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Lou Holtz' Speech: "Biden and Others Who Support Abortion Are Catholics In Name Only". [W:111] (1 Viewer)


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Aug 26, 2019
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Lou Holtz' Speech: "Biden and Others Who Support Abortion Are Catholics In Name Only". [W:111]

Lou Holtz calls Joe Biden 'Catholic in name only' during RNC speech

“One of the important reasons [President Donald Trump] has my trust is because nobody is but a stronger advocate for the unborn than President Trump,” Holtz said. “The Biden-Harris ticket is the most radically pro-abortion campaign in history. They and other politicians are Catholics in name only and abandon innocent lives. President Trump protects those lives. I trust President Trump.”

Holtz led into his line about trust in Trump by citing his time at Notre Dame and the fact that there’s a statue of him at the school.

Holtz' speech was devastatingly effective. The leftwing media is desperately trying to counter the message by immediately trotting out James Martin leftwing so-called priest to slam Holtz. Martin in the past has been highly critical of Trump, but lets Biden slide on the abortion issue. Left-leaning Notre Dame also distanced itself from Holtz, when they should be defending him, or at least commenting that Biden's abortion stance is reprehensible. But they don't. And that is a disgrace. The media is also pushing the meme that Biden a 'devout Catholic', which is an insult to devout Catholics. When someone actively works against the foundational pillar of one's faith, respect for human life, he not only can't be called 'devout', he can't be called 'practicing', either. So Holtz was right on the money when he said Biden and others (say, Pelosi) are Catholics in name only. They should be denied Holy Communion and threatened with ex-communication, IMHO. And unless they publicly repent, they will be judged very severely in the afterlife, IMHO.

'''Judge not''': priest rejects RNC speaker'''s attack on Biden'''s faith

My prayer is for Democrats who support abortion to renounce that belief. I believe it will happen for some.
Re: Lou Holtz' Speech: "Biden and Others Who Support Abortion Are Catholics In Name Only". Spot On

My prayer is for Democrats who support abortion to renounce that belief. I believe it will happen for some.

Nope sorry, women aren't incubation machines or property for you to decide. DENIED, deal with it.
Re: Lou Holtz' Speech: "Biden and Others Who Support Abortion Are Catholics In Name Only". Spot On

Notre Dame responds to Lou Holtz’s comments

“While Coach Lou Holtz is a former coach at Notre Dame, his use of the University’s name at the Republican National Convention must not be taken to imply that the University endorses his views, any candidate or any political party. Moreover, we Catholics should remind ourselves that while we may judge the objective moral quality of another’s actions, we must never question the sincerity of another’s faith, which is due to the mysterious working of grace in that person’s heart. In this fractious time, let us remember that our highest calling is to love.”
Re: Lou Holtz' Speech: "Biden and Others Who Support Abortion Are Catholics In Name Only". Spot On

Lou Holtz calls Joe Biden 'Catholic in name only' during RNC speech

“One of the important reasons [President Donald Trump] has my trust is because nobody is but a stronger advocate for the unborn than President Trump,” Holtz said. “The Biden-Harris ticket is the most radically pro-abortion campaign in history. They and other politicians are Catholics in name only and abandon innocent lives. President Trump protects those lives. I trust President Trump.”

Holtz led into his line about trust in Trump by citing his time at Notre Dame and the fact that there’s a statue of him at the school.

Holtz' speech was devastatingly effective. The leftwing media is desperately trying to counter the message by immediately trotting out James Martin leftwing so-called priest to slam Holtz. Martin in the past has been highly critical of Trump, but lets Biden slide on the abortion issue. Left-leaning Notre Dame also distanced itself from Holtz, when they should be defending him, or at least commenting that Biden's abortion stance is reprehensible. But they don't. And that is a disgrace. The media is also pushing the meme that Biden a 'devout Catholic', which is an insult to devout Catholics. When someone actively works against the foundational pillar of one's faith, respect for human life, he not only can't be called 'devout', he can't be called 'practicing', either. So Holtz was right on the money when he said Biden and others (say, Pelosi) are Catholics in name only. They should be denied Holy Communion and threatened with ex-communication, IMHO. And unless they publicly repent, they will be judged very severely in the afterlife, IMHO.

'''Judge not''': priest rejects RNC speaker'''s attack on Biden'''s faith

My prayer is for Democrats who support abortion to renounce that belief. I believe it will happen for some.

“Judge not, that you be not judged. 2 For with the judgment you pronounce you will be judged, and with the measure you use it will be measured to you. 3 Why do you see the speck that is in your brother's eye, but do not notice the log that is in your own eye? 4 Or how can you say to your brother, ‘Let me take the speck out of your eye,’ when there is the log in your own eye? 5 You hypocrite, first take the log out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to take the speck out of your brother's eye.

