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Jesus not Born in December or January. Churches faking us out. (1 Viewer)

After finding out Jesus wasn't born in Winter:

  • As a Judeo-Christian I must go along with religion

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I will find a sect that is into the truth and not lies. Even if the mainstream calls it a cult

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Don't care, it's a time of presents and cheer, and booze

    Votes: 4 100.0%
  • I wish you didn't even post this; my comfort zone is tarnished.

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
Mar 6, 2006
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Among the White US Terrorists
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Thank God the WWW has set me free, Xmas is a crock :toilet: and actually a pagan worship time religion. Cannot wait to show this site to the elders, those lying bastages.:stars:


Nowhere in the scripture or by the spirit of revelation has God commanded us to commemorate the birthday of our Lord!

There is not one word in all the New Testament, or anywhere in the Bible, telling us to observe Christmas. The Christians of the first century, under the inspired teachings of Peter and Paul and the other apostles, never observed Christmas. Paul never observed Christmas. Peter never observed Christmas. John never observed Christmas. In fact—THERE WAS No CHRISTMAS—then! There is no Authority for its observance.

November through early March is "winter" in Israel! The weather gets cold, especially at night. often it rains—or even snows!

it is very cold in Palestine in the winter time. Jesus was not even born in the winter season! When the Christ-child was born "there were in the same country shepherds ABIDING in the field, keeping watch over their flock by night" (Lk. 2:8). This never could have occurred in Palestine in the month of December. Men, women, and children could not travel by mule or on foot in mid-winter to the city of their birth to be taxed (Lk. 2: 3). Joseph would not have taken Mary, great with child, on such a long journey in the winter time (Lk. 2: 5). The shepherds always brought their flocks from the mountain sides and fields and corralled them not later than October 15, to protect them from the cold rainy season that followed that date. The scriptures show plainly in the Song of Solomon 2:11 and Ezra lO:9,13 that winter was a cold rainy season not permitting people to be exposed out-of-doors for any long period of time.

In his well-documented book, Babylon MYSTERY Religion, Ralph Woodrow says, "Instead of this day (Dec. 25) being the time of our Saviour's birth, it was the very day and season on which the pagans for centuries had celebrated the birth of the Sun-god! December 25th was the day of the old Roman feast of the birth of Sol—one of the names of the sun-god. In pagan days, this birth of the sun-god was especially popular among that branch of the "mysteries" known as Mithraism. Concerning this we read: 'The largest pagan religious cult which fostered the celebration of December 25 as a holiday throughout the Roman and Greek worlds was the pagan sun worship—Mithraism. This winter festival was called THE NATIVITY—the nativity of the SUN.'
Much of the christian faith is adaptations of paganism. I don't think many christians would be upset to discover noone knows when Jesus was born. They get more upset when you ask for proof that he was ever born at all. Easter is an adaptation of paganism as well!
The origins of 'Easter':

Modern-day Easter is derived from two ancient traditions: one Judeo-Christian and the other Pagan. Both Christians and Pagans have celebrated death and resurrection themes following the Spring Equinox for millennia. Most religious historians believe that many elements of the Christian observance of Easter were derived from earlier Pagan celebrations.

The equinox occurs each year on March 20, 21 or 22. Both Neopagans and Christians continue to celebrate religious rituals in the present day. Wiccans and other Neopagans usually hold their celebrations on the day or eve of the equinox. Western Christians wait until the Sunday on or after the next full moon. The Eastern Orthodox churches follow a different calculation; their celebration is often many weeks after the date selected by the Western churches.

Origins of the name "Easter":
The name "Easter" originated with the names of an ancient Goddess and God. The Venerable Bede, (672-735 CE.) a Christian scholar, first asserted in his book De Ratione Temporum that Easter was named after Eostre (a.k.a. Eastre). She was the Great Mother Goddess of the Saxon people in Northern Europe. Similarly, the "Teutonic dawn goddess of fertility [was] known variously as Ostare, Ostara, Ostern, Eostra, Eostre, Eostur, Eastra, Eastur, Austron and Ausos." 1 Her name was derived from the ancient word for spring: "eastre."

