillary, Bernie or Fauxcahontas.

Copied and pasted from Breitbart. I am not accusing plagiarism. Just a lack of original thought. "Fauxcahontas"? Where is my laughy emoji?
And the one Democrat seat the GOP will probably gun for the most is Corny Bonkers.

My guess is they will latch onto his "Spartacus" moment and his admitting to groping a minor. Corny is not going to have fun.

When did it become fashionable to nickname people like we're eight years old?

Oh, now I remember.

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