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Man who called police on black woman at North Carolina pool no longer has job (1 Viewer)


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The man's employer, packing company Sonoco, said in a tweet Friday that it was made "aware of a terrible incident" at a private community pool.

A white man who called North Carolina police on a black woman who was using a private community pool with her child no longer has a job because of the "terrible incident," his company said Friday.

Global packaging firm Sonoco Products said in a statement that although the Fourth of July incident involving Adam Bloom occurred outside of work, the company does "not condone discrimination of any kind."
It was not clear if he was fired or resigned. But on the bright side, he can now spend a lot more time at that pool.
THAT was racist as hell and he deserved to lose his job.
I don't see anything in that article that sounds like a "terrible incident". From the article, it appears that there was some confusion over the address the woman gave which then lead to additional questions and, ultimately, the inevitable charge of racism.

The man's employer, packing company Sonoco, said in a tweet Friday that it was made "aware of a terrible incident" at a private community pool.

A white man who called North Carolina police on a black woman who was using a private community pool with her child no longer has a job because of the "terrible incident," his company said Friday.

Global packaging firm Sonoco Products said in a statement that although the Fourth of July incident involving Adam Bloom occurred outside of work, the company does "not condone discrimination of any kind."
It was not clear if he was fired or resigned. But on the bright side, he can now spend a lot more time at that pool.

Who has institutional power again? This is outrageous.

Remember conservatives, big business is NOT ON YOUR SIDE!
I don't see anything in that article that sounds like a "terrible incident". From the article, it appears that there was some confusion over the address the woman gave which then lead to additional questions and, ultimately, the inevitable charge of racism.

How many other people were questioned by guy as to see if they belonged in the pool?

If no one else why did he target her? What was different about her compared to others that could have caused him to target her?
How many other people were questioned by guy as to see if they belonged in the pool?

If no one else why did he target her? What was different about her compared to others that could have caused him to target her?

Even if he's completely in the wrong, should he really lose his job for that?
Even if he's completely in the wrong, should he really lose his job for that?

At will employment.

Or do stupid crap that makes your company look bad don't be surprised to lose your job. Social media is the bane of stupid people
At will employment.

Or do stupid crap that makes your company look bad don't be surprised to lose your job. Social media is the bane of stupid people

So he has to lose his livelihood for maybe doing something dumb? You're merciless.
So he has to lose his livelihood for maybe doing something dumb? You're merciless.

A lot of people have for doing non racist ctap why should he be any different.

His stupid act could cost that company money. Why should it continue his employement and take an economic hit from his own stupidity.

More to the point when in public don't do stupid ctap that will make you look like an idiot and get yourself fired.

If you are going to use social media have two accounts a public one and a private one. Use the private one to show pictures of being passed out from drinking or saying your boss is a moron
he should have found a unionized employer

It's amazing how the tolerant left becomes unmerciless and cruel when someone POSSIBLY makes a mistake. It's almost like your talk of "love" is nothing but rhetoric. You just want your enemies jobless and homeless.
A lot of people have for doing non racist ctap why should he be any different.

How many working class guys get fired for getting drunk on the weekend?

His stupid act could cost that company money. Why should it continue his employement and take an economic hit from his own stupidity

Why do you think calling the police means someone should lose their job? What was his crime?
So he has to lose his livelihood for maybe doing something dumb? You're merciless.
He doesn't "have" to lose his job.

But why should his employer take a hit over his actions?

Won't someone think of the employers?
So he has to lose his livelihood for maybe doing something dumb? You're merciless.

Stupid is, as stupid does. When asking for for membership ID and someone shows you their pool pass, and gives you their name and address, then the best idea is to simply say thank you, I was just doing my job.
How many other people were questioned by guy as to see if they belonged in the pool?

If no one else why did he target her? What was different about her compared to others that could have caused him to target her?

That information wasn't in the article. However, since he was the "pool chairman" the development seemed to feel that they had a need for someone to handle that kind of thing. It also appears that at least one other person at the pool was involved and didn't know her.

Look, from time to time I get someone asking me to see my ID when I use a credit card. It doesn't generally occur to me that they think I'm a criminal so they better ask. I tend to think that they are doing their job and, ultimately, protecting my access to my funds. I suppose I could get pissed off and ask them why they need to know but that doesn't get my purchase completed in an expeditious manner. The woman at the pool could have taken things that way but, apparently, she chose to take things differently thus causing an unnecessary fuss.
Stupid is, as stupid does. When asking for for membership ID and someone shows you their pool pass, and gives you their name and address, then the best idea is to simply say thank you, I was just doing my job.

I'd expect that there's more to it. The media has NO credibility when it comes to covering racial disputes.
It's amazing how the tolerant left becomes unmerciless and cruel when someone POSSIBLY makes a mistake. It's almost like your talk of "love" is nothing but rhetoric. You just want your enemies jobless and homeless.

Sonoco Products is The Left™ now?

Why not just blame the people who took the actions instead of getting your bargain basement strawman involved?
How many working class guys get fired for getting drunk on the weekend?

Why do you think calling the police means someone should lose their job? What was his crime?

Re first line. More than a few if they end up posting it on their face book page, or insulted their boss on that page.

He committed no crime, he just made his company look bad because of his stupid crap. That could cost the company money
It's amazing how the tolerant left becomes unmerciless and cruel when someone POSSIBLY makes a mistake. It's almost like your talk of "love" is nothing but rhetoric. You just want your enemies jobless and homeless.

he was an at-will employee. he has no right to the job he lost
which i why i criticized him for not seeking a unionized employer
He doesn't "have" to lose his job.

But why should his employer take a hit over his actions?

Won't someone think of the employers?


Should white anti-apartheid activists have been fired from their jobs in South Africa because those employees cost the company money?
he was an at-will employee. he has no right to the job he lost
which i why i criticized him for not seeking a unionized employer

Should white anti-apartheid activists have been fired from their jobs in South Africa because those employees cost the company money?
Who has institutional power again? This is outrageous.

Remember conservatives, big business is NOT ON YOUR SIDE!

I don’t need “big business” to be on my side. I just need them to want my business and to act like it.
I'd expect that there's more to it. The media has NO credibility when it comes to covering racial disputes.

Yep, there was - the moron then called the police. There should have been no dispute, racial or otherwise, in the first place.
Re first line. More than a few if they end up posting it on their face book page, or insulted their boss on that page.

He committed no crime, he just made his company look bad because of his stupid crap. That could cost the company money

Should white anti-apartheid activists have been fired from their jobs in South Africa because those employees cost the company money?

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