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Kennedy on Bush's speech to vets: (1 Viewer)

Stu Ghatze

Well-known member
Aug 30, 2005
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"Bush still misled us democrats about the war"...! Atta boy Teddy, ..keep living in your alternate state of reality.

Hey Teddy, ..your still a blowhard!

Good thing the pollsters came out right away with yet another phoney poll; ..they wouldn't want Bush to get any mileage out of his speech to the vets.

I also wonder why, ..when listening to excerpts of Bush's speech on CNN radio, WHY they conveniently left out all the cheering, & clapping of of the veterans??

Actually, ..most of us do know why, ..& so do the liberal democrats who take up space in the house & senate! ;)
Stu Ghatze said:
Good thing the pollsters came out right away with yet another phoney poll; ..they wouldn't want Bush to get any mileage out of his speech to the vets.
A little paranoid to go along with that big chip on your shoulder? You refer to a "phoney poll" without saying what it is or what makes it "phoney". Should we just accept your rant as if you know it all even without any fact being mentioned no less substantiated?
Stu Ghatze said:
I also wonder why, ..when listening to excerpts of Bush's speech on CNN radio, WHY they conveniently left out all the cheering, & clapping of of the veterans?
More paranoia? You actually believe that leaving out "cheering" on a radio report was done to hurt Bush? WOW! How about when he cracks one of his famous witty jokes? Should a laugh track be added to make it funnier? You see the funny thing about radio and TV is that time is money, and editing is done to squeeze as much out of every second as possible. Hearing cheering is not exactly news radio, but hearing the words spoken is! :roll:
Stu Ghatze said:
Actually, ..most of us do know why, ..& so do the liberal democrats who take up space in the house & senate!
Huh? Please elaborate further on your conspiracy theory? IT sure sounds like the only type of "news" report that would stop you from whining / ranting are the ones that the Bush Administration PAID for to create phoney "News" reports or planted stories by PAID pundits. It seems like anything short of PROPAGANDA will illicit crazy threads like this one from you?

The really ironic thing is that PAID PROPAGANDA is about as UNAMERICAN as it gets, as ANTI-USA as one could be!

In the USA that I want to live in and protect FREEDOM OF THE PRESS is a founding principle, not one to be manipulated so that only politically correct news is reported.

You know about politically correct news, dontcha? Judy Miller did a bang up job with that type of reporting leading up to the Iraq war. She stopped being a reporter and became a manipulated mouthpiece of the Bush cabal. She was fed untruths from Scooter and the office of the VP so that she would write pieces backing up Cheney's threats about mushroom clouds et al. This type of reporting is what needs to be stopped, for it is not news, it is propaganda.
I thought it was very odd strategy for Bush to come out slamming the Dems and Kerry on veterans day. I did some research on past speeches and did not find any as devicive and partisan as Bush's was yesterday. Bush had the opportunity to take the high ground an honor vets in a bipartisan way, but once again he took the low-down Rovian strategy of divisiveness and wedge issues.

Bush was digging up old lines from his stump speech in July 04 to counter CURRENT charges by the Dems.

This was also the event in Scranton that Dick Santorum (before he Dicks you) chose not to attend. I wonder who would have been damaged more in a joint appearance.

I wish Kennedy would get one thing straight- he keeps referring to the LAST 10 minutes of Saving Private Ryan when he actually should be referring to the carnage in the FIRST ten minutes.
hipsterdufus said:
I thought it was very odd strategy for Bush to come out slamming the Dems and Kerry on veterans day. I did some research on past speeches and did not find any as devicive and partisan as Bush's was yesterday. Bush had the opportunity to take the high ground an honor vets in a bipartisan way, but once again he took the low-down Rovian strategy of divisiveness and wedge issues.
I think the president made the right call personally, it is not just because I am a Republican mind you. I know there are good, hard-working, moderate to slightly left Democrats left in the party who know where their freedoms really come from(U.S. military sacrifices over the years.), and I know that not all Democrats are walking talking points with no substance, but the fact is a once great opposition party has been hijaked over the years by a bunch of one issue all or nothing extremists and they have been grossly unfair to the opposition party, they do not respect the election of the president, they do not respect majority rule because they no longer possess it, and they demonize opposing points of view. I do not believe the majority of Democrat leadership has any business being included in Veteran's day speech as well as a few Republicans because of past actions of gutting the military, ignoring benefits and cost of living increases, letting equipment outlive it's use, etc., after all of that, they attack what our soldiers are trying to accomplish, try to marginalize their efforts, and otherwise attack our soldiers and way of life verbally, so they should not only be excluded from the Veteran's day celebration but should in fact be brought back down to earth exactly the way the president did yesterday(some exceptions do exist, if you are a Democrat and in that category don't take offense, but please, I'm begging you, take a look at what your party is truly becomming.)