From: http://www.religioustolerance.org/easter1.htm Read the section 'The Christian origins of Easter'. Very enlightening.

Don't know how long you have been on planet Earth, beyondtherim, but this has been pretty common knowledge for..well. forever...
Every accepted custom we grew up with that has been considered "Christian' has its roots in Pagan(non-judeo-christian practitioners) history. Most historical theories state that (insert church here), in an effort to 'rein in' the nonbelievers, took the positions of declaring their 'holidays' as either verboten (for a time, Christmas was illegal and that was after the church had declared winter solstice Jesus' birthday), or adopted the rituals under the guise of their being 'religious'.
Mithra is my co-pilot.:rofl
tecoyah said:
Oh Cr@p.....another War on Christmas

Where did I put those Penguins

No dude, the Nin-Jews have already been deployed and are in deep cover. We WILL assassinate this time before it gets out of hand. :mrgreen:
beyondtherim, this is a very bad poll for several reasons.

A. You accept it as fact that the Church/Religion has been lying about Christ's birthday, and expect us to agree with you when you quote one source.

B. You set up the poll so that I cannot truthfully choose any selection. You rigged it so that I go with Church teaching and look like a fool or I deny my faith or something.

The fact is, Christians celebrate Christ's birthday because it is a day of joy. We celebrate and give presents because God gave us the present of Christ.

What about your birthday? God doesn't tell us to celebrate birthdays (nor do any other religious beleifs, for all I know). Yet you probably still have candles on a cake for one simple reason: Tradition. All of your family had birthday parties, all your friends did, it's tradition.

The same with the Church's celebration of Christmas. It's been happening for over a thousand years, on Christmas Day (Dec. 25th) since the council of Nicea in 325 A.D.
Oh... I'm soooo offended... the church NEVER lies about anything.
Sunday is not the sabbalth day either it is the day that pagans worshipped the sun god hence its name.

Emperor Constatine of Rome changed the sabbath from Saturday to Sunday, I can't remember why exactly.
GarzaUK said:
Sunday is not the sabbalth day either it is the day that pagans worshipped the sun god hence its name.

Emperor Constatine of Rome changed the sabbath from Saturday to Sunday, I can't remember why exactly.

For the same reason every other holiday was moved...if you could get the christians and pagans celebrating on the same days, they were less likely to kill eachother on their respective holy days.
What a stupid thread.

December 25th is merely a day set aside to recognize the birth. It is not an accurate depiction of black and white facts. Americans and many other countries celebrate the new year on January 1st. Other countries celebrate it on March 14th. Oh, the humanity! Oh, the horror! Quick, someone start a thread about these horrible lies and how we are being "faked out!" :2bigcry:
You are so right, I should follow the precepts of modern state endorsed religion and tradition and not what the Bible states?

Because millions believe so, and those religions are just saying they are following the "Bible" and because they are saying they just follow the Bible and not putting an ounce of fact and subtance into how the bible correlates to Xmas, they aren't lying and faking people out--heck, they are helping the corporations make money! LOL. Love your excuses and reason--very funny and very Un-Biblical.
beyondtherim55008@yahoo.c said:
You are so right, I should follow the precepts of modern state endorsed religion and tradition and not what the Bible states?

Because millions believe so, and those religions are just saying they are following the "Bible" and because they are saying they just follow the Bible and not putting an ounce of fact and subtance into how the bible correlates to Xmas, they aren't lying and faking people out--heck, they are helping the corporations make money! LOL. Love your excuses and reason--very funny and very Un-Biblical.

You shouldn't do anything you don't want to do. It's your choice. Enjoy your freedom. People have died protecting it through the centuries. Try not to complain so much about other people who are celebrating theirs.

