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Joe Biden said ‘good sex’ is key to long lasting marriage, book on US first ladies claims (1 Viewer)


Dark Brandon Acolyte
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DP Veteran
Jan 22, 2017
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Libertarian - Left
Joe Biden, now 81, told a group of supporters that year that he had little interest in running for president. “I’d rather be at home making love to my wife while my children are asleep,” he said.
President Joe Biden has joked to aides that the key to a long and lasting marriage is “good sex,” according to a new book about the nation’s first ladies

Well, he is Hunter Biden's father after all :ROFLMAO:

What are your thoughts on his advice?
Good sex seems harmless enough that you could go ahead and include it in your marriage without any risk of regret.


With love and respect: this could be the unsexiest statement about sex in the history of sex.

;) Have a good day bud, just playing...
With love and respect: this could be the unsexiest statement about sex in the history of sex.

;) Have a good day bud, just playing...

no apologies necessary

it's good to know I was able to cruft together some words in a way that touched someone

truly, your comment is a beautiful compliment

I was praising with a faint damn

good sex is mostly harmless
I’d rather he focus on national issues, nobody wants to hear about his sex life
I was reading yesterday about how thise with higher education are more likely to have intact families than those who don't. That got me wondering if the divorce rate is higher among Trump supporters than Buden supporters. This story, with so many Trump supporters being dark Christians who see sex as sinful makes me wonder that as well.
I’d rather he focus on national issues, nobody wants to hear about his sex life
I disagree. Personally, I find his openness about it extremely funny and endearing.
Biden: “I’d rather be at home making love to my wife while my children are asleep.”

Trump: "You can grab 'em by the *****! When you're a star they let you do anything."

See? Exactly the same thing.

Others prefer sex in a hotel room with a porn star while the wife is caring for his new born child.
The comment(s) were made about 20 years ago.
Yeah. I'm hardly Joe Biden's biggest fan but using these comments against him is a big stretch. Especially considering how benign and loving they are. I would go as far as to say I hate Biden's politics but it can't be said he isn't genuine and loving with his wife. Nice to see.
So many other things make a good marriage long after the "bloom of youth" is gone...unselfish love, respect, willingness to forgive, enjoying one another's company, never giving up on one another...the list goes on...
So many other things make a good marriage long after the "bloom of youth" is gone...unselfish love, respect, willingness to forgive, enjoying one another's company, never giving up on one another...the list goes on...
I agree. So many other things.

But also great sex :cool:
Yeah. I'm hardly Joe Biden's biggest fan but using these comments against him is a big stretch. Especially considering how benign and loving they are. I would go as far as to say I hate Biden's politics but it can't be said he isn't genuine and loving with his wife. Nice to see.
I agree about him being genuine and loving.

I wouldn't personally care if the comments were made now, only felt it was important to put then in context. This wasn't something he just randomly put out or answered recently in an interview, as if that's his current focus. It was from a book written about First Ladies and simply a reference to a comments he made that would involve Jill, anecdotes about their relationship.

I am curious about this book now though.

Well, he is Hunter Biden's father after all :ROFLMAO:

What are your thoughts on his advice?

It's solid advice. There seems to be a stereotype that good sex goes out the window when you get married and it's always good to hear from long time couples who can still keep their sex life healthy and active.
Stormy Daniels? 😉
Do you mean "The worst 45 seconds of my life" Daniels?
2 and counting.
When the wife refuses to live in the same house as the husband, I think that you can safely ascribe "failed" to the marriage.

That would make Mr. Trump's track record 3 "failed".

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