Matthew 7:1-5 ESV - Judging Others - “Judge not, that you - Bible Gateway
Re: Lou Holtz' Speech: "Biden and Others Who Support Abortion Are Catholics In Name Only". Spot On

Conservatives are all about the unborn; once they draw breath, it’s another story.
Re: Lou Holtz' Speech: "Biden and Others Who Support Abortion Are Catholics In Name Only". Spot On

Lou Holtz calls Joe Biden 'Catholic in name only' during RNC speech

“One of the important reasons [President Donald Trump] has my trust is because nobody is but a stronger advocate for the unborn than President Trump,” Holtz said. “The Biden-Harris ticket is the most radically pro-abortion campaign in history. They and other politicians are Catholics in name only and abandon innocent lives. President Trump protects those lives. I trust President Trump.”

Holtz led into his line about trust in Trump by citing his time at Notre Dame and the fact that there’s a statue of him at the school.

Holtz' speech was devastatingly effective. The leftwing media is desperately trying to counter the message by immediately trotting out James Martin leftwing so-called priest to slam Holtz. Martin in the past has been highly critical of Trump, but lets Biden slide on the abortion issue. Left-leaning Notre Dame also distanced itself from Holtz, when they should be defending him, or at least commenting that Biden's abortion stance is reprehensible. But they don't. And that is a disgrace. The media is also pushing the meme that Biden a 'devout Catholic', which is an insult to devout Catholics. When someone actively works against the foundational pillar of one's faith, respect for human life, he not only can't be called 'devout', he can't be called 'practicing', either. So Holtz was right on the money when he said Biden and others (say, Pelosi) are Catholics in name only. They should be denied Holy Communion and threatened with ex-communication, IMHO. And unless they publicly repent, they will be judged very severely in the afterlife, IMHO.

'''Judge not''': priest rejects RNC speaker'''s attack on Biden'''s faith

My prayer is for Democrats who support abortion to renounce that belief. I believe it will happen for some.

It was the usual Trump ugliness.
Re: Lou Holtz' Speech: "Biden and Others Who Support Abortion Are Catholics In Name Only". Spot On

Nope sorry, women aren't incubation machines or property for you to decide. DENIED, deal with it.

Totally agree with the above. Also, I'm not interested in what far-right Republican Trump supporters have to say, including this guy Holtz.
Re: Lou Holtz' Speech: "Biden and Others Who Support Abortion Are Catholics In Name Only". Spot On

Conservatives are all about the unborn; once they draw breath, it’s another story.

Exactly. After birth, they're on their own.
Re: Lou Holtz' Speech: "Biden and Others Who Support Abortion Are Catholics In Name Only". Spot On

Lou Holtz calls Joe Biden 'Catholic in name only' during RNC speech

“One of the important reasons [President Donald Trump] has my trust is because nobody is but a stronger advocate for the unborn than President Trump,” Holtz said. “The Biden-Harris ticket is the most radically pro-abortion campaign in history. They and other politicians are Catholics in name only and abandon innocent lives. President Trump protects those lives. I trust President Trump.”

Holtz led into his line about trust in Trump by citing his time at Notre Dame and the fact that there’s a statue of him at the school.

Holtz' speech was devastatingly effective. The leftwing media is desperately trying to counter the message by immediately trotting out James Martin leftwing so-called priest to slam Holtz. Martin in the past has been highly critical of Trump, but lets Biden slide on the abortion issue. Left-leaning Notre Dame also distanced itself from Holtz, when they should be defending him, or at least commenting that Biden's abortion stance is reprehensible. But they don't. And that is a disgrace. The media is also pushing the meme that Biden a 'devout Catholic', which is an insult to devout Catholics. When someone actively works against the foundational pillar of one's faith, respect for human life, he not only can't be called 'devout', he can't be called 'practicing', either. So Holtz was right on the money when he said Biden and others (say, Pelosi) are Catholics in name only. They should be denied Holy Communion and threatened with ex-communication, IMHO. And unless they publicly repent, they will be judged very severely in the afterlife, IMHO.

'''Judge not''': priest rejects RNC speaker'''s attack on Biden'''s faith. My prayer is for Democrats who support abortion to renounce that belief. I believe it will happen for some.

OK, let's talk about respect for human life the foundation of Catholic faith: nuns who fight against women's contraceptives but not men's, corporations that deny women insurance that includes contraceptives, Catholic controlled countries where women die young from serial pregnancies, priests who abuse little children, denial of women's leadership roles in the church.

Electing officials that deny health services to the working poor, allow corporations to contaminate wells and provide lead contaminated drinking water, repeal environmental laws that cleared asthma causing particulate matter from the air and pass tax laws that strips wealth out of the lower economic classes simply because they oppose abortion is not respecting human life.
Re: Lou Holtz' Speech: "Biden and Others Who Support Abortion Are Catholics In Name Only". Spot On

OK, let's talk about respect for human life the foundation of Catholic faith: nuns who fight against women's contraceptives but not men's, corporations that deny women insurance that includes contraceptives, Catholic controlled countries where women die young from serial pregnancies, priests who abuse little children, denial of women's leadership roles in the church.

Electing officials that deny health services to the working poor, allow corporations to contaminate wells and provide lead contaminated drinking water, repeal environmental laws that cleared asthma causing particulate matter from the air and pass tax laws that strips wealth out of the lower economic classes simply because they oppose abortion is not respecting human life.

