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Lincoln Project: Adultry (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Aug 4, 2017
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There you go. That's what tons of Christians support.
All sin is worthy of death according to scripture. Using the left's false criteria, Christians could never support anyone. It must be really convenient for the left to profess to no standards.
All sin is worthy of death according to scripture. Using the left's false criteria, Christians could never support anyone. It must be really convenient for the left to profess to no standards.

The left judges someone moral lapses in relation to their conduct/decisions as a whole. It's the right that lives by this binary moral code that gets ripped up and thrown out when it comes to Trump.
All sin is worthy of death according to scripture. Using the left's false criteria, Christians could never support anyone. It must be really convenient for the left to profess to no standards.

Trump —> The ‘Mulligan Man’ of Evangelicals.
All sin is worthy of death according to scripture. Using the left's false criteria, Christians could never support anyone. It must be really convenient for the left to profess to no standards.

^ covering for a sleazy man. again.
The left judges someone moral lapses in relation to their conduct/decisions as a whole. It's the right that lives by this binary moral code that gets ripped up and thrown out when it comes to Trump.

This isn't addressing the issue. Any person you vote for is going to be a sinner. You might have no idea what his/her sins are. Democrats had no problem voting for Clinton so they shouldn't be trying to use this issue.
Your inability to address what I said is noted.

all you do is cover for Trump. it's like you're his attorney.

anyone that can't see that, and know that you don't debate honestly, is blind.
all you do is cover for Trump. it's like you're his attorney.

anyone that can't see that, and know that you don't debate honestly, is blind.

I nowhere mentioned Trump. I made a point about Christians and scripture which you pretend to know something about.
Trump —> The ‘Mulligan Man’ of Evangelicals.

That's what the prosperity gospel is about...

Sin all you like, profit as much as possible, total objectivism, rebranded.

You ask Jesus™ for Mulligans and it goes on the holyspirit™ credit report, and you get Raptured® to Heaven™ for being a "good christian" that's evengelicalism today in a nutshell.... :coffepap

Then there's Christianity, which has to do with Jesus, which all of this is VERY loosely based on. To a casual observer, they may appear similar though, as such...
This isn't addressing the issue. Any person you vote for is going to be a sinner. You might have no idea what his/her sins are. Democrats had no problem voting for Clinton so they shouldn't be trying to use this issue.

Trump's strongest demographic is the group of people who also proclaim that "traditional family values" are of overwhelming importance. Not all sins are created equal, stop pretending they are.

Democrats aren't the ones claiming these beliefs. I don't care how many porn stars Trump pays to sleep with. Christians claim to care, and then they call him the "most biblical president we've ever had."
Trump's strongest demographic is the group of people who also proclaim that "traditional family values" are of overwhelming importance. Not all sins are created equal, stop pretending they are.

Democrats aren't the ones claiming these beliefs. I don't care how many porn stars Trump pays to sleep with. Christians claim to care, and then they call him the "most biblical president we've ever had."

Scripture says that merely calling your brother a fool is worthy of death so, yes, all sins are equal in that regard. Christians can't vote for the party that, for decades, has shown itself to be openly hostile to religious freedom as guaranteed under the Constitution.
Scripture says that merely calling your brother a fool is worthy of death so, yes, all sins are equal in that regard. Christians can't vote for the party that, for decades, has shown itself to be openly hostile to religious freedom as guaranteed under the Constitution.

Which scripture is that and who ascribes to it?

Liberals are not hostile to religious freedom, they're hostile to religious law.
Which scripture is that and who ascribes to it?

Liberals are not hostile to religious freedom, they're hostile to religious law.

Matthew 5:22 and all Christians subscribe to it.

They're hostile to the free exercise clause and have been for 60 years.
The left judges someone moral lapses in relation to their conduct/decisions as a whole. It's the right that lives by this binary moral code that gets ripped up and thrown out when it comes to Trump.

Really. Seems like it's the left that is obsessed with these allegations.
Matthew 5:22 and all Christians subscribe to it.
22 But I tell you that anyone who is angry with a brother or sister[a] will be subject to judgment. Again, anyone who says to a brother or sister, ‘Raca,’[c] is answerable to the court. And anyone who says, ‘You fool!’ will be in danger of the fire of hell

They're hostile to the free exercise clause and have been for 60 years.
No, we're hostile to christians trying to enforce their religious beliefs on others.

Meanwhile, conservatives have been shouting BAN MUSLIMS
I nowhere mentioned Trump. I made a point about Christians and scripture which you pretend to know something about.

your every letter is intended to cover for sleazy ass Trump. you don't have to mention his name.

No, we're hostile to christians trying to enforce their religious beliefs on others.
tMeanwhile, conservatives have been shouting BAN MUSLIMS

What? Can't you read? Sin is sin and scripture says the wages of sin is death, even calling your brother fool.

Nobody is forcing anything on you. That's total BS. The left has been attacking religious faith non-stop for decades trying to eradicate it from every sphere of public life, something the Constitution specifically forbids.
Matthew 5:22 and all Christians subscribe to it.

They're hostile to the free exercise clause and have been for 60 years.

Specifically how are the Libs attacking religion and the free exercise of those beliefs?
your every letter is intended to cover for sleazy ass Trump. you don't have to mention his name.

No, I've debunked the idea that Christians can only vote for the morally pure, when there are no such people. The people happy to vote for Bill Clinton should understand this if anyone does.
Specifically how are the Libs attacking religion and the free exercise of those beliefs?

Any effort to stop the free exercise of religion in any public place, be it school or public venue, is unconstitutional. The Constitution is clear. Government cannot establish a state religion nor can it prohibit free exercise of religion. That is unequivocal and this isn't just about Christians. It's about any faith.
Any effort to stop the free exercise of religion in any public place, be it school or public venue, is unconstitutional. The Constitution is clear. Government cannot establish a state religion nor can it prohibit free exercise of religion. That is unequivocal and this isn't just about Christians. It's about any faith.

Public schools are the State, sorry save that for someone that believes people should be pushing religious ideas on peoples children, go tp a private school if that is your agenda. Other than that I don't see any such prohibiting of people practicing their religion. Ok now where are the specifics?
Public schools are the State, sorry save that for someone that believes people should be pushing religious ideas on peoples children, go tp a private school if that is your agenda. Other than that I don't see any such prohibiting of people practicing their religion. Ok now where are the specifics?

I'm not talking about schools pushing anything. I'm talking about kids being allowed to do what they want regarding their faith whether it's holding Bible studies or some other thing. Schools have zero power under the Constitution to prohibit private faith based activities on their premises. The state cannot do what is already prohibited to the Federal government. Just about every time we hear people yammering about "separation of church and state" they don't know what they are talking about.
I'm not talking about schools pushing anything. I'm talking about kids being allowed to do what they want regarding their faith whether it's holding Bible studies or some other thing. Schools have zero power under the Constitution to prohibit private faith based activities on their premises. The state cannot do what is already prohibited to the Federal government. Just about every time we hear people yammering about "separation of church and state" they don't know what they are talking about.

They still are allowed to have rally round the flag get togethers, what they are not allowed to do is stand in the hallway and try witnessing to students as they walk by and bible studies are for the church and home not a public school. I am sure you are fine with Christians (name a brand) using the schools for recruitment, but if it were Muslims or another religion I doubt you would have the same open mindedness. As I said, if you want religion practiced in the school then your kid to a religious school
Now for the public sector, where is all this repression?

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