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Liberals & Fear (1 Viewer)


Well-known member
Jul 9, 2005
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There is one thing that President Bush and his liberal opponents have in common.They both like fear ! Whereas New deal liberals and JFK Liberals were optimistic and hopeful. Modern liberals love fear,they love being and creating,victims.They love trying to scare people,usualy about President Bush or Justice Roberts.
Modern lberals are afraid of God ,even in the smallest way.They fear the people, Josh on west wing he was a representation of a contemporary liberal.He had nothing but disdain for the people.
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Bush tries to fear us with 'terrorists'. But everyone tries to fear everyone else into submission. Take Hitler for example, Jews, and 'non-aryans'.
JOHNYJ said:
There is one thing that President Bush and his liberal opponents have in common.They both like fear ! Whereas New deal liberals and JFK Liberals were optimistic and hopeful. Modern liberals love fear,they love being and creating,victims.They love trying to scare people,usualy about President Bush or Justice Roberts.
Modern lberals are afraid of God ,even in the smallest way.They fear the people, Josh on west wing he was a representation of a contemporary liberal.He had nothing but disdain for the people.

Somebody likes to stereotype!

I'm a firm believer in "God" and I'm a Liberal. Any one who actually knows what they're talking about in the sense of "God" will tell you, God isn't one to love, he's one to fear. God teaches fear.. to fear becuase you will burn eternally if you don't coup with his message. Fear him because he will wipe your smelly city off the face of the earth.

Only the fake Christians love God, there's nothing to love about it.
Originally posted by JOHNYJ:
There is one thing that President Bush and his liberal opponents have in common.They both like fear ! Whereas New deal liberals and JFK Liberals were optimistic and hopeful. Modern liberals love fear,they love being and creating,victims.They love trying to scare people,usualy about President Bush or Justice Roberts.
Modern lberals are afraid of God ,even in the smallest way.They fear the people, Josh on west wing he was a representation of a contemporary liberal.He had nothing but disdain for the people.
You watch too much TV.

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