Also, priests that rape nuns and then get them to abort when they get pregnant.
Re: Lou Holtz' Speech: "Biden and Others Who Support Abortion Are Catholics In Name Only". Spot On

Conservatives are all about the unborn; once they draw breath, it’s another story.

Have you watched George Carlin's take on it? What you said is pretty much it but less funny than how he presented it.
Re: Lou Holtz' Speech: "Biden and Others Who Support Abortion Are Catholics In Name Only". Spot On

Conservatives are all about the unborn; once they draw breath, it’s another story.

Always repeating druggie George Carlin's monologue. It as silly and incorrect as it was in 1996 when he delivered it.
Re: Lou Holtz' Speech: "Biden and Others Who Support Abortion Are Catholics In Name Only". Spot On

“Judge not, that you be not judged. 2 For with the judgment you pronounce you will be judged, and with the measure you use it will be measured to you. 3 Why do you see the speck that is in your brother's eye, but do not notice the log that is in your own eye? 4 Or how can you say to your brother, ‘Let me take the speck out of your eye,’ when there is the log in your own eye? 5 You hypocrite, first take the log out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to take the speck out of your brother's eye.

Matthew 7:1-5 ESV - Judging Others - “Judge not, that you - Bible Gateway

I judge bad actions, which we are called to condemn.
Re: Lou Holtz' Speech: "Biden and Others Who Support Abortion Are Catholics In Name Only". Spot On

Nope sorry, women aren't incubation machines or property for you to decide. DENIED, deal with it.

And humans in the womb aren't pieces of meat to be discarded in the trash.
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Re: Lou Holtz' Speech: "Biden and Others Who Support Abortion Are Catholics In Name Only". Spot On

Always repeating druggie George Carlin's monologue. It as silly and incorrect as it was in 1996 when he delivered it.

My response to that would be the following.


Re: Lou Holtz' Speech: "Biden and Others Who Support Abortion Are Catholics In Name Only". Spot On

Always repeating druggie George Carlin's monologue. It as silly and incorrect as it was in 1996 when he delivered it.

Proof that Carlin was a "druggie"? Funny how you never answer this request.
Re: Lou Holtz' Speech: "Biden and Others Who Support Abortion Are Catholics In Name Only". Spot On

And humans in the womb aren't pieces of meat to be discarded in the trash.

It's a UTERUS and there are no human beings in it.
Re: Lou Holtz' Speech: "Biden and Others Who Support Abortion Are Catholics In Name Only". Spot On

Have you watched George Carlin's take on it? What you said is pretty much it but less funny than how he presented it.

To the point, accurate, and hilarious. Nobody has done it better.
Re: Lou Holtz' Speech: "Biden and Others Who Support Abortion Are Catholics In Name Only". Spot On

Proof that Carlin was a "druggie"? Funny how you never answer this request.

So he took drugs? What he took is less addictive than what you take and it led him to the truth, your obsession causes you to lie incessantly about life.
Re: Lou Holtz' Speech: "Biden and Others Who Support Abortion Are Catholics In Name Only". Spot On

Have you watched George Carlin's take on it? What you said is pretty much it but less funny than how he presented it.

Carlin spent most of his adult life on drugs in booze. In fact, he had to enter rehab at age 67, an age when most people have it long figured out. He was the definition of screwed up. And yet he's the leftwingers' life coach?
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Re: Lou Holtz' Speech: "Biden and Others Who Support Abortion Are Catholics In Name Only". Spot On

Carlin had to enter rehab at age 67. He was messed up. And yet he's the leftwingers' life coach?

Appeal to hypocrisy noted and dismissed. His points still represent pretty well what we have seen during the pandemic, especially considering that far more Republicans find the number of deaths acceptable when compared to Democrats and Independents.
Re: Lou Holtz' Speech: "Biden and Others Who Support Abortion Are Catholics In Name Only". Spot On

Appeal to hypocrisy noted and dismissed. His points still represent pretty well what we have seen during the pandemic, especially considering that far more Republicans find the number of deaths acceptable when compared to Democrats and Independents.

Old people die anyway, and those deaths are being falsely blamed on COVID. So why do you leftwingers think it's OK when people die from recessions as happened in 2009 under the 0bama recession?
Re: Lou Holtz' Speech: "Biden and Others Who Support Abortion Are Catholics In Name Only". Spot On

Old people die anyway, and those deaths are being falsely blamed on COVID. So why do you leftwingers think it's OK when people die from recessions as happened in 2009 under the 0bama recession?

There are models that predict how many deaths will occur in a given year. The models for 2020 so far have shown that COVID-19 fatal cases are actually underreported, so your dismissal of deaths based on "natural causes" has been debunked by science and statisticians.

The ‘excess deaths’ tally in the U.S. is 204,691 in 7 months — so COVID-19 deaths might be undercounted - MarketWatch

Do you know what caused the recession in 2009? If so, you should realize the false equivalency of your statements.

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