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Man hit by six meteorites is being 'targeted by aliens' (1 Viewer)


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Sep 13, 2007
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Man hit by six meteorites is being 'targeted by aliens'

Man hit by six meteorites is being 'targeted by aliens' | Metro.co.uk

Radivoje Lajic first came to international attention in 2008, shortly after the fifth meteorite had crashed into the roof of his house in the northern village of Gornji Lajici.
And now, within the past month, another rock has hit the roof of his house, in defiance of all the odds - making it six strikes since the plague of meteorites began in 2007.
Experts at Belgrade University have confirmed that all the falling rocks he has handed over were meteorites. They are now trying to work out what exactly it is about his house that particularly attracts them. The strikes always happen when it is raining heavily, he says, never when there are clear skies.
Lajic has his own explanation, of course. After the fifth rock struck his house, he said: 'I am obviously being targeted by extraterrestrials. I don't know what I have done to annoy them but there is no other explanation that makes sense. The chance of being hit by a meteorite is so small that getting hit six times has to be deliberate.'

Is he being targeted by aliens or should he play the lottery..

Your thoughts.
I only saw the following:
Man hit by six meteorites is
and thought the ending might be...
"...feeling like a female Iraqi adulterer."

To point out the obvious... maybe he should move to another house.
The strikes always happen when it is raining heavily, he says, never when there are clear skies.

Obviously, then, they're not all spacial meteorites or else it would happen without the need for a rainstorm: I think he's in the path of a weather phenomena - which happens to involve 'meteorites'

But first and foremost - he's full of **** and it's a hoax, they're not actually hitting his house - what are the odds of that, seriously? What about other people in the surrounding area - anyone at all come across a meteorite in a field of some nature?
To point out the obvious... maybe he should move to another house.

And if he still is being hit by meteorites then its proof that aliens are attacking him :lol:
Actually, I can sort of see the rationale for not moving.

50-year-old Lajic has had a steel girder reinforced roof put on the house to protect it from the alien bombardment - which he funded by selling one of the meteorites to a university in the Netherlands.

There might be some good money in owning a meteor-attracting chunk of land.
Obviously, then, they're not all spacial meteorites or else it would happen without the need for a rainstorm: I think he's in the path of a weather phenomena - which happens to involve 'meteorites'

But first and foremost - he's full of **** and it's a hoax, they're not actually hitting his house - what are the odds of that, seriously? What about other people in the surrounding area - anyone at all come across a meteorite in a field of some nature?

Well, according to the story, scientists have determined that the meteorites are authentic. In which case, they wouldn't be easy to come by.
Well, according to the story, scientists have determined that the meteorites are authentic. In which case, they wouldn't be easy to come by.

No - I'm sure they're authentic, yeah.

But did they all *really* land on his house? That's the part I'm doubting. I think the odds of him coming across them in some other way is higher than the odds of them actually falling on his house - during rainstorms *only*

If they were really pelting the area over the years - there should be at least a few that *didn't* land directly on his house.

If it's a natural phenomena, however, (which is highly likely) I think it's interesting - and the nature and location of the rainstorms/winds/clouds plays a key part. . . just like Red-Rain in Asia.
Shhhh. It's da j00000000s.
Shhhh. It's da j00000000s.


No - I'm sure they're authentic, yeah.

But did they all *really* land on his house? That's the part I'm doubting. I think the odds of him coming across them in some other way is higher than the odds of them actually falling on his house - during rainstorms *only*

Right. If I robbed the Natural History Museum down on campus (not that I would, haha; I love that museum), I could easily obtain forty or fifty authentic meteorites and claim they all fell on my house.
Meteorites are displayed frequently and are sometimes available for purchase. Some people collect them.
There are numerous websites on line where you can order them.
They are also available for purchase on ebay; some of them are less than a hundred dollars. Museum quality ones go for a couple of hundred.

My point is, just because the man has meteorites in his possession is no guarantee he found them... or that they found him, as the case may be.

Unfortunately, there are people in the world who are less than honest, and one must be skeptical of extraordinary claims until they can be verified by outside sources.
Right. If I robbed the Natural History Museum down on campus (not that I would, haha; I love that museum), I could easily obtain forty or fifty authentic meteorites and claim they all fell on my house.
Meteorites are displayed frequently and are sometimes available for purchase. Some people collect them.
There are numerous websites on line where you can order them.
They are also available for purchase on ebay; some of them are less than a hundred dollars. Museum quality ones go for a couple of hundred.

My point is, just because the man has meteorites in his possession is no guarantee he found them... or that they found him, as the case may be.

Unfortunately, there are people in the world who are less than honest, and one must be skeptical of extraordinary claims until they can be verified by outside sources.
One has to wonder how he got enough funds from one meteorite to build his house roof, if some only go for ~100 bucks.

And how he made a profit, if he bought it...

Anyone lose a meteor recently?
Right. If I robbed the Natural History Museum down on campus (not that I would, haha; I love that museum), I could easily obtain forty or fifty authentic meteorites and claim they all fell on my house.
Meteorites are displayed frequently and are sometimes available for purchase. Some people collect them.
There are numerous websites on line where you can order them.
They are also available for purchase on ebay; some of them are less than a hundred dollars. Museum quality ones go for a couple of hundred.

My point is, just because the man has meteorites in his possession is no guarantee he found them... or that they found him, as the case may be.

Unfortunately, there are people in the world who are less than honest, and one must be skeptical of extraordinary claims until they can be verified by outside sources.

Really? I don't really want to derail, but I can't seem to find many people on this forum that have any standards at all for accepting claims.
lottery!!! no second advice needed for that.

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