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Kanye West won’t appear on Missouri ballot (1 Viewer)


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Nov 8, 2018
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Kanye West won’t appear on Missouri ballot after falling thousands of signatures short.

Kanye West’s presidential ambitions in Missouri are over.

The artist fell 3,443 signatures short of what he needed to qualify for the November general election ballot, Missouri Secretary of State Jay Ashcroft announced Tuesday. Ashcroft’s office released a letter it sent to West outlining its findings.

Looks like people aren't going to be fooled by the GOP's spoiler candidate.
Kanye West won’t appear on Missouri ballot after falling thousands of signatures short.

Looks like people aren't going to be fooled by the GOP's spoiler candidate.

What evidence do you have that the GOP is behind West's candidacy in Missouri?

I think if the GOP wanted him on the ballot, they could have simply used paid collectors to gather 10,000 signatures.
Re: Kanye West won’t appear on Missouri ballot

What evidence do you have that the GOP is behind West's candidacy in Missouri?

I think if the GOP wanted him on the ballot, they could have simply used paid collectors to gather 10,000 signatures.

'A friendly discussion': Kushner confirms meeting with Kanye West in Telluride | 2020-election | coloradopolitics.com

He did meet with Kushner in CO, where he is now on the ballot. I'm sure it was just a coincidence.

"As in several other states, prominent Republican operatives had a hand in West's effort to make Colorado's ballot, sparking charges that his campaign is a stunt meant to divert votes from Democrat Joe Biden."

Kanye West Has a Senior GOP Strategist Helping Him Get on the Ballot in Colorado
Re: Kanye West won’t appear on Missouri ballot

'A friendly discussion': Kushner confirms meeting with Kanye West in Telluride | 2020-election | coloradopolitics.com

He did meet with Kushner in CO, where he is now on the ballot. I'm sure it was just a coincidence.

"As in several other states, prominent Republican operatives had a hand in West's effort to make Colorado's ballot, sparking charges that his campaign is a stunt meant to divert votes from Democrat Joe Biden."

Kanye West Has a Senior GOP Strategist Helping Him Get on the Ballot in Colorado

According to the story, West flew to Telluride in order to talk to Kushner. That's not the GOP being behind West. That's West looking to get help from the GOP in his run. Help that apparently was not given in Missouri.

Got anything else that suggests the GOP is behind West's candidacy?
Re: Kanye West won’t appear on Missouri ballot

According to the story, West flew to Telluride in order to talk to Kushner. That's not the GOP being behind West. That's West looking to get help from the GOP in his run. Help that apparently was not given in Missouri.

Got anything else that suggests the GOP is behind West's candidacy?

Did you read the link about the GOP strategist?

But I guess you might be right about Kushner. It not like he could possibly have suggested that Kanye go to Tellulride.
Re: Kanye West won’t appear on Missouri ballot

Did you read the link about the GOP strategist?

But I guess you might be right about Kushner. It not like he could possibly have suggested that Kanye go to Tellulride.

Fair enough, but I still don't get why the GOP wouldn't be able to manage to get Kanye on the ballot in Missouri if that's what they really wanted. 10,000 signatures is not that many.

Doesn't Missouri have any "top GOP strategists" they can spare? Seems like they aren't all that committed to West.

The fact that Kushner makes Kanye come to him to talk about running is telling.
Re: Kanye West won’t appear on Missouri ballot

Fair enough, but I still don't get why the GOP wouldn't be able to manage to get Kanye on the ballot in Missouri if that's what they really wanted. 10,000 signatures is not that many.

Doesn't Missouri have any "top GOP strategists" they can spare? Seems like they aren't all that committed to West.

The fact that Kushner makes Kanye come to him to talk about running is telling.

Maybe because Kanye's campaign is designed to hurt Biden and Biden't not likely to win in MO, so why bother?
Re: Kanye West won’t appear on Missouri ballot

Yes, we know. Kanye likes Trump and hates Biden. Even Kanye isn't crazy enough to think he has a shot at winning.

