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Japan gets even for Hiroshima (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
May 6, 2011
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Where they have FOX on in bars and restaurants
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Karma or just an accident? Anyway you look at it nuke power is not an option we can live with.

"Samples of milk taken across the United States have shown radiation at levels 2000 percent higher than EPA maximums. The reason that milk is so significant is that it is representative of the entire food supply. According to an article published on Natural News, “Cows consume grass and are exposed to the same elements as food crops and water supplies. In other words, when cows’ milk starts testing positive for high levels of radioactive elements, this is indicative of radioactive contamination of the entire food supply.”
The Food and Drug Administration and the Environmental Deception Protection Agency, instead of refusing to prohibit the sale of tainted foods and mandatory testing of foods produced and harvested from the Pacific Coast, have simply raised the “acceptable levels” of radioactive material in foods.

Holy Fukushima ? Radiation From Japan Is Already Killing North Americans | Alternative
Nuke power is definitely an option we can live with, you jsut need to build the damn things in places that are not prone to earthquakes and have adequate safety measures.
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When Chernobyl melted, radiation was detected in cows milk, in Brazil, a couple weeks later.

That's what y'all get for suckin' that cow pus.
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Wow, do we need to nuke them again ? This time with a Fusion weapon ?....J/K

I love me some Japanese.

Not really, they are one of the most racist homogenous nations on the planet.

" Bad ruck " if your'e born there of Korean dissent. Born there, but your'e still not allowed in their politcal system or even allowed to hold any mamagememt position in their public sector.

All of the people getting trampled by " Godrilla " ? Koreans, they push them in front of the Giant Lizzard as fodder for escape.

It's interesting to note as Obama pushes his " green energy scams" or carbon credit scam that the FDA has increased thw minumum on allowable radio-active levels in our food supply.
guess it depends on who you believe- the EPA says Iodine 131 has a half life of 8 days, not thousands of years, also said the level is 5000 times BELOW the level of concern.

Seems to me if the levels were infact 2000 times GREATER than the EPA allows then some of ya'll on the Pacific coast would be dead by now. Or at least glow in the dark so we can tell who you are.

At the height of contamination back in 2012 a pint of milk equaled exposure to radiation on a cross country flight.
guess it depends on who you believe-
the EPA says Iodine 131 has a half life of 8 days, not thousands of years, also said the level is 5000 times BELOW the level of concern.

Seems to me if the levels were infact 2000 times GREATER than the EPA allows then some of ya'll on the Pacific coast would be dead by now. Or at least glow in the dark so we can tell who you are.

At the height of contamination back in 2012 a pint of milk equaled exposure to radiation on a cross country flight.

Justification huh ?

The effects of the Chernobyl fall out are still being dealt with.

I guess we can trust Ole' Obama though right ?

He's never lied....
Well, they are more, uhhh..."progressive".

Seems to me if the levels were infact 2000 times GREATER than the EPA allows then some of ya'll on the Pacific coast would be dead by now. Or at least glow in the dark so we can tell who you are.
"Samples of milk taken across the United States have shown radiation at levels 2000 percent higher than EPA maximums. ]

All of them? A few rare instances? Is the EPA where we should be getting our information about what makes milk healthy? Is there any reason to believe the EPA at all?
All of them? A few rare instances? Is the EPA where we should be getting our information about what makes milk healthy? Is there any reason to believe the EPA at all?

Not sure if serious.
Justification huh ? The effects of the Chernobyl fall out are still being dealt with. I guess we can trust Ole' Obama though right ? He's never lied....

Do more than just claim the effects of Chernobyl- facts are our friends...

Did I quote Obama> Why do some insist everything the 'gubmint' does is a direct order from the President when they don't like the President?
Why would it be revenge both the bombings that ended the war where the gentlest way to end the war as the Japanese had brain washed and trained every man women and child to fight to the death a land war would have killed million.
Not sure if serious.

Just questions. People have a tendency to put faith in what the government says and does. I'm not one of them.
Why would it be revenge both the bombings that ended the war where the gentlest way to end the war as the Japanese had brain washed and trained every man women and child to fight to the death a land war would have killed million.

Karma not revenge. What goes around comes around.
Just questions. People have a tendency to put faith in what the government says and does. I'm not one of them.

You think the EPA is entirely a fraud?
Karma or just an accident? Anyway you look at it nuke power is not an option we can live with.

"Samples of milk taken across the United States have shown radiation at levels 2000 percent higher than EPA maximums. The reason that milk is so significant is that it is representative of the entire food supply. According to an article published on Natural News, “Cows consume grass and are exposed to the same elements as food crops and water supplies. In other words, when cows’ milk starts testing positive for high levels of radioactive elements, this is indicative of radioactive contamination of the entire food supply.”
The Food and Drug Administration and the Environmental Deception Protection Agency, instead of refusing to prohibit the sale of tainted foods and mandatory testing of foods produced and harvested from the Pacific Coast, have simply raised the “acceptable levels” of radioactive material in foods.

Holy Fukushima ? Radiation From Japan Is Already Killing North Americans | Alternative
This is why I"m not worried about over population. **** like this will cull us down.
Karma not revenge. What goes around comes around.

Is it bad karma to end a war with lower casualties then would have happened otherwise? After warning them what we were going to do twice?!
Is it bad karma to end a war with lower casualties then would have happened otherwise? After warning them what we were going to do twice?!

Good and bad karma are hippie words. Real karma is more about physics than religion. For every action their is an equal and opposite reaction. It is about balance in the universe.
You think the EPA is entirely a fraud?

No, I didn't say that anywhere. I just asked questions which nobody answered. I, at least, answered yours.
No, I didn't say that anywhere. I just asked questions which nobody answered. I, at least, answered yours.

One of your questions was basically ~"is the EPA a total and complete fraud"?

All I did was ask you your question. Why didn't you recognize it?

Is there any reason to believe the EPA at all?
Wow, do we need to nuke them again ? This time with a Fusion weapon ?....J/K

I love me some Japanese.

Not really, they are one of the most racist homogenous nations on the planet.

" Bad ruck " if your'e born there of Korean dissent. Born there, but your'e still not allowed in their politcal system or even allowed to hold any mamagememt position in their public sector.

All of the people getting trampled by " Godrilla " ? Koreans, they push them in front of the Giant Lizzard as fodder for escape.

It's interesting to note as Obama pushes his " green energy scams" or carbon credit scam that the FDA has increased thw minumum on allowable radio-active levels in our food supply.

Your all over the place.

Do you want nuclear power or not?



O ya they sure got us good.

One of your questions was basically ~"is the EPA a total and complete fraud"?

All I did was ask you your question. Why didn't you recognize it?

You put quotes around something I didn't say and you want me to respond to it?
You put quotes around something I didn't say and you want me to respond to it?

I put a "basically" and "~" before it for a reason. Do you disagree that the meanings are the same?

~"Is there ANY reason to believe the EPA AT ALL" = ~"do you think the EPA is a total and complete fraud".
I put a "basically" and "~" before it for a reason. Do you disagree that the meanings are the same?

~"Is there ANY reason to believe the EPA AT ALL" = ~"do you think the EPA is a total and complete fraud".

No it doesn't. It means that the numbers under consideration in the thread, come from a politically charged arm of government. Because they say X amount of something is unhealthy, is that something that should be accepted without question? The total and complete fraud are your words, not mine. Please don't use your words when quoting me.

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