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Liberals all lathered up over Acosta losing his WH press pass (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Oct 24, 2018
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Very Conservative
How ever have you seen the MSM mention that Brenda Lee a pro life journalist was thrown off Obama's AF one, and never got her WH press pass back?

What goes around come around, and liberals hate it when conservatives remind them of their history.
How ever have you seen the MSM mention that Brenda Lee a pro life journalist was thrown off Obama's AF one, and never got her WH press pass back?

What goes around come around, and liberals hate it when conservatives remind them of their history.

Just read where a judge ordered the WH to give the leftist his press pass back pending a hearing on the matter.
How ever have you seen the MSM mention that Brenda Lee a pro life journalist was thrown off Obama's AF one, and never got her WH press pass back?

What goes around come around, and liberals hate it when conservatives remind them of their history.

Could you at least attempt to fact check something? Like ever?


Brenda Lee was not on board Air Force One (as such, she could not have been “removed” from the presidential plane).
Lee was not removed from the press area at LAX by “Obama’s order.” President Obama wasn’t even at the airport at the time of the incident.
Lee didn’t grab someone “like Jim Acosta did,” as video shows that Acosta didn’t grab anyone.
Lee was not removed for being “pro-life”; she was removed for refusing to heed instructions from security personnel.
We found no reports documenting that Lee “permanently lost her White House press credentials.” We also could not confirm that Lee had ever received press credentials from the White House to begin with.
Life will be far more truthful if you dont believe much of anything Snopes says. It is run by radical left wingers.
Life will be far more truthful if you dont believe much of anything Snopes says. It is run by radical left wingers.

Translation: They don't just agree blindly with Republican propaganda.

Why is it that the posters who put "logic" in their screen name never demonstrate logic?
How ever have you seen the MSM mention that Brenda Lee a pro life journalist was thrown off Obama's AF one, and never got her WH press pass back?

What goes around come around, and liberals hate it when conservatives remind them of their history.

Once again Trump is on the wrong side of justice and the Constitution: https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/2018/11/16/cnn-white-house-credential-court-case/2023035002/

Nice try with Brenda Lee. Do you have a link to your source since this article from 2009 indicates the facts are different from those being passed around by Alex Jones or email chain letters: https://www.npr.org/sections/thetwo-way/2009/05/how_not_to_give_obama_a_letter.html
Lee said in a telephone interview with The Associated Press that she wanted to hand Obama a letter urging him "to take a stand for traditional marriage."

She said she asked a Secret Service agent to give the president her letter, but he refused and referred her to a White House staffer. Lee said she refused to give the staffer the letter.

"I said, 'I'll take my chances if (the president) comes by here,"' said Lee, who identified herself as a Roman Catholic priestess who lives in Anaheim, Calif. "He became annoyed that I wouldn't give him the letter."

Lee, who was wearing what she described as a cassock, said she protested when she was asked to leave.

"I said, 'Why are you bothering me?' They escorted me outside the gate," she said.

She said security officers allowed her to return when she promised she would not yell or wave, but then other officers arrived and told her to leave.

"I said, 'I'm not leaving,"' she said. "They tried to drag me out."

Two officers then picked her up and carried her out. An Associated Press photographer photographed the incident. "I was afraid you could see under my clothes," she said, her voice choking up.

Lee, who said this was the second presidential event she has covered, was later released.

The incident occurred about 10 minutes before Obama arrived at the airport by helicopter to board Air Force One.
Life will be far more truthful if you dont believe much of anything Snopes says. It is run by radical left wingers.

Instead we should believe some random guy on the internets? You offered nothing to back up your claim, snopes in fact documented what they said.
Just don't call on Acosta to ask any questions. Problem solved.
Translation: They don't just agree blindly with Republican propaganda.

Why is it that the posters who put "logic" in their screen name never demonstrate logic?
Ask Logican that.
Its just a TRO it doesn't mean Acosta has won it just means he is reinstated....for now.

Why does a judge think he can micro manage the White House?
Life will be far more truthful if you dont believe much of anything Snopes says. It is run by radical left wingers.
So a “my bad” from you isn’t coming, huh?
Its just a TRO it doesn't mean Acosta has won it just means he is reinstated....for now.

I think ultimately Trump has the law on his side over this one
Why does a judge think he can micro manage the White House?

yes I believe that is a valid point. I don't think the court's ultimate (be it the DC or the CoA) finding will be in favor of the journalist
Its just a TRO it doesn't mean Acosta has won it just means he is reinstated....for now.
I watched that scene several times, and while I agree that Acosta was out of line not allowing the intern to take the mic, I am glad that there are unafraid reporters willing to push Trump for answers to questions he’d rather not be asked. That is the job of the press. For that reason, I’d like to see him keep his press pass.

Why does a judge think he can micro manage the White House?
Not micromanaging, doing his j o b.
Life will be far more truthful if you dont believe much of anything Snopes says. It is run by radical left wingers.

Great. Then go ahead and prove Snopes wrong. Links, from reputable new organizations (AP, Reuters, Fox, MSN, CNN, Al Jazeera even) and not from The Gateway Pundit or another bogus site, please.

You do understand how a TRO works don't you. Has little to do about "justice" and more to do about limiting irreparable damage until the case can be decided in court. Acosta may get his pass back but may have paved the way to a much longer revocation once the case is settled if he looses in court.
I watched that scene several times, and while I agree that Acosta was out of line not allowing the intern to take the mic, I am glad that there are unafraid reporters willing to push Trump for answers to questions he’d rather not be asked. That is the job of the press. For that reason, I’d like to see him keep his press pass.

Not micromanaging, doing his j o b.
If Acosta asks a hard question and gets ONE follow up question I have absolutely no problem with it. But giving a statement then giving multiple questions and not yielding the mic is total bull***t. I'd like him be banned for 3 or four press conferences then allowed back in providing he plays by the established rules.
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Asking a tRump supporter to align their views with facts is like asking T-Rex to become a vegetarian.

that claim is equally applicable to the Trump haters.
If Acosta asks a hard question and gets ONE follow up question I have absolutely no problem with it. But giving a statement then giving multiple questions and not yielding the mic is total bull***t. I'd like him be banned for 3 or four press conferences then allowed back in providing he plays by the established rules.
I think we’re essentially on the same page.

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