Bush was digging up old lines from his stump speech in July 04 to counter CURRENT charges by the Dems.
If you have a source that would be interesting.

This was also the event in Scranton that Dick Santorum (before he Dicks you) chose not to attend. I wonder who would have been damaged more in a joint appearance.
Things happen after a five year political slam job, what can we say.

I wish Kennedy would get one thing straight- he keeps referring to the LAST 10 minutes of Saving Private Ryan when he actually should be referring to the carnage in the FIRST ten minutes.
If no one else will say it I will, and don't mind offending here; Ted Kennedy is a fat, lying, cowardly, moronic fool who is bordering right over that edge of treason.
LaMidRighter said:
I think the president made the right call personally, it is not just because I am a Republican mind you. I know there are good, hard-working, moderate to slightly left Democrats left in the party who know where their freedoms really come from(U.S. military sacrifices over the years.), and I know that not all Democrats are walking talking points with no substance, but the fact is a once great opposition party has been hijaked over the years by a bunch of one issue all or nothing extremists and they have been grossly unfair to the opposition party, they do not respect the election of the president, they do not respect majority rule because they no longer possess it, and they demonize opposing points of view. I do not believe the majority of Democrat leadership has any business being included in Veteran's day speech as well as a few Republicans because of past actions of gutting the military, ignoring benefits and cost of living increases, letting equipment outlive it's use, etc., after all of that, they attack what our soldiers are trying to accomplish, try to marginalize their efforts, and otherwise attack our soldiers and way of life verbally, so they should not only be excluded from the Veteran's day celebration but should in fact be brought back down to earth exactly the way the president did yesterday(some exceptions do exist, if you are a Democrat and in that category don't take offense, but please, I'm begging you, take a look at what your party is truly becomming.)

If you have a source that would be interesting.

Things happen after a five year political slam job, what can we say.

If no one else will say it I will, and don't mind offending here; Ted Kennedy is a fat, lying, cowardly, moronic fool who is bordering right over that edge of treason.

One of my friends works at the local VA hospital and some of his patients were very upset with the President's remarks yesterday. They also thought that Cheney laying down a wreath at the memorial service was very hypocritical since he got several war time deferrements and pushed for the war in Iraq harder than anyone.

The only reason you heard from Kennedy, Reid, Kerry and Boxer yesterday was to respond to the president's baseless charges.
hipsterdufus said:
LaMidRighter said:
One of my friends works at the local VA hospital and some of his patients were very upset with the President's remarks yesterday. They also thought that Cheney laying down a wreath at the memorial service was very hypocritical since he got several war time deferrements and pushed for the war in Iraq harder than anyone.
Veterans are certainly entitled to that, I doubt however that it is the overall sentiment of our service men and women, but that will surely come out eventually in the form of polls, honestly though, most of the veterans I talk to hate the Democratic party right now with certain exceptions, most of who are losing traction with the party because they aren't doing the "Iraq Lockstep" dance with the party. The funny thing about history though is that we can scream till we're blue in the face but only the future will determine who is right and where.

The only reason you heard from Kennedy, Reid, Kerry and Boxer yesterday was to respond to the president's baseless charges.
I respectively disagree, they have gone on air constantly to take cheap shots at the president for five years, they have almost daily been over the airwaves making accusations, trying to tell the president how to run a war, and basically slandering him, they have attacked the president and the war for the sole purpose of marketing their position and have not really been all that constructive in the war effort. As far as I'm concerned they only went on television to slam the president again and got exactly what they deserved when he called them out during the press conference.
I am glad to see the President finally defend himself it is long overdue......

As far as the dems response it is the usual hacks that respond.......Nothing new there.........
hipsterdufus said:
LaMidRighter said:
One of my friends works at the local VA hospital and some of his patients were very upset with the President's remarks yesterday. They also thought that Cheney laying down a wreath at the memorial service was very hypocritical since he got several war time deferrements and pushed for the war in Iraq harder than anyone.

The only reason you heard from Kennedy, Reid, Kerry and Boxer yesterday was to respond to the president's baseless charges.

