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Justice Department preparing for Mueller report as early as next week (1 Viewer)

If true, isn't anyone curious about who from Mueller's office leaked it to CNN?
Greetings, bubba. :2wave:

:thumbs: . :mrgreen: I wonder what's next on the agenda....

Hey Pol.
Definitely should be a change in the terms of the conversation coming ... whether next week or otherwise.
Stones current case is officially listed as related to the Russian conspiracy/hacking case.

Stone just tried to argue in court that his indictment is unrelated to Russia/ties to Trump campaign.
Mueller cites two primary reasons - the Russian stolen emails are the topic in both, and that warrants from the Russian hacker "raid" resulted in evidence relevant to this Stone case.
The judge agreed, the roger stone Indictment remains listed with the related case being :
case 1:18-cr-00215-ABJ (the Russian conspiracy indictment/hackers)

Something that mueller is grabbing at the sky for unless he can prove that stone was the guy that hired the russian team to do the hack to begin with.
In Manafort's case, much of it was redacted. When one bit was accidentally unredacted by Manafort's crack team, we learned that it involved Manafort giving polling data to a Russian with ties to Russian intelligence (KK).
Similar to Stone, the same Judge overseeing Mueller's Stone work, oversaw that portion of Manafort's case. Much of it is still not known to the public. The other judge with access to some of those redactions, asked about "Treason", so I think that raises eyebrows about what is under the redaction, consistent with this discussion.

Polling data is public knowledge so that is irrelevant any moron can do a google search and find polling data.
Manafort and Stone both appear to not be taking their prosecution seriously, and have apparently intentionally done numerous things to receive harsher judgement in their obviously guilty cases (stone TBD, Manafort is cooked). It was even reported that from legal sources with knowledge of Stone's strategy, that they are simply expecting a pardon. It fits history, Trump, and their behavior.

So while I hope you're right, that he will let them face justice, it's my #1 concern that he will pardon them. That they stonewalled sufficient to shield he president, and he will reward them with a pardon. Nice and tidy...the old "take one for the team", followed up with a "get out of jail free" card.

The fact is that manafort conviction came under things not related to the campaign in fact done years before the campaign even happened.

the judge in the stone case is setting herself up for a mistrial the way she is acting.
If the police are looking at something that you did and find a bloody knife even if it isn't related to the initial search they can bring in new charges.
the fact is that they were looking at a crime and found other related crimes. it happens all the time.

the only thing that protects you is unreasonable searches. if they are looking at one thing and find something else there is nothing unconstitutional about it.

it is not different than a criminal getting pulled over for a traffic stop and then getting busted on a warrant or busted for having drugs in the car.
There was ZERO probable cause for the Gestapo to start digging through the lives of every single person connected with Trump...ESPECIALLY since their 'evidence' to start the investigation was fabricated. Its ludicrous to assume that a piece of evidence bought and paid for by a political enemy in an act of collusion would EVER be allowed in any reputable court of law.

I dont excuse the actions of those indicted...I just dont reward police state tactics.
He also said this:

He's clearly echoing McCabe's concerns about the President while underscoring the general consensus that Trump isn't all that bright. Doubt that Barr has been brought fully up to speed yet on all the investigations opened by the Special Counsel as some of them I'm are sure quite complex.

Clapper used the word "unwittingly" again. Gotta admit ... that cue ball has cubes.
There was ZERO probable cause for the Gestapo to start digging through the lives of every single person connected with Trump...ESPECIALLY since their 'evidence' to start the investigation was fabricated. Its ludicrous to assume that a piece of evidence bought and paid for by a political enemy in an act of collusion would EVER be allowed in any reputable court of law.

I dont excuse the actions of those indicted...I just dont reward police state tactics.

Cocaine Mitch and Paul Ryan didn't object to the opening of the counterintelligence investigation into Trump. Are they part of your deep state now too?
There was ZERO probable cause for the Gestapo to start digging through the lives of every single person connected with Trump...ESPECIALLY since their 'evidence' to start the investigation was fabricated. Its ludicrous to assume that a piece of evidence bought and paid for by a political enemy in an act of collusion would EVER be allowed in any reputable court of law.

I dont excuse the actions of those indicted...I just dont reward police state tactics.

don't get me wrong i agree that the investigation results should be shelved because that the whole thing leading to it was a sham.
the dossier was a sham and everything else involved was sham including the ignoring of the clinton campaign and fusion GPS
for actually using russia to meddle in the election.
It seems people think this is the end, this is only the beginning. The Russia investigation by Mueller may be coming to an end, but the results of the investigation and the investigations it spawned still have years to play out. The cases are being handed off and there are many.
It's hard to fathom that Barr and Mueller are good friends, given Barr's rather idiotic ideas about the law, mass incarcerations, presidential power, etc... but it this is true it clearly shows that there's a good chance it all comes out.

Not to mention Whitaker's statement about his purpose being "to jump on a grenade for President Trump".

Between Whitaker, Barr, and every other boot licking sword swallowing toady money could buy, Trump has assembled a bomb squad that he thinks can shield him from justice, because to Trump, the law and justice is whatever he speaks out of his mouth.

