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Kenosha police find helmets, gas masks, more in out-of-state vehicles; arrest 9 (1 Viewer)


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Nov 16, 2017
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Southern CA.
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Kenosha police find helmets, gas masks, more in out-of-state vehicles; arrest 9

MADISON, Wis. (WMTV) - An alert citizen tipping the Kenosha Police Department to three suspicious vehicles with out-of-state plates Wednesday night led to the arrest of nine people authorities suspect were plotting some sort of criminal activity related to recent violent protests.

However, a group out of Seattle that was founded to provide free food to protesters and activists, RiotKitchen206, claims it was their members who were arrested and that they were in Kenosha only to serve meals to people at the demonstrations.
Seems sort of peculiar that those wishing to feed the protesters would be filling multiple fuel cans, and have in their possession an array of helmets, gas masks, protective vests, illegal fireworks, and suspected controlled substances

Nothing says "we drove 2,000 miles to feed the protesters because there aren't any in the PNW" like trying to flee when approached by the police. :lamo
Kenosha police find helmets, gas masks, more in out-of-state vehicles; arrest 9

Seems sort of peculiar that those wishing to feed the protesters would be filling multiple fuel cans, and have in their possession an array of helmets, gas masks, protective vests, illegal fireworks, and suspected controlled substances


The fuel cans are for starting cooking fires. The helmets are meant to be used as bowls. The gas masks are just their face coverings and the fireworks are just because they love this country so dang much that every day is the 4th of July to them.
Considering the events of the last two days, the irony of this thread is blinding enough to outshine a thousand supernovas.
The fuel cans are for starting cooking fires. The helmets are meant to be used as bowls. The gas masks are just their face coverings and the fireworks are just because they love this country so dang much that every day is the 4th of July to them.

:fueltofir :ind: :fueltofir
Considering the events of the last two days, the irony of this thread is blinding enough to outshine a thousand supernovas.

Nor more than your usual :flame: responses.
Nor more than your usual :flame: responses.

Nobody expects you to have the self awareness to understand why your thread was so ironic, trix. Have a great night.
Good....the first decent piece of Police work I have seen out of Kenosha since they shot a man in the back 7 times in front of his children while holding him by his shirt in one of the worst examples of arrest ineptitude I have seen in a long time. Since then, until this I have not seen anything of this particular Police Dept that would rise above the level of deplorable.
What the police found in Kenosha, they have found in cities all across this country where unrest continues. These people are paid anarchist to reek mayhem. They are well funded by those who want to transform this country into something it was never meant to be.
Known dangerous, offensive devices... masks and helmets.
The fuel cans are for starting cooking fires. The helmets are meant to be used as bowls. The gas masks are just their face coverings and the fireworks are just because they love this country so dang much that every day is the 4th of July to them.

:lamo :thumbs:

What the police found in Kenosha, they have found in cities all across this country where unrest continues. These people are paid anarchist to reek mayhem. They are well funded by those who want to transform this country into something it was never meant to be.


2020 was fun but Joe was politically dead before any of the real fun could start. Reorganize and reinvent the party. 2024 might not be Trump on the line but it will certainly be the political dynasty he has created.

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