Perhaps they are just celebrating the birth of Jesus. Perhaps your need to whine about a religion for the sake of whining about a religion is more to the heart of this matter? Get over it. If something this trivial has you upset and bent out of shape, I suggest you refrain from Thanksgiving. Word has it that the Pilgrims didn't eat turkey! Defy the lies! Eat Spam instead!
I don't understand why you would care one way or the other... Religion is not an exact science.

The point isn't to celebrate when the guy was *actually* born, rather it's to celebrate that he was born. Period.
beyondtherim55008@yahoo.c said:
Yes, GySgt, you have already stated I or we should follow man made religion and not what the Bible states, yes you have said that repeatedly. I get it.

Just out of curiosity...and I mean no disrespect or aggression when I ask this; its just for a point of reference....exactly what denomination/philosophy/ cult/ religion do you adhere to? Of course you can just decline to answer, no disrespect or loss of respect if you do.
beyondtherim55008@yahoo.c said:
Yes, GySgt, you have already stated I or we should follow man made religion and not what the Bible states, yes you have said that repeatedly. I get it.

You obviously do not get it. I made no such statement. The problem with religions is that man peverts it. (See the Middle East) You "should" do what you like, while leaving all of those Christians who wish to continue to celebrate the birth and celebrate "Santa" alone to do as they like.
Eat Spam instead
Actually, that's the part I don't like, I hate spam. Here's the Church thing; many denominations say they just follow the bible; Lutherans, Catholics are an example and yet where is Xmas in this just following in Biblical terms? It doesn't exist, yes I shouldn't be upset if people want to do this or that and when someone states they just follow the bible and have all these un-biblical things; I should just chill and relax and think of the soldiers who died for our freedoms.

The problem with religions is that man peverts it.
I love you Gunny, you agree with me, XMAS isn't Christian just a perversion of truth. THank you. Love you.
beyondtherim55008@yahoo.c said:
Actually, that's the part I don't like, I hate spam. Here's the Church thing; many denominations say they just follow the bible; Lutherans, Catholics are an example and yet where is Xmas in this just following in Biblical terms? It doesn't exist, yes I shouldn't be upset if people want to do this or that and when someone states they just follow the bible and have all these un-biblical things; I should just chill and relax and think of the soldiers who died for our freedoms.

I think you should not let such a trite and none-consequential thing disturb you so. "Soldiers" who have died over the decades did not do so over an argument of the exact day of Jesus' birth.

beyondtherim55008@yahoo.c said:
I love you Gunny, you agree with me, XMAS isn't Christian just a perversion of truth. THank you. Love you.

First: I'm not gay dude. Far from it. Wrong tree. You must love another.

Second: Christmas is a holiday in which Christians celebrate the birth of Christ on one day while others simply use that day to celebrate a day of gift giving to friends and family. Some people do both and some people do neither. The New Testament gives no date or year for Jesus’ birth. The year of Jesus birth was determined by Dionysius Exiguus, a Scythian monk, abbot of a Roman monastery.

For one detailed historical look into "December 25th," Christmas traditions, and Santa Clause read the contents of this link.

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I think you should not let such a trite and none-consequential thing disturb you so.
You are right, if I follow the Bible I should seek a sect or cult that follows the Bible, as that is my religion of conscience and avoid all the rest of cults-sects who say they do follow the bible and actually do not. For my Freedom of Religion allows me to complain and expose the liars for who they really are. I thank all soldiers and Love them.
beyondtherim55008@yahoo.c said:
You are right, if I follow the Bible I should seek a sect or cult that follows the Bible, as that is my religion of conscience and avoid all the rest of cults-sects who say they do follow the bible and actually do not. For my Freedom of Religion allows me to complain and expose the liars for who they really are. I thank all soldiers and Love them.

Well, it just comes down to complaining and whining over something that is non-consequential doesn't it?

