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Kevin Spacey: Actor charged with sexual assault in Massachusetts (1 Viewer)


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US actor Kevin Spacey has been charged with sexually assaulting a teenager at a bar in Massachusetts.

He will appear in court on 7 January over the incident, which allegedly occurred in Nantucket in July 2016.
According to the victim's mother during a TV interview last night, Spacey kept buying drinks for this 18-year old boy until he was drink, then at least attempted to violate him sexually.

Spacey is under investigation for alleged sex crimes in both in Europe & in CA.
It happened in July, 2016.

Why is he (and his mother) suddenly so traumatized that he has to pile on an individual whose life has already been destroyed?

It seems to me that he (or, in reality, his mother) should have the decency not to cause Mr. Spacey more grief.
It happened in July, 2016.

Why is he (and his mother) suddenly so traumatized that he has to pile on an individual whose life has already been destroyed?

It seems to me that he (or, in reality, his mother) should have the decency not to cause Mr. Spacey more grief.

If it happened, why should not Mr Spacey pay for his crime? I don't get it.

If it did not happen, he should counter sue.
It happened in July, 2016.

Why is he (and his mother) suddenly so traumatized that he has to pile on an individual whose life has already been destroyed?

It seems to me that he (or, in reality, his mother) should have the decency not to cause Mr. Spacey more grief.

Money. If they ever say it isn't about the money, it is always about the money.
What the **** is wrong with Kevin Spacey, it's got to be a sickness of the mind, he should not have problems picking up men for consensual sex.

But, having bought a few women in bars drinks, I can say, I wasn't exactly carding them. I expected the guy at the door to do that...
How did anybody let a 16 year old drink in a bar?
It happened in July, 2016.

Why is he (and his mother) suddenly so traumatized that he has to pile on an individual whose life has already been destroyed?

It seems to me that he (or, in reality, his mother) should have the decency not to cause Mr. Spacey more grief.

This is one of the most ridiculous, nonsensical, ignorant things ever said on this forum.
which allegedly occurred
Not to make light of the situation, but does anyone else wonder why an 18 year old didn't say no to alcohol? Did the bartender not check ID? How many others were around and didn't step in?
Like always, innocent until proven guilty.
It happened in July, 2016.

Why is he (and his mother) suddenly so traumatized that he has to pile on an individual whose life has already been destroyed?

It seems to me that he (or, in reality, his mother) should have the decency not to cause Mr. Spacey more grief.

This is victim-blaming on a disgusting level. I'm sorry, but if Kevin Spacey did this, should not be given any leniency because it "happened in 2016".
It happened in July, 2016.

Why is he (and his mother) suddenly so traumatized that he has to pile on an individual whose life has already been destroyed?

It seems to me that he (or, in reality, his mother) should have the decency not to cause Mr. Spacey more grief.

Poor thing. Maybe he shouldn't have tried to sexually assault someone? Man, some people on this forum really need to educate themselves on the after-effects of sexual assault before they open their mouths.
This is victim-blaming on a disgusting level. I'm sorry, but if Kevin Spacey did this, should not be given any leniency because it "happened in 2016".

Agreed, and it breaks my heart in two to say that, because I was always, always a huge fan of Spacey. :( :(
Agreed, and it breaks my heart in two to say that, because I was always, always a huge fan of Spacey. :( :(

Yeah. He's an amazing actor. Even that creepy video he posted a few days ago shows how great he is at it. But he seems to be a terrible person who takes advantage of others.
It happened in July, 2016.

Why is he (and his mother) suddenly so traumatized that he has to pile on an individual whose life has already been destroyed?

It seems to me that he (or, in reality, his mother) should have the decency not to cause Mr. Spacey more grief.

This is a criminal charge, not a civil suit. She likely brought this to the police much earlier, but it took time to investigate and bring charges. According to the article, others are also under investigation.

On the civil side, Spacey torpedoed his own case with his response (which prompted this story). It's incredibly stupid to respond to a sensitive accusation a television character - especially one that is identified as a sociopath and corrupt politician, who is willing to do anything to get what they want. Assuming there is any corroborating evidence, this will be exhibit A in a civil case.

On Monday, Mr Spacey posted a video in which he appears to deny any wrongdoing while in character as Frank Underwood from House of Cards.

"I'm certainly not going to pay the price for the things I didn't do," he says in the clip. "You wouldn't believe the worst without evidence, would you?" he asks. "You wouldn't rush to judgements without facts."
Sounds like a gay bar, and Kevin saw this hooker and she/he accepted Kevin’s drinks. Remember when in Milwaukee the cops gave Jeffery his boy-toy back? Even though he was stark naked and bleeding from his rectum?
If the minor hadn’t wanted to be assaulted, he/she shouldn’t have accepted Kevin’s proposal.
I can't believe this is an issue for debate. We live in a country where these things get investigated. The fact that it happens to a rich and somewhat powerful actor is actually a fair thing.

