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Manufacturing a headline.[W:22] (1 Viewer)

Jack Fabulous

Friend Zone
DP Veteran
Jul 17, 2012
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Political Leaning

Is Donald Trump insane?

That’s the question being asked in recent days by prominent columnists, both liberal and conservative, about the Republican presidential nominee.

Apparently, if it is suggested in enough op-eds, this alone is enough to move the "story" from the op-ed section to the hard news section. Donald Trump is a blowhard who doesn't think before he speaks but to openly present as a legitimate news item him as potentially mentally ill based on nothing more than opinion pieces written by political hacks is going too far.

Apparently, if it is suggested in enough op-eds, this alone is enough to move the "story" from the op-ed section to the hard news section. Donald Trump is a blowhard who doesn't think before he speaks but to openly present as a legitimate news item him as potentially mentally ill based on nothing more than opinion pieces written by political hacks is going too far.

Naturally they did not do this "news" summary of the many OPEDs that portray Hillary as a compulsive liar.

Apparently, if it is suggested in enough op-eds, this alone is enough to move the "story" from the op-ed section to the hard news section. Donald Trump is a blowhard who doesn't think before he speaks but to openly present as a legitimate news item him as potentially mentally ill based on nothing more than opinion pieces written by political hacks is going too far.

The power of propaganda. Göebbels would be impressed.

Apparently, if it is suggested in enough op-eds, this alone is enough to move the "story" from the op-ed section to the hard news section. Donald Trump is a blowhard who doesn't think before he speaks but to openly present as a legitimate news item him as potentially mentally ill based on nothing more than opinion pieces written by political hacks is going too far.

Isn't extreme narcissism considered a mental illness?
Narcissistic personality disorder - Mayo Clinic
This is one of the problems I have with our current "News Reporting" process...the massive use of "sling enough mud and some of it will stick" media philosophy to create news rather than simply report it.

I attribute this to the expansion of individual access to internet media sources, so that every yahoo with an ipod is now a frontline reporter or worse, blogger.

We see videos on YouTube, Facebook, and any other cellphone transmission site of "news" events, all for Likes, praise, etc. The mainstream media has to use it or lose out to competitors

The competition for advertising revenue has skyrocketed and our so-called Mainstream Media are following this lead...MAKE news and run with it rather than honest, rational reporting.
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The power of propaganda. Göebbels would be impressed.

2 posts before Hitler comes in. Well done on your patience. I would have expected that to be the number 2 post from you. You must be slowing down.
Perhaps some mental exercise to work the brain may help??
2 posts before Hitler comes in. Well done on your patience. I would have expected that to be the number 2 post from you. You must be slowing down.
Perhaps some mental exercise to work the brain may help??

Nice personal attack...LMAO! You're in the wrong forum. :lamo
Nice personal attack...LMAO! You're in the wrong forum. :lamo

Not personal attack. If you think it is a personal attack, report it. You have my blessing to do so.
Not personal attack. If you think it is a personal attack, report it. You have my blessing to do so.

I'm not going to need to report it, but, surely you know better...right?
I'm not going to need to report it, but, surely you know better...right?

Nothing I posted was inappropriate. Report it. This story line of yours is done with.
2 posts before Hitler comes in. Well done on your patience. I would have expected that to be the number 2 post from you. You must be slowing down.
Perhaps some mental exercise to work the brain may help??

I know, right?
Moderator's Warning:
Stop insulting each other and stick to the OP.
Is that an impeachable offense?

Since the days of Reagan the answer is no, but impeachment will never be required for Trump, it only applies to someone holding office.
Since the days of Reagan the answer is no, but impeachment will never be required for Trump, it only applies to someone holding office.

I meant Obama.
I meant Obama.

I am not as selective as you but then my only Partisan leanings have to do with the good of the Nation, the Parties can stick it as far as I am concerned.

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