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Jehovah Witnesses - The origin about trinity and hell... (1 Viewer)


"Mercy triumphs over judgment..."
DP Veteran
May 28, 2017
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Down South
This video plainly explains how Greek Mythology and Philosophy infiltrated the pure worship of Christianity early on in its beginnings...

Video will not load for me but I will make a comment.
Like any religion Jehovah's Witnesses worship God like any other religion. So what the members go door to door during the spring-summer months. Line three of the members up against the wall with five others who are of a different religion. Can you tell who's who ?
No need any knock knock jokes btw.
As for the opening statement ?
It's the foundation of many religions and yes, Jehovah's Witnesses had a good start as well.
Video will not load for me but I will make a comment.
Like any religion Jehovah's Witnesses worship God like any other religion. So what the members go door to door during the spring-summer months. Line three of the members up against the wall with five others who are of a different religion. Can you tell who's who ?
No need any knock knock jokes btw.
As for the opening statement ?
It's the foundation of many religions and yes, Jehovah's Witnesses had a good start as well.

Actually we go door to door year round...:)
This video plainly explains how Greek Mythology and Philosophy infiltrated the pure worship of Christianity early on in its beginnings...

That video is nonsense. It's another load of bull put out by the Jehovah's Witnesses cult. The JW's have rewritten the Bible and call their new, revised Bible (complete with lies and unwarranted revisions) The New World Translation.

Their Jesus is not the Jesus of normal Bibles. They have de-deified him by making him into a created being instead of the Creator. They have also trashed the divine Holy Spirit, making him into an "it" and a Star Wars force. That's blasphemy against the Holy Spirit.

The JW's are a corrupt organization and should be cast into Hell when they die, if that be the Lord's will. No liars will enter into heaven (Rev. 21:8, etc.), and the JW's organization and those who spout its fabrications are liars. And, like Satan, they want to deceive as many people as they can.

The Jehovah's Witnesses are a Cult

If trying to serve God as closely in the same way as Jesus taught the 1st century Christians to do, then so be it...
That video is nonsense. It's another load of bull put out by the Jehovah's Witnesses cult. The JW's have rewritten the Bible and call their new, revised Bible (complete with lies and unwarranted revisions) The New World Translation.

Their Jesus is not the Jesus of normal Bibles. They have de-deified him by making him into a created being instead of the Creator. They have also trashed the divine Holy Spirit, making him into an "it" and a Star Wars force. That's blasphemy against the Holy Spirit.

The JW's are a corrupt organization and should be cast into Hell when they die, if that be the Lord's will. No liars will enter into heaven (Rev. 21:8, etc.), and the JW's organization and those who spout its fabrications are liars. And, like Satan, they want to deceive as many people as they can.

The Jehovah's Witnesses are a Cult


lol...good grief, Logicman, don't hold back, tell us how you really feel... :lol:

JW's shouldn't compare themselves to Christianity. If they want to be something else, be something else. Worship a ball of twine, for all I care. But JW's suggesting they are better than Christians is like staplers trying to say they are better than sea cucumbers. They took our texts, added stuff, took away stuff, and created a religion they liked. :shrug: You're welcome?

I don't think it's cool to hate on people for their beliefs. I was at a JW church / temple / meeting house, whatever they are called, for a funeral once, and they are lovely folks. But I think it's a bad look to see them claim superiority. It reminds me of when my folks got me a knock off Transformer toy from the dollar store when I was a kid, and I tried to convince my friends it was better than the real thing. And if any JW member wants to get pissed with me for saying that, I wouldn't have had to if someone didn't try to prop themselves up in the first place. Comparing religions is usually a bad idea.
Challenging the truth of one's beliefs is not claiming superiority of another person in any way, shape, or form....the quest for truth should be the motivating factor for anyone's desire to serve the God of Truth...one's loyalty to God is at stake...if one believes in a lie, then there is no denying it..

"You are from your father the Devil, and you wish to do the desires of your father. That one was a murderer when he began, and he did not stand fast in the truth, because truth is not in him. When he speaks the lie, he speaks according to his own disposition, because he is a liar and the father of the lie." John 8:44
lol...good grief, Logicman, don't hold back, tell us how you really feel... :lol:

JW's shouldn't compare themselves to Christianity. If they want to be something else, be something else. Worship a ball of twine, for all I care. But JW's suggesting they are better than Christians is like staplers trying to say they are better than sea cucumbers. They took our texts, added stuff, took away stuff, and created a religion they liked. :shrug: You're welcome?