It's not like the Dems have never funded a dark horse to siphon away votes from a Republican candidate. Yes, it's unfair. **** like this happens. Man up and deal.

OTOH, it looks like the GOP doesn't consider Kanye a significant threat to Biden. Otherwise they would have pushed harder to get him on the ballot in Missouri.
Re: Kanye West won’t appear on Missouri ballot

Good point.

I honestly can't see how Kanye is really going to matter anywhere. But you never know.
Re: Kanye West won’t appear on Missouri ballot

I honestly can't see how Kanye is really going to matter anywhere. But you never know.

Indeed. OTOH, the Dem party does have a serious problem with the black vote. They have taken it for granted way too long, and the whole BLM movement (and associated riots) and calls to "defund the police" are not resonating well in the black community. A recent Gallup poll showed 61% of blacks wanting the same level of police presence in their neighborhoods and 20% want it increased! They want more, not less cops.

Gallup poll: 81% of black people want police to stay in their neighborhoods

The Dem party needs a monolithic black populace to come out en masse and uncritically vote for it in order to win nationally. If even 20% of blacks vote for Trump, then Biden is toast.
Re: Kanye West won’t appear on Missouri ballot

Indeed. OTOH, the Dem party does have a serious problem with the black vote. They have taken it for granted way too long, and the whole BLM movement (and associated riots) and calls to "defund the police" are not resonating well in the black community. A recent Gallup poll showed 61% of blacks wanting the same level of police presence in their neighborhoods and 20% want it increased! They want more, not less cops.

Gallup poll: 81% of black people want police to stay in their neighborhoods

The Dem party needs a monolithic black populace to come out en masse and uncritically vote for it in order to win nationally. If even 20% of blacks vote for Trump, then Biden is toast.

Taken it for granted, yes. However, I just don't see a rush to Trump, especially on the order of 20%. But we will see.
Re: Kanye West won’t appear on Missouri ballot

Taken it for granted, yes. However, I just don't see a rush to Trump, especially on the order of 20%. But we will see.

In a normal year I would agree with you. Maybe Trump would get 10%. OTOH, this is not one of those. The rioting seems to be disproportionally happening in black neighborhoods. The DNC was utterly silent on the matter. The RNC is condemning it and saying it needs to end. Will blacks pick up on that and vote Republican? We will see.
Re: Kanye West won’t appear on Missouri ballot

It would be easier to list the states where Kanye did make it onto the ballot.
Re: Kanye West won’t appear on Missouri ballot

So what? Its a democracy and he is entitled to it. Why do you support candidate suppression?

What makes you think I support candidate suppression?
Re: Kanye West won’t appear on Missouri ballot

It's sad that US politics is playing out like a bad reality TV show. What an embarrassment.

It is like an episode of Celebrity Apprentice.
Re: Kanye West won’t appear on Missouri ballot

What makes you think I support candidate suppression?

So youre okay with allowing Kanye on the ballot? Alright, my mistake then. Sorry.
Re: Kanye West won’t appear on Missouri ballot

So youre okay with allowing Kanye on the ballot? Alright, my mistake then. Sorry.

I am yes, if he qualifies. I was arguing against the claim that he isn't being supported by the Trump campaign in order to siphon black votes away from Joe Biden. He has already admitted this is the case.
I find it shocking just how many Americans are dumb and racist enough to think Kanye West was going to be a "spoiler" candidate stealing votes from Joe Biden.
Re: Kanye West won’t appear on Missouri ballot

In a normal year I would agree with you. Maybe Trump would get 10%. OTOH, this is not one of those. The rioting seems to be disproportionally happening in black neighborhoods. The DNC was utterly silent on the matter. The RNC is condemning it and saying it needs to end. Will blacks pick up on that and vote Republican? We will see.

Yeah, we'll have to see. It would surprise me if he gets more than 10%.

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