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Justice Department preparing for Mueller report as early as next week (1 Viewer)

Cohen “jumped on a grenade” for Trump. How’s that working for him?

Yeah really, I was wondering what the payoff was.
If you're defending a guy that you think is your hero, and you notice he's crapping all over the last eight guys who tried to defend him, aren't you supposed to be that ninth guy who suddenly realizes that it just isn't worth it?
When does that common sense and self-preservation kick in?

But, then again, we should look to the past and see the reality, HUNDREDS of people fell on swords and fell on grenades to protect a madman...and by "hundreds" I mean hundreds of the top-most elites.
Almost the entire inner circle committed suicide at the very end.

Maybe that's what we're dealing with? (shudder)
Only if there's probable cause. In the case of the Russia! investigation, there was no probable cause.

Yes there was and McCabe told us what some of that was.

"There were a number of things that caused us to believe that we had adequate predication or adequate reason and facts, to open the investigation. The president had been speaking in a derogatory way about our investigative efforts for weeks, describing it as a witch hunt… publicly undermining the effort of the investigation. The president had gone to Jim Comey and specifically asked him to discontinue the investigation of Mike Flynn which was a part of our Russia case. The president, then, fired the director. In the firing of the director, the president specifically asked Rod Rosenstein to write the memo justifying the firing and told Rod to include Russia in the memo. Rod, of course, did not do that. That was on the president's mind. Then, the president made those public comments that you've referenced both on NBC and to the Russians which was captured in the Oval Office. Put together, these circumstances were articulable facts that indicated that a crime may have been committed. The president may have been engaged in obstruction of justice in the firing of Jim Comey."

“Articulable facts” is a reference to the standard for opening a full FBI investigation as set out in the Attorney General’s Guidelines, which require “an articulable factual basis ... that reasonably indicates” that an “activity constituting a federal crime or a threat to the national security has or may have occurred, is or may be occurring, or will or may occur,” and that the investigation “may obtain information relating to the activity or the involvement or role of an individual, group, or organization in such activity.”
Adam "Little $#!t" Schiff already said if Mueller couldn't deliver the goods, only after 2 YEARS of "investigating" this, he said that another farce (investigation) would happen. My guess is the media would only get this "report" in spurts instead of the whole thing being released, and if it was so urgent to the country, make available for the public to see. Why hide it? And after those spurts are released and Little $#!t starts his farce (which should be called the Little $#!t investigation, but the Left would call it, the less fun, Schiff investigation), he won't find anything just like Mueller. Which, BTW, if Mueller's "report" finds nothing, would the Left still see him as the same man of integrity and honor they've been hyping him to be, or will he be seen as the good for nothing investigator who betrayed the country by failing to remove Donald Trump? Food for thought.

Anyway, back to Little $#!t. When Little $#!t starts his Little $#!t investigation, he won't actually go look for anything. Mueller was presumed to have look in all the possible areas, so why go look into those again? Going back into old investments Trump made in the 90's doesn't do any good because, well, it wouldn't show anything that we didn't already know. So what will Little $#!t do? Simple. Little $#!t does what Little $#!t loves to do: make it up. He could say that he helped modify the Berlin Wall and that's why the border wall is immoral. He could also say that Trump's casinos and his university didn't well because the Russian economy was terrible at the time. Little $#!t could also make the (faux) case that Trump, after he made his fortune, helped start the Cold War and helped the KGB infiltrate our intelligence community.