As usual, hipsterdufus, I agree with you. I cannot believe that on a day that we are supposed to honor veterans and the service they have done for our country, Bush chose to attack those who question whether he misled us into war. NICE. God forbid you say something positive to veterans and leave partisan politics out of it.

But you know what? It shows how desperate Bush is, which is making me :lol: :lol: :lol:

Poor wittle Bushy Wushy. He doesn't like how many people are dissatisfied with the job he is doing. There there, Bushy. ;)
Navy Pride said:
I am glad to see the President finally defend himself it is long overdue......

As far as the dems response it is the usual hacks that respond.......Nothing new there.........

Navy Pride, he certainly should be defending himself, but to choose Veteran's Day to defend himself is truly pathetic. It really is.
aps said:
hipsterdufus said:
As usual, hipsterdufus, I agree with you. I cannot believe that on a day that we are supposed to honor veterans and the service they have done for our country, Bush chose to attack those who question whether he misled us into war. NICE. God forbid you say something positive to veterans and leave partisan politics out of it.

But you know what? It shows how desperate Bush is, which is making me :lol: :lol: :lol:

Poor wittle Bushy Wushy. He doesn't like how many people are dissatisfied with the job he is doing. There there, Bushy. ;)

What better day to address revisionist historians trying to rewrite how the war started? Bush knew it would get air play.
Trajan Octavian Titus said:
aps said:
What better day to address revisionist historians trying to rewrite how the war started? Bush knew it would get air play.

Frankly, I think it's despicable. That was VETERANS DAY. The majority of veterans in our country are not part of this war in Iraq.

I should not be surprised. This president has no understanding of what it is to be a veteran, as the service (if you even want to call it that) in the National Guard would not allow him to be deemed a veteran.
aps said:
Trajan Octavian Titus said:
Frankly, I think it's despicable. That was VETERANS DAY. The majority of veterans in our country are not part of this war in Iraq.

I should not be surprised. This president has no understanding of what it is to be a veteran, as the service (if you even want to call it that) in the National Guard would not allow him to be deemed a veteran.

O.K. so people who serve in the N.G. are not veterans now? So umm do you just make things up as you go along to suit your position or what?
Trajan Octavian Titus said:
O.K. so people who serve in the N.G. are not veterans now? So umm do you just make things up as you go along to suit your position or what?

Those who are serving in Iraq and Afghanistan now would be deemed veterans. Bush never served in a war. Serving in the National Guard alone, without being called to active duty, is not deemed "active service" for purposes of being entitled to VA benefits. There is a specific definition of "veteran," which Bush does not meet.

Trajan, I work for the Dept. of Veterans Affairs. Sorry to break the news to you, but I would guess I have a better understanding of this issue than you do.
26 X World Champs said:
A little paranoid to go along with that big chip on your shoulder? You refer to a "phoney poll" without saying what it is or what makes it "phoney". Should we just accept your rant as if you know it all even without any fact being mentioned no less substantiated?

More paranoia? You actually believe that leaving out "cheering" on a radio report was done to hurt Bush? WOW! How about when he cracks one of his famous witty jokes? Should a laugh track be added to make it funnier? You see the funny thing about radio and TV is that time is money, and editing is done to squeeze as much out of every second as possible. Hearing cheering is not exactly news radio, but hearing the words spoken is! :roll:

Huh? Please elaborate further on your conspiracy theory? IT sure sounds like the only type of "news" report that would stop you from whining / ranting are the ones that the Bush Administration PAID for to create phoney "News" reports or planted stories by PAID pundits. It seems like anything short of PROPAGANDA will illicit crazy threads like this one from you?

The really ironic thing is that PAID PROPAGANDA is about as UNAMERICAN as it gets, as ANTI-USA as one could be!

In the USA that I want to live in and protect FREEDOM OF THE PRESS is a founding principle, not one to be manipulated so that only politically correct news is reported.

You know about politically correct news, dontcha? Judy Miller did a bang up job with that type of reporting leading up to the Iraq war. She stopped being a reporter and became a manipulated mouthpiece of the Bush cabal. She was fed untruths from Scooter and the office of the VP so that she would write pieces backing up Cheney's threats about mushroom clouds et al. This type of reporting is what needs to be stopped, for it is not news, it is propaganda.

Paranoia, ...no sir! A chip on my shoulder? You bet, because all the senate democrats can do is pick, obstruct & find fault over EVERYTHING.

The senate democrats are so disingenuine; ..why did they wait so long before they ALL started to play dumb about the reasons for going to war??

I'll tell you why, THIS whole new strategy is their TEMPLATE now; "Bush lied about the war" crapola!