I don't think it's cool to hate on people for their beliefs. I was at a JW church / temple / meeting house, whatever they are called, for a funeral once, and they are lovely folks. But I think it's a bad look to see them claim superiority. It reminds me of when my folks got me a knock off Transformer toy from the dollar store when I was a kid, and I tried to convince my friends it was better than the real thing. And if any JW member wants to get pissed with me for saying that, I wouldn't have had to if someone didn't try to prop themselves up in the first place. Comparing religions is usually a bad idea.

I think you have to do some comparisons. You have to demonstrate what the truth is so that people will know what the lies are. That's what's going on here in exposing the lies of the JW's so people will not be led astray by their corrupted and revisionist teachings.
Interesting to read or hear folks who do not know anything about a certain beliefs and how they celebrate is called a "cult". Not all religions celebrate the same...it's choosing different paths of thankfulness and praise.
Interesting to read or hear folks who do not know anything about a certain beliefs and how they celebrate is called a "cult". Not all religions celebrate the same...it's choosing different paths of thankfulness and praise.

What do you know about JW?
If trying to serve God as closely in the same way as Jesus taught the 1st century Christians to do, then so be it...

EEEERRRCKKKKK <that's me gagging>

Say what?

Lol! You don't even believe what Jesus claimed Himself to be!

And.....JW believes God was without wisdom until He created Jesus!
Lol. Imagine God having no wisdom at sometime before he created wisdom (Jesus)! Lol.
How did He know enough about wisdom in the first place, if He had no wisdom at the time???? :lol:

You ignored that before......can you explain that now, Elvira????
Do you folks believe God had no wisdom before He created Jesus?
EEEERRRCKKKKK (that's me gagging> Say what?

Lol! You don't even believe what Jesus claimed Himself to be!

And.....JW believes God was without wisdom until He created Jesus! Lol. Imagine God having no wisdom at something before he created wisdom (Jesus)! Lol. How did He know about wisdom in the first place if He had no wisdom at the time????

You ignored that before......can you explain that now, Elvira????

What the heck are you babbling about now? Been nippin' the wine? I've never said no such thing...you on the other hand, like to put words in my mouth, which is why I usually ignore your babblin'...:2wave:
What the heck are you babbling about now? Been nippin' the wine? I've never said no such thing...you on the other hand, like to put words in my mouth, which is why I usually ignore your babblin'...:2wave:

I didn't say you said it. I've read that JW believe Jesus is wisdom in Proverbs. Is that true?
Originally Posted by Elvira View Post
If trying to serve God as closely in the same way as Jesus taught the 1st century Christians to do.....

Is this true about your baptism?

Witnesses undergoing baptism are required to publicly confirm that they are associating themselves "with God's spirit-directed organization",[50] thereby submitting themselves to its direction and judicial system
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I didn't say you said it. I've read that JW believe Jesus is wisdom in Proverbs. Is that true?

Again, I have no idea what you are babbling about...:screwy
Again, I have no idea what you are babbling about...:screwy
As I've said earlier there are people who don't understand folks who celebrate religion differently are intentionally mocked and refuse to understand the way they celebrate.. Same in politics with the liberal/Demos and fence straddlers.
Originally Posted by Elvira View Post
If trying to serve God as closely in the same way as Jesus taught the 1st century Christians to do, then so be it...

Is it true, that JW believes this?

Jesus acts as the mediator of a "new covenant"[94] referred to in Jeremiah 31:31, Luke 22:20, and Hebrews 9:15; 12:24, directly mediating only for those going to heaven (the 144,000).
Well, of course I believe that...why would I be associated with an organization I don't believe in...that is stupid...

You said that JW serve God as closely in the same way as Jesus taught the 1st century Christians to do.

Where in the Bible did Jesus teach that......

...you are required to publicly confirm that you are associating yourself "with God's spirit-directed organization", thereby submitting yourself
to its direction and judicial system?

Can you please cite the Biblical basis for that.
You said that JW serve God as closely in the same way as Jesus taught the 1st century Christians to do.

Where in the Bible did Jesus teach that......

...you are required to publicly confirm that you are associating yourself "with God's spirit-directed organization",[50] thereby submitting yourself to its direction and judicial system?

Can you please cite the Biblical basis for that.

Where are you told to follow the pope?
Here is where you'll find the truth...not wiki or any other biased site...


No....you're preaching the "truth," right? You tell me.

You made the claim - I'm challenging your claim by giving the beliefs of JW - therefore, the onus is on you
to be able to explain.
No....you're preaching the "truth," right? You tell me.
I don't wanna go reading and searching.
I've seen enough of that JW site (not to mention the video you'd given).....spare me.

Then you are not searching for the truth...spare me...

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