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Judge strikes down Michigan's ban on gay marriage[W:95] (1 Viewer)

Our constitution is mainly just a framework for governing, not the answers... remember, you could not give me references to your protected classes...

The new amendment would override the 14th in whichever areas it chose to, you cannot limit it.... the 21st amendment repealed, overrode the 18th... that is how it works.

And sorry, EP only trumps if the court uses your, and its, silly calculus to arrive at a bad answer.

Actually, I gave you the references spelled out in constitutional law. You simply denied/ignored them.

Yes, a new Amendment would override the 14th. But you have to actually pass that Amendment first. As of now, the EPC of the 14th is being violated by bans on same sex couples getting married.
Under equal protection of the laws, just as the right for inmates to marry without needing permission from their warden (Turner v Safley), the right for those who owe child support to marry (Zablocki v Redhail), and even the right for interracial couples to marry (Loving v VA).

I am against judges making law from the bench no matter if they are right or wrong, that is where we differ.
"The will of the people" changes. As of last year, 56% of Michiganians wanted to overturn the ban.

Quite frankly, conservatives who are so fond of pointing out that "this is a republic, not a democracy" should extend that to this issue, also - "The People" do not exist as a single organism; their hive mind is not worthy of respect; and an educated elite is preferable to an uneducated rabble. An 'activist judge' is far more attractive a hero than a sans-culotte, especially if the shoeless fellow comes bearing a crucifix.
Can you give me your sources on just who all these anonymous conservatives of which you speak are, and give some sources of them commonly pointing out what you say... anybody we might have all heard of, or followed... or just some that you "know of"?

Most true conservatives know our Constitution... so I would say you are playing a little fast and loose, perhaps anecdotal, perhaps totally made up? Sounds like total BS to me
I am against judges making law from the bench no matter if they are right or wrong, that is where we differ.

But who has made law from the bench? If your problem is with the initial Windsor ruling, your qualm lies with the U.S. Supreme Court. But every decision legalizing gay marriage flows steadily and logically from Windsor. From your perspective you should blame the Supreme Court, not the state courts deciding on the basis of Constitutional precedent following Windsor.
Absolutely. And I'll go one step further in the direction of elitism, surely further than any of our egalitarian left-liberals will go: the very life of a single educated elite is objectively more valuable than the lives of ten or a hundred West Virginian Southern Baptists.

That's elitist. I don't care. 'Elitism' is not a dirty word. Conservatives of old understood this - and supported the elite.

I think you have done very well here at showing how elitism is indeed a dirty word.
I am against judges making law from the bench no matter if they are right or wrong, that is where we differ.

And I am for efficiency in our law, especially when it favors individual rights because individual rights are very important to a free and fair country/society, like ours is supposed to be.

And no laws are being "made" from the bench. Laws that violate the Constitution are being struck down and rendered unenforceable, as they should be.
I know, lets celebrate liberal activist judges overruling the will of the people. :roll:

It is a civil rights issue and the majority cannot decide on the rights of the minority.
Can you give me your sources on just who all these anonymous conservatives of which you speak are, and give some sources of them commonly pointing out what you say... anybody we might have all heard of, or followed... or just some that you "know of"?

Most true conservatives know our Constitution... so I would say you are playing a little fast and loose, perhaps anecdotal, perhaps totally made up? Sounds like total BS to me

I don't think you've understood my point at all.

Drive down through any town in West Virginia, or rural Kentucky, or even my own native southern Illinois. The cars are on blocks that eerily resemble the native's heads in those locations. There are three teeth for every four people. Do you really want this trash on your side?
I think you have done very well here at showing how elitism is indeed a dirty word.

Elitism is proper. We should engage in it more often. All men are create equal, but not all men perform at the else levels. To the most competent goes the spoils.
And I am for efficiency in our law, especially when it favors individual rights because individual rights are very important to a free and fair country/society, like ours is supposed to be.

And no laws are being "made" from the bench. Laws that violate the Constitution are being struck down and rendered unenforceable, as they should be.

The Nazi's were efficient too.
Actually, I gave you the references spelled out in constitutional law. You simply denied/ignored them.

Yes, a new Amendment would override the 14th. But you have to actually pass that Amendment first. As of now, the EPC of the 14th is being violated by bans on same sex couples getting married.
Well, as you may of noticed, I have been getting an awful lot of posts which, I think you would admit, I have tried to get back with thought given on most of them...except the atrociously bad ones, and even then some... so I may have missed one or two, I have for instance, 21 notifications showing right now and its lunchtime and havent touched breakfast yet ... so might you link it, I will look at it and comment later.

If not, I will assume that you do not have references to the "protected classes" listed in the Constitution. If they are not actually listed in the Constitution by the way, that would make them not actually listed in the Constitution... but please, go ahead, drop them on me... I am always looking to learn something new.
Well, as you may of noticed, I have been getting an awful lot of posts which, I think you would admit, I have tried to get back with thought given on most of them...except the atrociously bad ones, and even then some... so I may have missed one or two, I have for instance, 21 notifications showing right now and its lunchtime and havent touched breakfast yet ... so might you link it, I will look at it and comment later.

If not, I will assume that you do not have references to the "protected classes" listed in the Constitution. If they are not actually listed in the Constitution by the way, that would make them not actually listed in the Constitution... but please, go ahead, drop them on me... I am always looking to learn something new.

What part of "constitutional law" and precedence are you not familiar with? Whether you agree that it should be there or not, does not matter. It exists, and is how our constitutional rights are protected to their fullest by the SCOTUS.
That's fine until you start putting a value on life based on elitism.