All they are doing is PILING on, & with their phoney polls, & with the help of the media.

Its always the same message, ...Rove is no good, Delay is a corrupt criminal, Libby outed Valerie Plame non-sense, Cheney is evil..& so is Rumsfeld, & Bush lied about the war!

This IS the message the senate democrats, & their strategists are pinning their hopes on for 08, ..or better yet IF they THINK they can impeach him, & destroy his presidency.

It is SO glaringly obvious, ..& the media is ALWAYS right there repeating EVERYTHING the democrats say.

Just like that NINCOMPOOP Mary Mapes, when interviewed she said; "Until somebody can prove Bush's military records are not the "real" thing, Bush stands guilty of not serving his service in the Air national guard honorably"!

Thats pretty cool, ..Bush is guilty until proven innocent, & that IS the message of Mapes.

So....now its back to that slander as well!

Now, so WHY didn't CNN radio news ALLOW the veterans applause, & cheering to be heard when Bush addressed them with his speech??

I will help you to understand the OBVIOUS, & it is because CNN & the rest of the scandalous mainstream media WANTS most people to believe that Bush is hated, & despised now by most americans.

This IS the alternate reality I have been talking about that the media, & the senate democrats are living in, & hope to get mileage out of the way THEY report things, & by the WAY they ask poll questions in an effort to influence people to HATE Bush, & his whole administration!

Mr.Bush WAS correct. Senate democrats ARE trying to re-write history. Bush won't say that they are trying to destroy his presidency, ..but it is so obvious the path they are on,.. that it is their intention.

And lastly;...just because one "might" be paranoid, ..it does not mean they are not being chased by somebody out to "get" them!:smile:

Are the democratic party stooges out to get Bush..? Hell yea, ..& IF anybody cannot see the obvious then THEY are dumber than hell, or blind ..or simply just pretending to be stupid.

One thing about the senate democrats; ..they NEVER have to pretend to be stupid, or dumb......but THEY save their BEST efforts by ALWAYS being disingenuine!

You CAN bet the nearly 4-million MORE people who voted for Bush instead of Kerry can see that too! :smile:
Trajan Octavian Titus said:
He's still a veteran just not a veteran of a foriegn war.

LOL So you think you know more than I do? Okaaaaaaaaaaaaaay. :2rofll:
aps said:
Navy Pride, he certainly should be defending himself, but to choose Veteran's Day to defend himself is truly pathetic. It really is.
I think choosing veterans day to defend the troops that are currently fighting the war on terror was very appropriate. It is time the left stopped lying about them and their commander-in-chief.
KCConservative said:
I think choosing veterans day to defend the troops that are currently fighting the war on terror was very appropriate. It is time the left stopped lying about them and their commander-in-chief.

He is not defending the troops, he is defending himself. Come on, regardless of whatever opinion you may have, you got admit that.
Stu Ghatze said:
Paranoia, ...no sir! A chip on my shoulder? You bet, because all the senate democrats can do is pick, obstruct & find fault over EVERYTHING.

The senate democrats are so disingenuine; ..why did they wait so long before they ALL started to play dumb about the reasons for going to war??

I'll tell you why, THIS whole new strategy is their TEMPLATE now; "Bush lied about the war" crapola!

All they are doing is PILING on, & with their phoney polls, & with the help of the media.

Its always the same message, ...Rove is no good, Delay is a corrupt criminal, Libby outed Valerie Plame non-sense, Cheney is evil..& so is Rumsfeld, & Bush lied about the war!

This IS the message the senate democrats, & their strategists are pinning their hopes on for 08, ..or better yet IF they THINK they can impeach him, & destroy his presidency.

It is SO glaringly obvious, ..& the media is ALWAYS right there repeating EVERYTHING the democrats say.

Just like that NINCOMPOOP Mary Mapes, when interviewed she said; "Until somebody can prove Bush's military records are not the "real" thing, Bush stands guilty of not serving his service in the Air national guard honorably"!

Thats pretty cool, ..Bush is guilty until proven innocent, & that IS the message of Mapes.

So....now its back to that slander as well!

Now, so WHY didn't CNN radio news ALLOW the veterans applause, & cheering to be heard when Bush addressed them with his speech??

I will help you to understand the OBVIOUS, & it is because CNN & the rest of the scandalous mainstream media WANTS most people to believe that Bush is hated, & despised now by most americans.

