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Justice Department preparing for Mueller report as early as next week (1 Viewer)

It’s easy to read. I’ve read it, and all Americans should it, in my opinion. If you think it’s so easy to interpret, what do we need all these Federal judges and lawyers for? Have you ever read through a Supreme Court decision? They aren’t simple.

I guess we don’t need all that. We can just pose legal questions to forums like this.
You should feel free to point to the part of the Constitution where our nations law enforcement agency is authorized to act like the Gestapo and falsely and knowingly use fabricated evidence to launch an investigation and where they are allowed to attack people without probable cause.

Your willingness to completely **** on your integrity in the name of partisan politics is pathetic.
Either way, I will be happy for this investigation and the speculation over it to be finished.
If he is still president he will pardon them. If he’s not, Pence will do it (after he pardons Trump).

If they get pardoned, they can no longer plead the 5th - they must testify truthfully. It's possible that would make them think about a pardon. Ok thinking is the problem there.
This might fall on deaf ears, BUT I have a funny odd questions.

1) Trump is accused by some as a Russian Agent?
2) Accused of Acting on behalf of Russian
3) Colluding to interfere with the 2016 Elections

OK Just add that ALL in there..... So let me get this straight as HONESTLY these are serious thoughts an allegations.

1) We know that the Republicans initiated the Dossier research, but abandoned it and DNC/HRC took it. I am kinda curious why the RNC abandoned it in the first place?
2) Devin Nunes, Paul Ryan, Trey Gowdy, Jason Chafettes, Jim Jordan (Out spoken Repubs and some that have left political life) I ask, If they thought Trump for a Russian spy... or even a hint or even an actual concern PERIOD. Regardless of political Affiliation, WHY in the hell would Republicans Support him even if there is a HINT of Russians. I mean would that not indicate that Russians has "penetrated" the RNC?

3) Lindsey Graham, Mike Pompeo, Rod Rosentien, Christopher Wray, Judge Kavanaugh. Power full people, people appointed by Trump and STILL working for Trump in positions of knowledge and power. THE access of intelligence even beyond JUST Mueller investigation if even had a HINT that Trump was an ACTUAL agent of Russian.... Would these people that work and support the administration then be in cahoots with Russia?

Its Kinda funny actually as a Majority of the RNC supports Trump (assuming) as well as the electorate voted for Trump. ALL the Powerful people prior to 2018 that had control of the major houses and intelligence would see SOME type of concern if there really was IN FACT a russian spy in the White house no? I mean should we actually accuse the RNC of supporting Russia, as they are the ones that got Trump elected right?

We certainly don't know for sure whether they did or didn't get hacked. It's certainly possible. Rubio at one time said "Next time it will be us". Follow the money.
Sure Manafort is a crook but not what you want to accuse him of. There is not any crime of collusion with any Russians that Mueller indicted him on. If I'm wrong prove it.

Thats kinda my point! =) But also thank you for clarifying.

ALL the Powerful Republicans in their need to know positions... WOULD NOT want a Russian in the Whitehouse right (assuming)? I mean if there was ACTUAL proof dont you think even the Full blown Republicans Would try to get him out if he was an "Agent of Russia"?

Remember Mr. Pecker and AMI?? They're trying to blackmail Jeff Bezos. He has enough money to stand up and give them the finger. What about many members of the GOP or the DNC blackmail much??
If I where Barr I'd hate to have to be in his shoes. If and when he says nothing in the Trump investigation the dems are going to accuse him of being a partisan hack, but guys like, Comey, McCabe, Strozyck, Brennan, and so on are honest to the core? LOL.
Im perfectly OK with an investigation of Bill...for perjury charges...because there was evidence of perjury (like...actual audio tape)and because...oh yeah...he committed perjury. Im perfectly fine with an investigation into Hillary Clinton because she lied about using private email, lied about what she sent on her private email, lied about sending classified material, and then destroyed evidence. And you know what...if you had actual evidence of collusion of Trump that didnt involve a bull**** dossier bought and paid for by an opposition political party that was unsubstantiated and lied about, then I wouldnt have a problem at all with an investigation of Trump. As it is, I have REPEATEDLY called for a COMPLETE investigation of the 2016 election...both sides, including the actions of senior leaders in the intel community that are on film lying to congress.

So try again...you just failed. Miserably.

Actually you proved my point - you're ok with Bill and Hillary but not Trump. Is that not hypocrisy at it's finest? Yeah thought so.
1)NPR Forced to issue a correction after peddling Fake News about Donald Trump Jr
ICYMI: NPR Was Taken To The Woodshed For Peddling Straight Fake News About Donald Trump Jr.

This was an error in reporting that NPR made, and corrected. It was not a slanted article or a lie. Here is the correction:

Cohen's Account Of Russia Talks Raises Questions About Trump Jr. 2017 Testimony : NPR

FYI: TownHall.com is known for slanted and heavily biased reporting.

2) Mueller shoots down BuzzFeed fake news
Mueller's office disputes BuzzFeed report that Trump directed Michael Cohen to lie to Congress - CNNPolitics

I remember this one. No other news organization has corroborated their claim, so MSM has not supported Buzzfeed. That being said, special counsel Robert Mueller's office disputed the story as "not accurate", after the news outlet reported the President had directed his personal attorney Michael Cohen to lie to Congress, for which Cohen was later prosecuted.