If he did this, he deserves the same punishment as anyone else. If he didn't, the victim has the right to be heard and have it checked.

Spacey didn't bother to deny the allegations that cost him his career. He just said "I'm gay, forgive anything I do". Let's find out if there is something behind it all. There sure is a lot of smoke.

That said, I find it sad. I enjoyed his acting and the parts he chose. I feel it is a loss for entertainment. Let's see if we might make it a win for society one way or another.

US actor Kevin Spacey has been charged with sexually assaulting a teenager at a bar in Massachusetts.

He will appear in court on 7 January over the incident, which allegedly occurred in Nantucket in July 2016.
According to the victim's mother during a TV interview last night, Spacey kept buying drinks for this 18-year old boy until he was drink, then at least attempted to violate him sexually.

Spacey is under investigation for alleged sex crimes in both in Europe & in CA.

Good. If he's guilty, he should go to jail.

I do wonder, though, what was this teenager doing in a bar? Not blaming in any way, because if true, nothing excuses Spacey's behavior, but just wondering. I guess Spacey's lawyer will be asking that question.
It happened in July, 2016.

Why is he (and his mother) suddenly so traumatized that he has to pile on an individual whose life has already been destroyed?

It seems to me that he (or, in reality, his mother) should have the decency not to cause Mr. Spacey more grief.

So, if he raped this kid, that's okay, he's suffered enough? Is that seriously what you're saying here?
Money. If they ever say it isn't about the money, it is always about the money.

Wow. So if Spacey is found guilty of assault in a criminal court, you still think it's all about money? Huh
Not to make light of the situation, but does anyone else wonder why an 18 year old didn't say no to alcohol? Did the bartender not check ID? How many others were around and didn't step in?
Like always, innocent until proven guilty.

Yes, I wondered how a teenager got into an adult establishment, and I'm sure Spacey's lawyer will ask that question, but it doesn't excuse the assault, if that is found to be true.
I can't believe this is an issue for debate. We live in a country where these things get investigated. The fact that it happens to a rich and somewhat powerful actor is actually a fair thing.

If he did this, he deserves the same punishment as anyone else. If he didn't, the victim has the right to be heard and have it checked.

Spacey didn't bother to deny the allegations that cost him his career. He just said "I'm gay, forgive anything I do". Let's find out if there is something behind it all. There sure is a lot of smoke.

That said, I find it sad. I enjoyed his acting and the parts he chose. I feel it is a loss for entertainment. Let's see if we might make it a win for society one way or another.
You clearly have a fundamental misunderstanding of what a victim is....there is a victim of Kevin Spacy only if he did something wrong...the claim of being a victim does not a victim make.
Poor thing. Maybe he shouldn't have tried to sexually assault someone? Man, some people on this forum really need to educate themselves on the after-effects of sexual assault before they open their mouths.

+3 points.
Poor thing. Maybe he shouldn't have tried to sexually assault someone? Man, some people on this forum really need to educate themselves on the after-effects of sexual assault before they open their mouths.

Sometimes I think it has to be personally experienced. So many people lack empathy with things they don't understand.
Agreed, and it breaks my heart in two to say that, because I was always, always a huge fan of Spacey. :( :(

Me, too. Such a gifted actor. Such a sad ending to a brilliant career.
Sounds like a gay bar, and Kevin saw this hooker and she/he accepted Kevin’s drinks. Remember when in Milwaukee the cops gave Jeffery his boy-toy back? Even though he was stark naked and bleeding from his rectum?
If the minor hadn’t wanted to be assaulted, he/she shouldn’t have accepted Kevin’s proposal.

You can't be serious.
Sounds like a gay bar, and Kevin saw this hooker and she/he accepted Kevin’s drinks. Remember when in Milwaukee the cops gave Jeffery his boy-toy back? Even though he was stark naked and bleeding from his rectum?
If the minor hadn’t wanted to be assaulted, he/she shouldn’t have accepted Kevin’s proposal.

Slut shaming and victim blaming ... the go-to response of knuckle-draggers.

So, if you were this kid, and a famous actor was trying to seduce you, and ended up forcing you (yes, we're talking rape here), it's your fault because you drank the drink he offered?

I don't know who this Jeffrey is that you brought into the conversation, but in ALL cases, no means no, dude. I pity the women in your life, if there are any. By your post, I suspect an incel.

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