This IS the alternate reality I have been talking about that the media, & the senate democrats are living in, & hope to get mileage out of the way THEY report things, & by the WAY they ask poll questions in an effort to influence people to HATE Bush, & his whole administration!

Mr.Bush WAS correct. Senate democrats ARE trying to re-write history. Bush won't say that they are trying to destroy his presidency, ..but it is so obvious the path they are on,.. that it is their intention.

And lastly;...just because one "might" be paranoid, ..it does not mean they are not being chased by somebody out to "get" them!:smile:

Are the democratic party stooges out to get Bush..? Hell yea, ..& IF anybody cannot see the obvious then THEY are dumber than hell, or blind ..or simply just pretending to be stupid.

One thing about the senate democrats; ..they NEVER have to pretend to be stupid, or dumb......but THEY save their BEST efforts by ALWAYS being disingenuine!

You CAN bet the nearly 4-million MORE people who voted for Bush instead of Kerry can see that too! :smile:

Even Fox has his approval sinking at 36%. Are they part of your tinfoil hat fanatsy of a left-wing media conspiracy?
python416 said:
He is not defending the troops, he is defending himself. Come on, regardless of whatever opinion you may have, you got admit that.
Defending their honor and his. I'm proud of him. He is asking the liberal hate mongers to put up or shut up. If there is any evidence that he manipulated intelligence, then it's time to present it - rather than just continually make the unsupported claim. Otherwise, the president and his advisors are going to fight back.
Trajan Octavian Titus said:
He's still a veteran just not a veteran of a foriegn war.

Bush a veteran of dodging the Vietnam War. During Vietnam, the NG was a good way for kids with connections to avoid combat and getting sent to Vietnam, without having to run to Canada. This fact was known, and there were typically long waiting lists to get into the NG in those days -- it sure beat getting drafted and your ass ending up in the jungle. When Bush's draft number was coming, Bush, whose daddy was then a Texas congressman, was able to get into the the Texas NG "Champagne Unit" with no waiting, and thereby dodged the war and having to face actual combat. He spent some time tooling around in jets for a little while, before taking off to do some campaigning and partying.
KCConservative said:
Defending their honor and his. I'm proud of him. He is asking the liberal hate mongers to put up or shut up. If there is any evidence that he manipulated intelligence, then it's time to present it - rather than just continually make the unsupported claim. Otherwise, the president and his advisors are going to fight back.

Good luck to him cause he is going to need it. Looking tough isn't going to turn his poll numbers around. Last weeks elections have shown that GOP members who are up for re-election need to distance themselves from him. And if the Dems get at least one of the houses of congress back in 2006, he will be answering for his mistakes for a long time.

The American public is split right down the middle in terms of left/right bias, but the right controls the courts, the congress, the WH, and the media. And it is still falling apart for them. Why? Because a lot of their populatory was the result of selling a platform to a lot of people, that only a small part of those people really believe in.

You are in the minority. And as the facts of what happened leading up to the war continue to come out, that minority will shrink even more.

When Katrina hit, I knew that this was the flashpoint of an implosion for the GOP (feel free to look at my postings). And now I think there is a real chance the GOP will loose some control in 2006. Once there is at least a little "check and balance" back in the system (after 5 years of having it disabled by the dirty plays of Rove/DeLay), what is left of Bush's house of cards will fall.

I have faith in the American people. I know that even the Ann Coulter drones are going to wake up and realize the way to a better life is not through neocon policy.
Iriemon said:
Bush a veteran of dodging the Vietnam War.

Iriemon, let me try and bring you up to speed. Dan Rather lost his job for perpetuating this lie. This smear, like all of the others, has never been shown to be true. The left tried to make this stick during both elections. Both times, it failed mizserably. Even John Kerry told his supporters to drop it because it wasn't true.
python416 said:
And as the facts of what happened leading up to the war continue to come out, that minority will shrink even more.
And I keep asking for you to present those "facts." Will you be supporting your claim anytime soon? Rather than tell us about "dirty plays", why not show them?
KCConservative said:
I think choosing veterans day to defend the troops that are currently fighting the war on terror was very appropriate. It is time the left stopped lying about them and their commander-in-chief.

What does supporting our troops have to do with thanking the men and women who have served their country and are no longer in the service?

How does labeling those who question the intelligence leading up to the war "irresponsible" defend the troops that are currently fighting the war on terror? Can you explain that to me?

This was about those who have served and are no longer on active duty.

It was a desperate attempt to defend himself. Totally and utterly desperate (which is humorous, although at the veterans' expense).

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