You mean like ethnic cleansing and acts of similar actions? Those are right out. You have to keep the stupid and incompetent around. World needs ditch diggers too.
Did all that you quote about women change them into something other than the gender they were? They were still marrying the opposite gender, men... so, marriage didn't change, women changed a bit, but they were sill women marrying men... no biggie.

Yes, well, truthfully I have seen some of your astute analyses prior. I think I'll just comfortably wait for the real decision, thank you very much.

No....women did not change...the laws giving them equality IN the marriage changed, changing marriage so that men cannot use them only as servants and breeders.

Marriage became an institution where both had equal rights....that was not the case before.

Marriage changed in a very substantial way....in many legal ways, since women now had rights to fight for custody, to be able to divorce, to confer inheritance, etc. And those are the kinds of things gays want...LEGAL rights within marriage.

LOLOLOL Nice try tho.
But who has made law from the bench? If your problem is with the initial Windsor ruling, your qualm lies with the U.S. Supreme Court. But every decision legalizing gay marriage flows steadily and logically from Windsor. From your perspective you should blame the Supreme Court, not the state courts deciding on the basis of Constitutional precedent following Windsor.

A Correction....

..................... The rulings since Windsor have been made by federal district courts, not state courts.

The Nazi's were efficient too.

Kurt Eichenwald, son of Holocaust survivors, must have heard about you, sawyer.

What Does It Really Mean When Politicians and Pundits Cry “Nazi”? | Vanity Fair

Jakub, Sochi Piaskovski’s surviving brother, whose entire family was wiped out, was my father-in-law. Janina, the sister of Antosz, was his wife and my mother-in-law. Stella was my grandmother and Ernst—whose last name was Eichenwald—was my grandfather.


And, damn it, how dare so many of you politicians and political commentators and entertainers spit on the ashes of the earth containing the bodies of millions of the slaughtered, by making such asinine comparisons. How dare you belittle unspeakable suffering, how dare you brush aside the emotional torment of survivors, how dare you feed into the Holocaust denialism by pretending that some difference in political opinions is just as bad as the literal torture and destruction of millions of families.

How dare you?

Ben Carson, current darling of the Republican Party whose name is touted as a potential presidential candidate: You compared your feeling of being stifled by “political correctness” to the torment and murder of 13-year-old Sochi Piaskovski and millions of other children. (The American government and its institutions are “very much like Nazi Germany. . . . We now live in a society where people are afraid to say what they actually believe.”) I will assume that, after you made those comments, the Obama administration responded by descending upon you, loading you and your family onto a train, and stuffing you into a gas chamber.

No? Then shut up.

Tom Perkins, multi-millionaire venture capitalist: You compared liberal criticism of income inequality and the excesses of the überwealthy to the slaughter of Jakub Piaskovski’s entire family. (“I would call attention to the parallels of fascist Nazi Germany to its war on its ‘1 percent,’ namely its Jews, to the progressive war on the American 1 percent, namely the ‘rich.’”) I will assume that the tortured and tormented corpses of every member of your family have been burned to ash by progressives, and that you have not had a good night’s sleep for most of your life because of the guilt you feel for surviving.

No? Then shut up.

Ted Nugent, aging rock star, gun enthusiast, conservative spokesman: You compared Obamacare to the beginnings of Nazi Germany. I will assume you mean that you are now preparing to tear out your fillings in hopes of saving a family member while you are imprisoned, starving, cold, and awaiting your death.

No? Then shut up.

Yes, all of you. Shut up, and apologize for demeaning one of history’s most unspeakable crimes. I mean you, Ted Cruz, Republican senator who proclaimed that fighting to defund Obamacare is like fighting to stop the Nazis. And you, Tim Donnelly, Republican candidate for California governor who likened Obama to Hitler because of gun control. And you, Rick Santorum, former GOP senator and presidential candidate who said that failing to fight against Obama’s reelection was like failing to fight Hitler in 1940; he later justified the statement by saying he has used the World War II metaphor “a hundred times.” And you, Bill O’Reilly, political commentator who said the Huffington Post used Nazi tactics and that liberal supporters of gun control embraced the sort of “state control” established by Hitler. And you, Stephen Schwarzman, billionaire co-founder of the Blackstone Group, who proclaimed that some of Obama’s tax proposals were a declaration of war, like “when Hitler invaded Poland.” And you, George W. Bush, whose campaign went all out with the Nazi analogy by releasing a video showing John Kerry, Al Gore, Howard Dean and other Democratic Party luminaries intercut with images of Hitler. And you, Wayne LaPierre, head of the NRA who has used Nazi comparisons to keep gun owners frightened and has even raised the prospect that they may face mass execution. And you, Glenn Beck, who has compared so many people and circumstances to Nazi Germany so many times that the great comedian Lewis Black proclaimed l that Beck suffers from “Nazi Tourette’s.”
Judges are not supposed to make law from the bench and that is exactly what they are doing here.

No. They are cancelling/rendering useless laws that violate the US Constitution. As they should. How else would they stop a law that said "no person within this state can own a gun, ever" or "no person within this state can talk bad about the US President or they face 20 years in prison"? Those laws can only be ruled violations of the Constitution by the Courts even if every person can see that they clearly violate the US Constitution.
Judges are not supposed to make law from the bench and that is exactly what they are doing here.

No but they are supposed to protect people's civil rights. And that's what they're doing....not letting the majority discriminate against a minority.

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