As ridiculous as it may sound, Little $#!t could make up stories like that. and Leftist supporters everywhere would BELIEVE IT! I just heard a guy yesterday rambling on about how Trump is going to overthrow the government this Summer and declare himself a dictator. The Left believes stories like that. The fact that they believe we should tear EVERY SINGLE BUILDING IN OUR COUNTRY THEN REBUILD TO BE MORE "ECO FRIENDLY", ban ALL air travel and run on a railway system OVERSEAS, ban paper straws, put up solar panels and wind mills, switch to electric cars and banning gas fueled ones, ban fossil fuels (even though it's THE key component of producing electricity), all so we can save the planet shows only a extent of what they believe. They'll believe the "stats" that politicians conjure up that "back up" these claims they made. They're truly gullible. You would either have to be brainwashed or, literally, mentally insane to believe ANY of this because normal people do NOT think this way. But, as frustrating as it all is, Little $#!t will do his Little $#!t investigation and present his "findings" to the public and people on the Left will believe it. So there you go. This farce will not be over after the Mueller report.
Whitaker was in above his head. Not qualified for the position.

That would appear to be an understatement if there ever was one.
where is manforts collusion or conspiracy charge then if i am wrong.
please provide it.

Collusion is not a crime—so you’re still wrong. Now you mention conspiracy. Who knows? Maybe, maybe not. Time will tell.

That has nothing to do with Crossfire Hurricane which took place in 2016.

col·lu·sion Dictionary result for collusion
secret or illegal cooperation or conspiracy, especially in order to cheat or deceive others.

I’ll play your silly semantic game. Manafort is a crook, and you know it. Your just so completely intransigent you can’t bring yourself to accept it. He’s going to prison for his crimes.

It was a poor interview and bad showing by McCabe:
1. The president had been speaking derogatorily about the investigation because he argued it was a political act. He said he didn't collude.
2. To what extent did the investigation undermine the Trump Admin? We both know it has.
3. He suggested to Comey that Flynn had been punished enough. It's the kind of observation prosecutors make everyday.
4. Comey was not fired because he continued investigating Flynn.
5. How much of the Russia investigation was Trump privy? Did he know Flynn was central to it?
6. What about Russia was on the president's mind? How about the fact that Comey had privately told him he was not under investigation, but refusing to publically state it? This is what Trump stated in that NBC interview.

So now we're back to believing CNN's unnamed sources? I can't keep up. Is this going to be a pattern with Trump Fan Nation now - CNN and unnamed sources are to be believed?

Naw. Mathew Whitaker is a buffoon. Trump picked him because of his ant-Mueller rhetoric on CNN—that was his only qualification. Trump wanted a flunky. Here’s some of his ridiculous background:

“In a pitch-perfect Trumpian twist, it turns out that before ascending to his current role, Matthew Whitaker was also a cartoonish, grifting dope who shilled for a company that hawked time-travel cryptocurrencies, Bigfoot dolls, and toilets specially designed for men with big dicks—and that was shut down for good and paid a $26 million fine to the Federal Trade Commission earlier this year for its alleged wrongdoing.” — GQ

Trump'''s New "Attorney General" Has a Long History of Absurd Scams | GQ

Oh trust me I knew about "The Masculine Toilet" and the time travel/bitcoin nonsense.
Didja hear about the threatening emails he was sending to whistleblowers who got ripped off by his patent clearing outfit?

Yeah, I know he's a moron.

Here you go. A link to the AP article is provided. Enjoy.

“prosecutors have homed in on the repeated contacts between Manafort and his longtime associate, Konstantin Kilimnik, who the FBI says has ties to the Russia’s military intelligence agency”

“Manafort’s attorneys accidentally revealed that among the topics discussed by Manafort and Kilimnik during the election was a possible peace plan to resolve the Russia-Ukraine conflict in Crimea. They also disclosed that Manafort had shared polling data on the Trump campaign with Kilimnik.”

Prosecutor: Manafort meeting with Russian at heart of probe (from @AP) Prosecutor: Manafort meeting with Russian at heart of probe
I agree w/McCabe, the Mueller report better stay in the news at least a week, it should be a month or more. Considering what these ex-intelligence agents are saying. It's like the report will prove without a doubt that Trump is a Russian Asset.

Why does it not surprise that you would agree with McCabe? Isn't he the disgraced FBI dude?
That has nothing to do with Crossfire Hurricane which took place in 2016.

As usual you just jump back and forth from one thing to another without any clue of what it is you're talking about.

