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John Kasich suspending campaign: Sources (1 Viewer)

Wow....I wonder if Trump will get his 12 votes.
And then there was one.

Article is here.

This is going to be a little macabre, but I've heard it said that when parents finally learn that their long lost child is dead, there's a sense of relief because now they can actually let go, grieve and move forward. I can kind of appreciate that right now.
Oh John, we barely knew ye

Seriously, he just didn't get himself out there enough, a lot of people barely knew about him
I was surprised no one started this thread earlier. Thank you.

Smart move on Kasich's part if he wants consideration from Trump for veep, and also in avoiding running afoul of Priebus and the GOP establishment.
Oh John, we barely knew ye

Seriously, he just didn't get himself out there enough, a lot of people barely knew about him
Yeah, it's kinda' hard to be heard calmly delivering a moderate sensible message, when standing next to two huge loud egos spouting emphatic vitriol.

Welcome to the new normal, I guess.
I was surprised no one started this thread earlier. Thank you.

Smart move on Kasich's part if he wants consideration from Trump for veep, and also in avoiding running afoul of Priebus and the GOP establishment.

I was the first one to post that he was leaving, I just couldn't find a mainstream news report and didn't want to get hammered in this forum for not having a MSM citation
I was the first one to post that he was leaving, I just couldn't find a mainstream news report and didn't want to get hammered in this forum for not having a MSM citation
There's always the Breaking News non-MSM forum counterpart; I've used it for OPs, and found it pretty legit.
I was actually very sad when I heard this today. Kasich was my 2nd choice in the NH primary, and my husband voted for him. I found him to be one of the smartest people in politics in the last few decades. He's a good, decent, honest man who would have made one hell of a President. He isn't flashy or sexy, he isn't a spitfire, he doesn't say offensive ****, he's not made for TV material. But compared to those 2 pieces of **** Clinton and Trump, he was gold.

Very sad day for this country.
I guess Cruz and Kasich's deal and teaming up to stop Trump didn't work. I mean WTF was Kasich thinking teaming up with that lying POS Cruz. It wouldn't have mattered 1 way or the other. But I expected more of Kasich. Him teaming up with someone like Cruz? F'em.
Did I ever call it wrong about Trump. Six months ago I said somewhere on here that there was no way he'd ever get the nomination. Anyone got any crow handy for me to eat.
Did I ever call it wrong about Trump. Six months ago I said somewhere on here that there was no way he'd ever get the nomination. Anyone got any crow handy for me to eat.

I'd give you crow to eat, but at this point I'm actually looking to keep the crow alive so he can chew my left eyeball out. It's far more pleasant than the thought of either Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump being the next POTUS.
I was surprised no one started this thread earlier. Thank you.

Smart move on Kasich's part if he wants consideration from Trump for veep, and also in avoiding running afoul of Priebus and the GOP establishment.

Seems like if he wanted the VP spot, he would have dropped earlier.

It's irrelevant. The VP pick is either Ryan Seacrest or a Kardashian.
I was surprised no one started this thread earlier. Thank you.

Smart move on Kasich's part if he wants consideration from Trump for veep, and also in avoiding running afoul of Priebus and the GOP establishment.

I hope to Hell that Kasich doesn't want to be Trump's VP candidate. He will lose every shred of dignity he has.
I hope to Hell that Kasich doesn't want to be Trump's VP candidate. He will lose every shred of dignity he has.
Well, politics has never been the noblest of professions! :roll:
I was the first one to post that he was leaving, I just couldn't find a mainstream news report and didn't want to get hammered in this forum for not having a MSM citation

You should do what I sometimes do. Post the news, and in the post say that a link will be coming up shortly. Of course, you need to supply the link in a timely fashion or you will get dinged. LOL.
I hope to Hell that Kasich doesn't want to be Trump's VP candidate. He will lose every shred of dignity he has.

we were talking about this earlier.
we have a feeling that it could be Rubio or Kasich.
we were talking about this earlier.
we have a feeling that it could be Rubio or Kasich.

I could see Rubio going there (although I hope he doesn't) because he doesn't have a job come January. Doesn't Kasich have 2 more years in his term as Gov?
I admit to being surprised. A candidate whose entire strategy was built on a delusional rejection of reality quits simply because reality?
I admit to being surprised. A candidate whose entire strategy was built on a delusional rejection of reality quits simply because reality?

I looked at Kasich's stuff never would have supported. to liberal honestly.
supports obamacare, Medicaid expansion along with a whole host of other things.
Oh John, we barely knew ye

Seriously, he just didn't get himself out there enough, a lot of people barely knew about him

I was torn on Kasich. On one hand, I wanted to dump him as Governor. On the other, I didnt want to see that worthless lump foisted on the nation. Just know that Ohio is taking the bullet for you.
I looked at Kasich's stuff never would have supported. to liberal honestly.
supports obamacare, Medicaid expansion along with a whole host of other things.

He did support an Ohio exchange some time ago, but stopped it when his Lieutenant Governor and others showed him how bad an idea it was. He didn't support Obamacare overall. He wasn't for single payer or anything like that (like Trump was). Yes, he did expand Medicaid in Ohio. His state, his business. These things all should have been left to the states in the first place.

What are the "host of other things"?
I have to admit, I am very dismayed and torn as to what I will do now that Kasich is out.

With the 2nd Amendment and numerous other pillars of our society at risk, and Hillary already setting out her anti-2nd Amendment stances in this campaign cycle, and the open seat on the SCOTUS at play, I am very concerned over what my vote and other's votes could mean for the future of our country in ways that they have never really meant before.

It's said almost every election, but this time it's real - no election has had so much of a potential impact on the future of our Constitution, the Rule of Law, and our future as a nation, as does the election for President this November. With Hilary versus Trump, the choices are damned bad on the one hand, and just as damned bad on the other hand but for different reasons.

I'm almost sick over this. I have a painful reminder every day of the sacrifices I have made for the Constitution and our way of life. I'm starting to feel like it is being thrown away by our country's citizens as just another meaningless old idea.

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