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Korans vandalized in New York, Washington on 9/11 anniversary (1 Viewer)


Slayer of the DP Newsbot
DP Veteran
Aug 27, 2005
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Houston, TX
Political Leaning
UPDATE: Two religious leaders at a recently-founded offshoot of the Baptist church burned Korans in a Tennessee back yard on the anniversary of the 9/11 attacks, reports the NBC affiliate in Nashville.

The Florida pastor who planned a Koran-burning on the anniversary of 9/11 swore on Saturday he would "not ever" burn the Muslim holy book, but that didn't stop others from picking up the pastor's mantle as Americans marked the ninth anniversary of the country's worst terrorist attack.

At Ground Zero in New York City, an unidentified man was escorted away by police when he tore pages out of a Koran and set them alight during a protest, the New York Daily News reported.

This is great news. What, you say? Yes, this is absolutely great news. The great news is that I had to find this on a blog, because NO network media is covering the story, other than the local outlets where these incidents occurred. From the national media? Crickets. But, what about the First Amendment and freedom of the press, you ask?

Hate mongering buttheads, of course, are free to burn the Korans, as the First Amendment protects buttheads too. However the mainstream media is free to print and televise whatever they want, and my hat is off to them for being responsible. These events are not worth the ink to print. These are not stories. These are nutters who don't deserve the air time for what they are spewing.

So, yes, this actually IS good news.

One further note: The police should not have gotten involved in the New York incident. The man there was not hurting anybody. He was only letting people see what a bigot he is. There is no crime in that. In fact, that is what we could call educational.

Article is here.
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This is great news. What, you say? Yes, this is absolutely great news. The great news is that I had to find this on a blog, because NO network media is covering the story, other than the local outlets where these incidents occurred. From the national media? Crickets. But, what about the First Amendment and freedom of the press, you ask?

Hate mongering buttheads, of course, are free to burn the Korans, as the First Amendment protects buttheads too. However the mainstream media is free to print and televise whatever they want, and my hat is off to them for being responsible. These events are not worth the ink to print. These are not stories. These are nutters who don't deserve the air time for what they are spewing.

So, yes, this actually IS good news.

One further note: The police should not have gotten involved in the New York incident. The man there was not hurting anybody. He was only letting people see what a bigot he is. There is no crime in that. In fact, that is what we could call educational.

Article is here.

I'm willing to bet in NYC you need a permit to burn anything. The cops probably were in the right.
So this pastor was just a lunatic man alone, over-reacting and not representative of anyone, eh?
This is great news. What, you say? Yes, this is absolutely great news. The great news is that I had to find this on a blog, because NO network media is covering the story, other than the local outlets where these incidents occurred. From the national media? Crickets. But, what about the First Amendment and freedom of the press, you ask?

Hate mongering buttheads, of course, are free to burn the Korans, as the First Amendment protects buttheads too. However the mainstream media is free to print and televise whatever they want, and my hat is off to them for being responsible. These events are not worth the ink to print. These are not stories. These are nutters who don't deserve the air time for what they are spewing.

So, yes, this actually IS good news.

One further note: The police should not have gotten involved in the New York incident. The man there was not hurting anybody. He was only letting people see what a bigot he is. There is no crime in that. In fact, that is what we could call educational.

Article is here.

It's not reported because doing so would anger hordes of brainwashed apes.
Why would it anger Americans?

Thanks for that, Spud_meister.

I'm involved in anti Americanism on another thread and would like to use this quote as an example of the point I'm making.

May I use it?
So this pastor was just a lunatic man alone, over-reacting and not representative of anyone, eh?

Are you suggesting that all Christians or all Americans or all ____ support this action? Because I resent that.

Or perhaps you're using sarcasm to suggest the opposite:
That the actions of a few extremists in one offshoot (among many) of a major global religion shouldn't be considered representative of the billion-plus followers of the religion as a whole?

Is that what you're telling me?
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Oh, NYC. LOL. I think you need a permit there just to light a cigarette. :mrgreen:

In most cases now you get fined for lighing up a smoke and not just in NYC.

I understand the Pastor in FLA> have been served with a bill for tens of thousands of dollars from the Police for them having to gear up to protect his right to burn the Islamic Cults How to Book of the Death Cult.

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