I have never been told that Jesus was born on the 25th of December. It is just a day to honor it. There are many dates around the globe in many different cultures that commemorate or honor a specific event in history. Many of these dates are not provable. They are just dates passed down from generation to generation that do not cause any harm to anyone.

I think you are creating an issue out of some personal issue you have with something. No need to get carried away with it. Hanakuh is celebrated to commemerate the events of anchient history B.C. The dates can't be accurate, because of the calender recreations through history. They have just chosen some dates and they have passed those dates down through history. It does not mean they are "liars" or trying "fake" out the world.
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Gunny, I like you, your tenacious and I really don't know if most religions or clergy are purposely "faking or lying" about Xmas or whatever man-made part of their religion; that's a debate that could go on forever.

But I take my religion seriously. Imagine not taking being a marine seriously. God, Country, honor, sacrfice doesn't means nothing and is non-consequential? Is looking at nudie-porno movies-mags, getting drunk when on leave, whoring in those countries with legal prostitution, sleeping around with any and everyone--even if married; is that for God and Country? No. But if one can kill the enemy with one shot with the m-16 at a raghead running lateral at 300 meters with open iron sights, then that what makes a marine, one could purport. But I don't buy that, for that would be like me saying I can do anything and everything I want just as long as I give tithes and ask for forgiveness every other Sunday; then I'm fine. That's not complaining and whining, that's called being in the dark. Love out.
beyondtherim55008@yahoo.c said:
Gunny, I like you, your tenacious and I really don't know if most religions or clergy are purposely "faking or lying" about Xmas or whatever man-made part of their religion; that's a debate that could go on forever.

But I take my religion seriously. Imagine not taking being a marine seriously. God, Country, honor, sacrfice doesn't means nothing and is non-consequential? Is looking at nudie-porno movies-mags, getting drunk when on leave, whoring in those countries with legal prostitution, sleeping around with any and everyone--even if married; is that for God and Country? No. But if one can kill the enemy with one shot with the m-16 at a raghead running lateral at 300 meters with open iron sights, then that what makes a marine, one could purport. But I don't buy that, for that would be like me saying I can do anything and everything I want just as long as I give tithes and ask for forgiveness every other Sunday; then I'm fine. That's not complaining and whining, that's called being in the dark. Love out.

You are referring to the Christian hypocrit, of which, there are many. However, a sinning Christian is not a hypocrit. No one can be perfect and therefore, we all choose our sins. The hypocrits would be those that live a week of total disregard for God and then dress up in a nice suit and attend church on Sunday and ask for forgiveness before he starts his deliberate week all over again.

There is much more to being a Marine besides being an expert marksman. We are held to a standard that is unmatched even in our sister branches. Even our weapons handling rules have a moral code written into them.

1) Treat every weapon as if it were loaded.

2) Keep your weapon on safe until you intend to fire.

3) Keep your finger straight and off the trigger until you intend to fire.

4) Never point your weapon at anything you do not intend to shoot.

Of these 4 very observed and celebrated rules, rules 2-4 reveals a whole lot of moral truth about the Marine behind the weapon. You will not find such rules around the globe in other militaries and nations. Like I said, there is much more to being a Marine than just an expert marksman.

This is why people like "Billo" who lunges at any attempt to paint the military the same color as a few pathetic unproffessional Army National Guard Reserves at Abu Ghraib disgusts me. So many American civillians just do not know what it is about the U.S. Marine Corps that the international community respects and fears.
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beyondtherim55008@yahoo.c said:
Gunny, I like you, your tenacious and I really don't know if most religions or clergy are purposely "faking or lying" about Xmas or whatever man-made part of their religion; that's a debate that could go on forever.

And yet you wrote this in your first post...

beyondtherim55008@yahoo.c said:
Thank God the WWW has set me free, Xmas is a crock :toilet: and actually a pagan worship time religion. Cannot wait to show this site to the elders, those lying bastages.:stars:

You say you don't know if anyone is "purposely lying" after calling them "lying bastages"...

Pure genius...:roll:

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