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John Boehner: No House vote on Senate immigration bill (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Apr 13, 2011
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House Speaker John Boehner is sticking to his position: The House will not vote on the Senate-passed immigration bill.
“I’ve made it clear and I’ll make it clear again, the House does not intend to take up the Senate bill,” Boehner said Monday. “The House is going to do its own job in developing an immigration bill.”

He added, “It is time for Congress to act. But I believe the House has its job to do, and we will do our job.”

Read more: John Boehner: No House vote on Senate immigration bill - Ginger Gibson - POLITICO.com

And we are back to the Republican house holding everything up again. Back to the good ol do nothing congress..
and Boehner continues to show how he is the most inept house speaker in recent memory. He is a prisoner to his caucus.
The republicant House disagrees with the demorat Senate - I am truely shocked by this recent development. ;)
well you will explain, why the senate has held up votes also?

And you wonder why I want a new Constitution. I say, take Boehner at his word and let him do his job? Is he required to take up the Senate bill? No, Hell no. Is he required to go to conference with his bill? Yes, Hell yes.
on which bills if you can be specific is the senate holding up a vote.

i am not a fan of bills which are unconstitutional, but the republicans since taking the house have passed many jobs bills and sent them over to the senate, where harry has tabled them, and will not let them come to a vote on the senate floor.
This immigration bill is very similar to the Baby Bush Immigration bill. That bill was unloved and unpassed. This bill is of equal popularity.

Passing a bill won't make anybody happy except illegal aliens, and maybe not even them since they also want a rose and a box of chocolates. If this bill dies in the house or senate, it will still have accomplished its purpose - which is to make our rulers seem beneficent to some without aggravating too many. Democrats can say they tried and please their base. Republicans can say they stopped it and thus please their base. In the meantime, it's business as usual.

An immigration bill that beefs up the bejeesus out of border security, gives the money for it up front, and provides for a long, tough, but real pathway to citizenship, and it was passed by a bipartisan supermajority; BUT, that's not good enough???

Anyone got a good reason to vote for Republicans for Congress in 2014? This isn't one.
And you wonder why I want a new Constitution. I say, take Boehner at his word and let him do his job? Is he required to take up the Senate bill? No, Hell no. Is he required to go to conference with his bill? Yes, Hell yes.

new constitution, be careful what you wish for.

please go and read the south African Constitution written several years, back...you think you would want something like that...?

free speech until you offend someone, and rights, until government says you dont.
You want a new Constitution?

Not In My Back Yard

But now I'm curious. What exactly were you hoping the new Constitution would say?

And you wonder why I want a new Constitution. I say, take Boehner at his word and let him do his job? Is he required to take up the Senate bill? No, Hell no. Is he required to go to conference with his bill? Yes, Hell yes.
i am not a fan of bills which are unconstitutional, but the republicans since taking the house have passed many jobs bills and sent them over to the senate, where harry has tabled them, and will not let them come to a vote on the senate floor.

can you name one bill? one that the senate can at least modify, amend, and send back to the house for a another round of amendment adding?

An immigration bill that beefs up the bejeesus out of border security, gives the money for it up front, and provides for a long, tough, but real pathway to citizenship, and it was passed by a bipartisan supermajority; BUT, that's not good enough???

Anyone got a good reason to vote for Republicans for Congress in 2014? This isn't one.

just as good a reason to vote for a democrat.
can you name one bill? one that the senate can at least modify, amend, and send back to the house for a another round of amendment adding?

the point is..... harry has tabled bills, he does not want them coming to the floor for a vote.
the point is..... harry has tabled bills, he does not want them coming to the floor for a vote.

maybe if the bills were not symbolic votes to repeal the affordable care act, cut unemployment benefits, or cut food stamps, then perhaps harry reid would have brought the bills up for debate.
You want a new Constitution?

Not In My Back Yard

But now I'm curious. What exactly were you hoping the new Constitution would say?

You hit the nail on the thread we have going in the Constitution forum. I think we're taking a rest from it now. If a county to state to federal convention occurs, it will occur in your back yard whether you like it or not. It may be the only way to side-step a Gerry-mandered House.
You hit the nail on the thread we have going in the Constitution forum. I think we're taking a rest from it now. If a county to state to federal convention occurs, it will occur in your back yard whether you like it or not. It may be the only way to side-step a Gerry-mandered House.

The only reason for gerrymandering is to meet federal "fairness" requirements...
maybe if the bills were not symbolic votes to repeal the affordable care act, cut unemployment benefits, or cut food stamps, then perhaps harry reid would have brought the bills up for debate.

does not matter, why is it not OK to stop a vote, in the lower house ..but OK in the upper house to stop votes?
The only reason for gerrymandering is to meet federal "fairness" requirements...

I see. Always the Fed's fault. An 80-20 Dem seat in each of the smaller southern states and the rest 53-47 Repub seats. That's why we have the 17th. Did they have "fairness" requirements a century ago?
Read more: John Boehner: No House vote on Senate immigration bill - Ginger Gibson - POLITICO.com

And we are back to the Republican house holding everything up again. Back to the good ol do nothing congress.. [/FONT][/COLOR]

Thank God he is not moving on this POS bill. We need border control, not amnesty. It is yet another bill they failed to read before passing. It is political in nature and serves only to bolster the democrat voting numbers in years to come. Repubs voted for it thinking it will garnish hispanic votes. Fools, it will do just the opposite.
Thank God he is not moving on this We need border control, not amnesty.
Did you miss this
Senate Adds Border Security Measure To Immigration Bill : The Two-Way : NPR
McCain: 'Most Militarized Border Since Berlin Wall' (VIDEO)

Seems like a **** ton of border security. You should be going crazy.

It is yet another bill they failed to read before passing. It is political in nature and serves only to bolster the democrat voting numbers in years to come. Repubs voted for it thinking it will garnish hispanic votes. Fools, it will do just the opposite.
But in other words if this immigration bill fails, there will be no immigration bill and it will be another major loss for Republicans... So go ahead i guess in your book you loose either way.
The only reason for gerrymandering is to meet federal "fairness" requirements...

Oh, they find plenty of reasons to gerrymander. In fact it is these "safe" districts that are killing the ability of Congress to get anything done. The one thing these Republicans fear is not a Democrat, but a primary challenge from the TP. Statewide is different, which is why the Senate works a little different.

Here's the thing: they know that it's going to hurt their party in the Presidential race, but these guys need to get re-elected in 2014 first. That's what they care about right now. Going far to the right is not going to hurt them in these districts.

An immigration bill that beefs up the bejeesus out of border security, gives the money for it up front, and provides for a long, tough, but real pathway to citizenship, and it was passed by a bipartisan supermajority; BUT, that's not good enough???

Anyone got a good reason to vote for Republicans for Congress in 2014? This isn't one.

And what is to stop them from gutting the portion of the bill that deals with border security and crack downs on buisnesses hiring illegals on down the road just like they did with Regan's amnesty? Until they stop gutting needed things we sure as hell do not need more illegals getting amnesty.

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