We do not yet know if Buzzfeed is lying, but they still stand by their source as far as I know. When the Mueller report comes out, maybe his will be answered.

FYI: Buzzfeed, although technically in MSM, they are heavily biased to the left.

3) CNN forced to retract Fake News story about Anthony Scaramucci's ties to a Russian hedgfund

“The network’s response to the Scaramucci story, however, was quick, decisive and largely private. CNN’s managers investigated, retracted the report and accepted the journalists’ resignations over a span of roughly 72 hours.”

What this tells me is that CNN has integrity. As soon as they found out the story was bad, they retracted it and fired those responsible. How is that fake news or a lie? If you have a news business, and you find out a lie has been published, you correct it!

4) Three CNN staffer's resigned over Fake News story about Russian investment with ties to Trump Officials
CNN staffer who resigned over retracted Russia story named interim head of CBSNews.com

This is not a lie. It is reporting that one of the journalists fired in #3 above, was hired by CBSNews.com. Is this a lie? I don’t know. However, the New York Post, which reported this is not MSM. Organizations that measure bias rate this organization as “Nonsense damaging to public discourse”. So, not a lie and not MSM.

5) ABC News fires Brian Ross over General Flynn fake news.
ABC News Suspends Brian Ross Over Bad Michael Flynn Report | Deadline

Again, this was another reporting error, which was retracted by the news organization and the journalist fired.

So to summarize:
1) Not a lie—reporting error that was corrected
2) No other MSM has corroborated this report nor supported it—so it is not MSM news until that happens. Just BuzzFeed uncorroborated claim
3) Retracted report, authors fired.
4) Not a lie. Biased source.
5) Retracted report, author fired.

This was a nice try, but can you give me anything better? These didn’t prove that MSM lies. Please give me articles from reliable, low bias organizations where they stand behind the lie, not errors that were retracted and someone fired.
You should feel free to point to the part of the Constitution where our nations law enforcement agency is authorized to act like the Gestapo and falsely and knowingly use fabricated evidence to launch an investigation and where they are allowed to attack people without probable cause.

Your willingness to completely **** on your integrity in the name of partisan politics is pathetic.

How is “our nations law enforcement agency [] authorized to act like the Gestapo and falsely and knowingly use fabricated evidence to launch an investigation and where they are allowed to attack people without probable cause.”?

That’s a strong claim. Defend it.
If they get pardoned, they can no longer plead the 5th - they must testify truthfully. It's possible that would make them think about a pardon. Ok thinking is the problem there.

I hadn’t thought about that one. Your right!
Remember Mr. Pecker and AMI?? They're trying to blackmail Jeff Bezos. He has enough money to stand up and give them the finger. What about many members of the GOP or the DNC blackmail much??

You have to wonder who else they play that game with. Politicians are more vulnerable.
They desperately did not want Clinton in there. Trump clinched the nomination against the will of the RNC, so they had no choice but to ride the Trump wave.

Even if they had credible Proof that Trump was a Russian Agent or collude to undermine the 2016 Elections? I dont think the RNC is desperate to "support" a person that has factual credible ties to accuse of being a Russian agent? I dont think there is ANY American Period if there was a video Trump shaking hands with putin after signing an agreement to hack and then penetrate our election system.???? They have access to investigative material JUST as much as the DNC.... fact remains...Not even a predicate was established...just adverse opinion....
We certainly don't know for sure whether they did or didn't get hacked. It's certainly possible. Rubio at one time said "Next time it will be us". Follow the money.

Im not even talking about hacking. I am talking that the RNC and any current powerful republican with a TS clearance would not even have chance to verify any of these allegations. If those that are SO sure that Trump is a foreign actor a cannot begin to comprehend WHY the RNC or any Republican would support Donald Trump? UNLESS there is ZERO credibility to ANY and ALL the Russian allegations.
Remember Mr. Pecker and AMI?? They're trying to blackmail Jeff Bezos. He has enough money to stand up and give them the finger. What about many members of the GOP or the DNC blackmail much??

What does that all have to do with my point that the RNC or Any republican with enough access FOUND credible evidence (Which Mueller may have) That Trump is in league with Russia would NOT automatically demand the removal of TRUMP you are saying that they WOULD purposefully and willfully go on with this Charade. That would be TREASONOUS against the WHOLE RNC No?
Even if they had credible Proof that Trump was a Russian Agent or collude to undermine the 2016 Elections? I dont think the RNC is desperate to "support" a person that has factual credible ties to accuse of being a Russian agent? I dont think there is ANY American Period if there was a video Trump shaking hands with putin after signing an agreement to hack and then penetrate our election system.???? They have access to investigative material JUST as much as the DNC.... fact remains...Not even a predicate was established...just adverse opinion....

Maybe I’m misunderstanding you. How would the RNC have that information during the campaign? I guess I don’t understand what exactly you are arguing.
He's in jail because he's not guilty, right??

:doh where did i say that.
i said he was never charged with collusion or conspiracy to defraud an election
or election meddlings.

that doesn't mean he isn't in jail for other crimes.
please pay attention. it will help you.
Like you did with Hillary?? You still haven't gotten over that.

There is actual evidence that Clinton broke the law. How does it feel to worship a criminal?
If they get pardoned, they can no longer plead the 5th - they must testify truthfully. It's possible that would make them think about a pardon. Ok thinking is the problem there.

Says who?

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