Jumping on grenades, presidents cannot be found to have broken the law, whatever it takes.
And unlike the Watergate era, anything and everything seems to be acceptable now. There is no bridge too far.

I used to think this was a crisis of fidelity, but I now know it's a crisis of constitutional rot.
Mueller's office has never leaked. The article doesn't say the information came from Mueller's office. It likely came from Barr's office.
There was a point not long ago when some people here believed Mueller sent people into closed House Committee meetings to testify about what was in his report. Seriously.

I never figured Mueller's office was leaking either.
But there is a 3rd possibility.
If the police are looking at something that you did and find a bloody knife even if it isn't related to the initial search they can bring in new charges.
the fact is that they were looking at a crime and found other related crimes. it happens all the time.

the only thing that protects you is unreasonable searches. if they are looking at one thing and find something else there is nothing unconstitutional about it.

it is not different than a criminal getting pulled over for a traffic stop and then getting busted on a warrant or busted for having drugs in the car.

If they didn't have probable cause, to begin with, then the bloody knife becomes illegally obtained evidence.
Not to mention Whitaker's statement about his purpose being "to jump on a grenade for President Trump".

Between Whitaker, Barr, and every other boot licking sword swallowing toady money could buy, Trump has assembled a bomb squad that he thinks can shield him from justice, because to Trump, the law and justice is whatever he speaks out of his mouth.

Jumping on grenades, presidents cannot be found to have broken the law, whatever it takes.
And unlike the Watergate era, anything and everything seems to be acceptable now. There is no bridge too far.

I used to think this was a crisis of fidelity, but I now know it's a crisis of constitutional rot.

Drama Queen much?
You may be right but not for the reason you think.
They can't leak the report. if they do then it will be a crime and can be punished.
Barr can send what bar wants to send to congress.

however the report is still considered classified.

I know, but I still bet there will be leaks.
Cocaine Mitch and Paul Ryan didn't object to the opening of the counterintelligence investigation into Trump. Are they part of your deep state now too?

Do you understand the difference between a counterintelligence investigation and a criminal imvestigation?
I know, but I still bet there will be leaks.

Then those people need to be charged for leaking classified data.
Big question. How much are we going to see? With Barr acting as a filter I have my doubts we're going to know the whole truth any time soon.

Barr's summary will give you the truth. What it won't give you is all the sordid or mundane details you want so badly.

Too bad.
If they didn't have probable cause, to begin with, then the bloody knife becomes illegally obtained evidence.

only if they were doing something that was outside the original warrant.
like i said people get pulled over for traffic offenses and then get busted for other things.

it happens all the time. there is nothing unconstitutional about it.
Something that mueller is grabbing at the sky for unless he can prove that stone was the guy that hired the russian team to do the hack to begin with.
You're speculating.
Also, the conspiracy includes timing the email release, it does not require Stone having hacked anything.

Polling data is public knowledge so that is irrelevant any moron can do a google search and find polling data.
Was it public polling data?

The fact is that manafort conviction came under things not related to the campaign in fact done years before the campaign even happened.
the judge in the stone case is setting herself up for a mistrial the way she is acting.
mistrial? OK, looney-toons land.
Do you understand the difference between a counterintelligence investigation and a criminal imvestigation?

Do you understand that doesn't mean that they both can't be rolled into one? I highly doubt it.
"As early as next week", so it can still be some time still. Though it would be nice to start getting to a conclusion to this, see if they were able to put together any evidence.
Not to mention Whitaker's statement about his purpose being "to jump on a grenade for President Trump".

Between Whitaker, Barr, and every other boot licking sword swallowing toady money could buy, Trump has assembled a bomb squad that he thinks can shield him from justice, because to Trump, the law and justice is whatever he speaks out of his mouth.

Jumping on grenades, presidents cannot be found to have broken the law, whatever it takes.
And unlike the Watergate era, anything and everything seems to be acceptable now. There is no bridge too far.

I used to think this was a crisis of fidelity, but I now know it's a crisis of constitutional rot.

Somehow I'm getting the feeling that Whitaker didn't understand what the fundamental role of the Attorney General actually is.
We the public? No telling, but likely less than a lot of people will want to see. Even though the regulations don’t require a report to Congress, I don’t think there’s any way for Barr to avoid that. If so, there will undoubtedly be leaks.

Barr will give a summary to Congress. I expect him to also release that summary to the public.

The "report" will be given to nobody. (except, maybe, to the WH)

If the full report is leaked, it'll be from within the DOJ...and heads will roll.
Cocaine Mitch and Paul Ryan didn't object to the opening of the counterintelligence investigation into Trump. Are they part of your deep state now too?

It depends. Was the evidence they were offered tainted by the same bull**** and lies presented from the leftist scumbags? I mean...you could ask the same question of the judge that issued the FISA warrant...if the judge was informed that there were a bunch of treasonous scumbags in the FBI engaging in what they described as an 'insurance policy' using known tainted evidence to seek the FISA warrants.

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