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Kremlin admits significant losses of Muscovites troops In Ukraine | DW News (1 Viewer)


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Sep 2, 2017
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Kremlin admits significant losses of Muscovites troops In Ukraine | DW News​

Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said on Thursday that Russia had sustained "significant losses" in Ukraine. Russia's defence ministry said on March 25, its most recent update, that 1,351 Russian soldiers had been killed since the start of the campaign, and 3,825 had been wounded. In Brussels, Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba met with foreign ministers of the NATO alliance, the European Union, Finland, Sweden, Japan, New Zealand and Australia today. Kuleba said he was "cautiously optimistic" that some NATO members would increase their weapons supplies to Ukraine. He declined to say which countries would be providing equipment or what kind it would be, but he said the weapons must get to Ukraine quickly. NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg said on Thursday that the alliance is stepping up support for Ukraine and its neighbors "in many different ways."

Yes absolutely! Allow Sweden and Finland to join NATO. It's time they stand up for something besides "neutrality" and fear! In January 2022, the Horde was thought to have the second best Army in the World. In March 2022, the Horde in now known to have the second best Army in Ukraine. + At least 15 senior Moscovite commanders have been killed in the field.
there's a certain culture, i hear, in the russian elite that those who lose wars do not survive long

Knowing this, he personally, has nothing to lose, and may go "all in" as it were, to destroy ukraine totally...or, potentially worse.

We need to offer this guy an offramp. We need to be able to "give him" something to claim victory at home, or else, a WHOLE lot of people are going to die.
there's a certain culture, i hear, in the russian elite that those who lose wars do not survive long

Knowing this, he personally, has nothing to lose, and may go "all in" as it were, to destroy ukraine totally...or, potentially worse.

We need to offer this guy an offramp. We need to be able to "give him" something to claim victory at home, or else, a WHOLE lot of people are going to die.
What do you propose to “offer” “him?”
do you think that Nickolas II, the Bolsheviks etc didn´t know it ?
The czars didn't have nukes. Putin does. That's the difference.

So if it's between him possibly getting assassinated by one of his officers, or nuking ukraine, what do you think he's going to do? honestly....
What do you propose to “offer” “him?”
We have to find out what, exactly, sparked the war for him. Is it just ukraine's neutrality? Was it the killings in donbass that drew him in? Whichever it is, he can have that one thing.

or just have him list 3 demands, choose one that affects us the least, and give it to him.
We have to find out what, exactly, sparked the war for him. Is it just ukraine's neutrality? Was it the killings in donbass that drew him in? Whichever it is, he can have that one thing.

or just have him list 3 demands, choose one that affects us the least, and give it to him.
“Peace in our time?” You don’t need the meme, right?
“Peace in our time?” You don’t need the meme, right?
Memes are great when we're talking about some middle eastern dictatorship that we can just bomb out of existence in a matter of hours.

This is russia. The rules are different.
czars didn't have nukes.
your fav Bolsheviks did have them , a lot. how it helped them ?

Moscow military a 'bit more of a paper tiger' than thought: former Canadian special forces officer​

killings in donbass
ivan you are drunk again, by the way the next station for you is the Hague !

the reality :

your fav Bolsheviks did have them , a lot. how it helped them ?
considering it stopped any invasion of the soviet states...pretty good i'd say.

Moscow military a 'bit more of a paper tiger' than thought: former Canadian special forces officer​

what's the relevance here?
We.ru can do what ever you want, still you are with out chances against us, you lost this war already ivan

its pre- war statistic 😁

View attachment 67384484
ok, now you're just rambling. You want to have a war with a nuclear power, have at it. Your cities...your centers of power...are the ones in danger there. Not my little house in the middle of nowhere. So go ahead, I encourage you....no, insist! that you escalate a nuclear war with russia. I think a couple of nukes will clear A LOT of weak people from the herd.
there's a certain culture, i hear, in the russian elite that those who lose wars do not survive long

Knowing this, he personally, has nothing to lose, and may go "all in" as it were, to destroy ukraine totally...or, potentially worse.

We need to offer this guy an offramp. We need to be able to "give him" something to claim victory at home, or else, a WHOLE lot of people are going to die.
Ukranian neutrality has been offered, and is on the table. This is a big concession for Ukraine, something has to give. Putin now knows he is a suspected international war criminal, there is no going back to geopolitics as usual. How do we sooth the Russian beasts ego as a way out?

Getting in is easy, getting out is the difficult part. Nixon faced the same dilemma, peace with honor.
Ukranian neutrality has been offered, and is on the table.
Zelensky has refused any real offer. He thinks putin is a dumb, and verbal words are enough of an "offer". No. Neutrality will have to be written in the ukrainian constitution.
This is a big concession for Ukraine, something has to give. Putin now knows he is a suspected international war criminal, there is no going back to geopolitics as usual. How do we sooth the Russian beasts ego as a way out?
it's worse than that for him. He will likely be assassinated if he DOESN'T win so....you understand why all weapons are all on the table for him. Let's avoid more death and get this guy an offramp.
Getting in is easy, getting out is the difficult part. Nixon faced the same dilemma, peace with honor.
Except not. Vietnam was never in the US's backyard, and there wasn't a lot of public support for it.

Russia, on the other hand....this is right at their doorstep, and is existential for them. Their own people support Putin in this matter.

if you desire to WIN...to the last ukrainian man...then let's keep going.

But if you desire to save potentially hundreds of thousands/millions of ukrainians, then a constitutional provision for neutrality is hardly a bad deal, and zelensky refuses.
nobody cares what you a war - criminal ivan think or want, dont worry we find you and bring in the Hague one way or another

...speak english?
Zelensky has refused any real offer. He thinks putin is a dumb, and verbal words are enough of an "offer". No. Neutrality will have to be written in the ukrainian constitution.

it's worse than that for him. He will likely be assassinated if he DOESN'T win so....you understand why all weapons are all on the table for him. Let's avoid more death and get this guy an offramp.

Except not. Vietnam was never in the US's backyard, and there wasn't a lot of public support for it.

Russia, on the other hand....this is right at their doorstep, and is existential for them. Their own people support Putin in this matter.

if you desire to WIN...to the last ukrainian man...then let's keep going.

But if you desire to save potentially hundreds of thousands/millions of ukrainians, then a constitutional provision for neutrality is hardly a bad deal, and zelensky refuses.
Ok Comrade

Which part of the Evil Empire you write this post from?

Enjoy your economic depression, maybe Vlad will spend some of that 40 billion he has stolen, feed the hungry Russian children coming to a a russian City near you.

And no, Putin gets no easy way out after his troops committed war crimes. Russians never change they luv the whip, to receive and give out.
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Ok Comrade

Which part of the Evil Empire you write this post from?

Enjoy your economic depression, maybe Vlad will spend some of that 40 billion he has stolen, feed the hungry Russian children in the very near fututel.
so you are against neutrality? Just too big of an ask for you?
Why you ask me, go ask your boy Putin

He is the getting his arse kicked
all I'm saying is there should be peace before more people die.

You're telling me that's what putin wants? peace? I wouldn't know but, if that's what you're telling me....

So are you for neutrality, or not?
Ok Comrade

Which part of the Evil Empire you write this post from?

Enjoy your economic depression, maybe Vlad will spend some of that 40 billion he has stolen, feed the hungry Russian children coming to a a russian City near you.

And no, Putin gets no easy way out after his troops committed war crimes. Russians never change they luv the whip, to receive and give out.

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