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Just want to say something nice to all of you (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Sep 25, 2005
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Political Leaning
I have posted on other political boards and have been disappointed at the childish things that people say to each other.

ABC political board--OMG, it is full of immature people

usmessageboard.com--If you are not a republican, they will all attack you, call you dishonest, and then ban you. I felt like I was back in elementary school.

democratic underground--they are too extreme and too angry, and they really don't communicate with each other.

Here, we all duke out issues and things can get heated, but it makes it so interesting to me. I learn a lot from my fellow posters, and I really enjoy posting with you all (even you KC and GySgt).

Thank you all! :2wave:
Thanks aps! :)

We are still looking for a mental institution for teacher, but we can't pay them to take him!! :mrgreen:
aps said:
I have posted on other political boards and have been disappointed at the childish things that people say to each other.

ABC political board--OMG, it is full of immature people

usmessageboard.com--If you are not a republican, they will all attack you, call you dishonest, and then ban you. I felt like I was back in elementary school.

democratic underground--they are too extreme and too angry, and they really don't communicate with each other.

Here, we all duke out issues and things can get heated, but it makes it so interesting to me. I learn a lot from my fellow posters, and I really enjoy posting with you all (even you KC and GySgt).

Thank you all! :2wave:

People say foolish things on the internet, because they can get away with it. They do not have to look you in the eye's as they hide behind their computers and let their demons out. It really shows their true colors. Let them vent, but they should do it in the basement.
aps said:
I have posted on other political boards and have been disappointed at the childish things that people say to each other.

ABC political board--OMG, it is full of immature people

usmessageboard.com--If you are not a republican, they will all attack you, call you dishonest, and then ban you. I felt like I was back in elementary school.

democratic underground--they are too extreme and too angry, and they really don't communicate with each other.

Here, we all duke out issues and things can get heated, but it makes it so interesting to me. I learn a lot from my fellow posters, and I really enjoy posting with you all (even you KC and GySgt).

Thank you all! :2wave:

Yes, I have never been a member at any of those boards, but I can imagine the childish babblings that go on.:2razz: This forum IMO is the best forum out there to discuss politics, ethics, or whatever you feel like. I think this forum demographically is better than others, people seem to be more in-step with reality, and have a better grasp on the issues.
kal-el said:
Yes, I have never been a member at any of those boards, but I can imagine the childish babblings that go on.:2razz: This forum IMO is the best forum out there to discuss politics, ethics, or whatever you feel like. I think this forum demographically is better than others, people seem to be more in-step with reality, and have a better grasp on the issues.

kal-el, I would love for you to go check out the usmessageboard.com and tell me what you think. This is what the people do there. They post articles but provide no synthesis as to what they think of the article. They just highlight certain sentences. Boring. When I would post a dissenting opinion, they were all over me. They have a "reputation" thing, where you can say something positive or say something negative about the poster. I felt like I was back in middle school. You can go on there without posting.
I like chili dogs! And Alphieb, I have only read 8-10 of of your posts, but you have mentioned demons at least 2 dozen time. That seems a little, odd doesnt it?
ddoyle00 said:
I like chili dogs! And Alphieb, I have only read 8-10 of of your posts, but you have mentioned demons at least 2 dozen time. That seems a little, odd doesnt it?

No, My post where I mentioned that (and not 2 dozen times) was a religious thread and that was relevent to the topic. Sorry if you don't like my choice of words. On this thread I was referring to people being rude.....like yourself. I have read one of your post and it was a bore.
Your right...its hard to compare to the bible cause its got it all. Murder, rape, incest, genocidal mass killings. One hell of a reading! A real page turner! A numer one read on the fiction list.

But lets not muddy up Ms. or Mrs. Aps thread. If you want to exorcise (correct spelling) any problems you have with me, create a thread somewhere and I will follow.
aps said:
kal-el, I would love for you to go check out the usmessageboard.com and tell me what you think. This is what the people do there. They post articles but provide no synthesis as to what they think of the article. They just highlight certain sentences. Boring. When I would post a dissenting opinion, they were all over me. They have a "reputation" thing, where you can say something positive or say something negative about the poster. I felt like I was back in middle school. You can go on there without posting.

Ok, I'll check it out, maybe I'll even join just for kicks!
kal-el said:
Ok, I'll check it out, maybe I'll even join just for kicks!

Yes yes! They have completely banned me from even accessing their website. It is hilarious, kal-el. I have no idea what I said that caused them to ban me (except disagree with them). LOL
aps said:
Yes yes! They have completely banned me from even accessing their website. It is hilarious, kal-el. I have no idea what I said that caused them to ban me (except disagree with them). LOL

It seems ok, even though I didn't spend sufficient time on there. It seems, appearnence anyway, like all the rest of the discussion forums.

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