Wait, did ludin say it was the judge acting badly? On what planet?

He was being reasonable at first, he may have felt he was going to lose his "reputation" and so he quickly took it into nutter territory:
The fact is that manafort conviction came under things not related to the campaign in fact done years before the campaign even happened.
the judge in the stone case is setting herself up for a mistrial the way she is acting.
Mueller's team keeps them related, Stone's team contests, the Judge affirms Mueller keeping it as a "related case". But Ludin's betting on Stone and figures that's evidence of judicial misconduct I suppose. Maybe we'll here some "lock her up" later.

The FBIs Counter Intelligence investigation STARTED IN THE SUMMER OF 2016

Lol ! What the hell man ? Look, McCabe is under a criminal investigation for lying to investigators, so maybe it's a good idea to take what he says with a grain of salt.

Prosecutors use grand jury as investigation of Andrew McCabe intensifies


As for firing Comey ? Trump acted on ROSENSTEINS RECOMMENDATION.

Also, here's what Andrew McCabe said under oath in front of the Senate panel in 20017..

,[] " There has been no effort to impede our investigation to date,”

He followed that up with... .”You cannot stop the men and women of the FBI from doing the right thing, protecting the American people and upholding the Constitution."

Look, sooner or later you people are going to have to wake up to the fact that you've been taken for a 2 year long ride by the MSM and the Democrats.

Conservatives didn't lie to you, or manipulate you, hell we've been trying to help. CNN, MSNBC, The NYTs, WaPo, etc lied to you as did every low life Democrat politician
This might fall on deaf ears, BUT I have a funny odd questions.

1) Trump is accused by some as a Russian Agent?
2) Accused of Acting on behalf of Russian
3) Colluding to interfere with the 2016 Elections

OK Just add that ALL in there..... So let me get this straight as HONESTLY these are serious thoughts an allegations.

1) We know that the Republicans initiated the Dossier research, but abandoned it and DNC/HRC took it. I am kinda curious why the RNC abandoned it in the first place?
2) Devin Nunes, Paul Ryan, Trey Gowdy, Jason Chafettes, Jim Jordan (Out spoken Repubs and some that have left political life) I ask, If they thought Trump for a Russian spy... or even a hint or even an actual concern PERIOD. Regardless of political Affiliation, WHY in the hell would Republicans Support him even if there is a HINT of Russians. I mean would that not indicate that Russians has "penetrated" the RNC?

3) Lindsey Graham, Mike Pompeo, Rod Rosentien, Christopher Wray, Judge Kavanaugh. Power full people, people appointed by Trump and STILL working for Trump in positions of knowledge and power. THE access of intelligence even beyond JUST Mueller investigation if even had a HINT that Trump was an ACTUAL agent of Russian.... Would these people that work and support the administration then be in cahoots with Russia?

Its Kinda funny actually as a Majority of the RNC supports Trump (assuming) as well as the electorate voted for Trump. ALL the Powerful people prior to 2018 that had control of the major houses and intelligence would see SOME type of concern if there really was IN FACT a russian spy in the White house no? I mean should we actually accuse the RNC of supporting Russia, as they are the ones that got Trump elected right?

What the hell man? McCabe 'supposedly' was under criminal investigation a long time ago. That is if you want to believe people the likes of Meadows and Geatz. But yet here we are and still NOTHING. And nothing is exactly what will be coming forth from it. And McCabe is absolutely right. That in the end you can't stop the men and women of the FBI and the DOJ from doing the right thing. Which is something Trump will soon find out despite his best efforts to prevent them from doing so.

Sure Manafort is a crook but not what you want to accuse him of. There is not any crime of collusion with any Russians that Mueller indicted him on. If I'm wrong prove it.
I wonder if the love orgy of Mueller by the Democratic Party will turn to a hate fest with the report - the way their hate fest of Comey turned into a love affair?

Gosh I hope the report doesn't find out that Hillary sold uranium to Russia.

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