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Liberal traitors (1 Viewer)


Dec 29, 2004
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Why is it that whenever a person seeks to question what their government does 'Good Americans' jump out and scream 'Traitor' and 'Liberal American Hater'? What is so awful about questioning ones government? In my mind someone who questions their government loves their country more than someone who just lets the government do whatever they want. Frankly it makes my blood boil when people seek to make their country a better place by questioning their government and then they are instantly shot down by their fellow citizens.
The Right has always been a haven for blind patriotism and jingoism.

And it's kind of ironic how they always try to undermine Democratic presidents and politicians, yet pretend their politicians are messengers from God.
Rhadamanthus said:
Why is it that whenever a person seeks to question what their government does 'Good Americans' jump out and scream 'Traitor' and 'Liberal American Hater'? What is so awful about questioning ones government? In my mind someone who questions their government loves their country more than someone who just lets the government do whatever they want. Frankly it makes my blood boil when people seek to make their country a better place by questioning their government and then they are instantly shot down by their fellow citizens.

I believe it has everything to do with HOW the person is questioning.

If one writes thier congressperson/President and assembles peacefully that is a true sign of a patriot. Idle threats about the president is silly and gets one nowhere. (I am not accusing, just stating a fact.)
I agree with everything you said. Calling Bush a Nazi, or during the election, Kerry a Communist, got no one anywhere and solved nothing.

But insightful, heartfelt protest to some government policy that one is opposed to, is honorable and shows that our democracy and freedoms are alive and well.
Exactly, then why do so many people yell treason when confronted with insightfull and hearfelt protest to govornment policy?
It's the administration aim to get the people behind them and getting the people to call the anti-war protesters patriotic. Therefore quite alot of people would not be willing to protest, but support their government - no matter what. The Nazis used this tactic very well.
vauge said:
I believe it has everything to do with HOW the person is questioning.

If one writes thier congressperson/President and assembles peacefully that is a true sign of a patriot. Idle threats about the president is silly and gets one nowhere. (I am not accusing, just stating a fact.)
I agree. If you have a purpose and an idea that can make the country better, make it known the right way. Peaceful protests, letters and petitions. If you have support then it can easily be sought in congress.

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