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Jail break at Abu Ghraib (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Apr 6, 2011
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"Hundreds of convicts, including senior members of al-Qaida, broke out of Iraq's Abu Ghraib jail as comrades launched a military-style assault to free them, authorities said on Monday. ...

Suicide bombers drove cars packed with explosives to the gates of the prison on the outskirts of Baghdad on Sunday night and blasted their way into the compound, while gunmen attacked guards with mortars and rocket-propelled grenades. Other militants took up positions near the main road, fighting off security reinforcements sent from Baghdad as several militants wearing suicide vests entered the prison on foot to help free the inmates."

Abu Ghraib jail break: al-Qaida attack frees as many as 500 from Abu Ghraib.

All I can say is: Holy ****.
"Hundreds of convicts, including senior members of al-Qaida, broke out of Iraq's Abu Ghraib jail as comrades launched a military-style assault to free them, authorities said on Monday. ...

Suicide bombers drove cars packed with explosives to the gates of the prison on the outskirts of Baghdad on Sunday night and blasted their way into the compound, while gunmen attacked guards with mortars and rocket-propelled grenades. Other militants took up positions near the main road, fighting off security reinforcements sent from Baghdad as several militants wearing suicide vests entered the prison on foot to help free the inmates."

Abu Ghraib jail break: al-Qaida attack frees as many as 500 from Abu Ghraib.

All I can say is: Holy ****.

holy *** is right.

Just because the Americans have gone home, that doesn't mean that the war is over.

kind of like, you know, that war in Indochina that we finally left.
It's hard to beat suicide bombers. Unless you have your own suicide bombers. So 10 Iraqi cops died instad of 10 American GIs. I'm OK with that. Or should we have brought the whole crew to Gitmo?
"Hundreds of convicts, including senior members of al-Qaida, broke out of Iraq's Abu Ghraib jail as comrades launched a military-style assault to free them, authorities said on Monday. ...

Suicide bombers drove cars packed with explosives to the gates of the prison on the outskirts of Baghdad on Sunday night and blasted their way into the compound, while gunmen attacked guards with mortars and rocket-propelled grenades. Other militants took up positions near the main road, fighting off security reinforcements sent from Baghdad as several militants wearing suicide vests entered the prison on foot to help free the inmates."

Abu Ghraib jail break: al-Qaida attack frees as many as 500 from Abu Ghraib.

All I can say is: Holy ****.

Did we honestly expect something else?
Did we honestly expect something else?
Yes, we did.
Not me personally.

But, I think that the vast majority of people who were telling me about Iraq being the "first domino" of freedom and democracy in the Arab world held their beliefs with sincerity. I suspect that some non-insignificant number of them have feelings consternation about the state of affairs in Iraq today.
Yes, we did.
Not me personally.

But, I think that the vast majority of people who were telling me about Iraq being the "first domino" of freedom and democracy in the Arab world held their beliefs with sincerity. I suspect that some non-insignificant number of them have feelings consternation about the state of affairs in Iraq today.

Freedom cannot be brought by foreigners with a gun.
It's hard to beat suicide bombers. Unless you have your own suicide bombers. So 10 Iraqi cops died instad of 10 American GIs. I'm OK with that. Or should we have brought the whole crew to Gitmo?

I'm not sure there's anything to be ok about in this context. People died for bad reasons, and that sucks no matter where they come from.
Yeah, I didn't mean that to come out so harshly. So I retract the OK sentence. I think you know what I meant.

I'm not sure there's anything to be ok about in this context. People died for bad reasons, and that sucks no matter where they come from.
Yeah, I didn't mean that to come out so harshly. So I retract the OK sentence. I think you know what I meant.

I figured. Just exploring the possibilities.
This is not all that surprising. Iraq has been experiencing a large amount of terrorism this year.
Oh dear, it looks like our war against them has allowed them to adapt and improve their training... Whoops. Sorry Iraq.
Strategic attacks on targets is the thing to do during Ramadan. It was bound to happen. It will be interesting to see how the current government responds to the increased attacks.
"Hundreds of convicts, including senior members of al-Qaida, broke out of Iraq's Abu Ghraib jail as comrades launched a military-style assault to free them, authorities said on Monday. ...

Suicide bombers drove cars packed with explosives to the gates of the prison on the outskirts of Baghdad on Sunday night and blasted their way into the compound, while gunmen attacked guards with mortars and rocket-propelled grenades. Other militants took up positions near the main road, fighting off security reinforcements sent from Baghdad as several militants wearing suicide vests entered the prison on foot to help free the inmates."

Abu Ghraib jail break: al-Qaida attack frees as many as 500 from Abu Ghraib.

All I can say is: Holy ****.

Looks like Iraq may still have some problems.

I vote that we let the Iraqis sort them out.

I'm sure that Iran will be glad to jump in, if necessary.
We did it in Japan and Germany but I'll agree that the Arab countries are a different story.

You did it in Japan and Germany after you carpet bombed the crap out of them for years... and starved the population. So yes there is a difference.
Does anyone honestly think this wouldn't have happened if we didn't invade? It would be only a matter of time before Saddam fell, and after that terrorism, sectarianism and civil war would have occurred anyway. The difference is that we didn't sit by and watch it happen.
That sentence should be engraved on the wall of the halls of Congress, just so they don't forget again.

It's beginning to look like Donald Rumsfeld knew what he was talking about when he said that freedom is messy.

He could have added: Especially when it's given to you by men with guns.
Does anyone honestly think this wouldn't have happened if we didn't invade? It would be only a matter of time before Saddam fell, and after that terrorism, sectarianism and civil war would have occurred anyway. The difference is that we didn't sit by and watch it happen.

We made it happen, we were there and we were part of it.Hundreds of thousands of Iraqi people died and we don't have clean hands.
We made it happen, we were there and we were part of it.Hundreds of thousands of Iraqi people died and we don't have clean hands.

So you think that, once Saddam falls on his own, there wouldn't be terrorism and civil war?
Yes, we did.
Not me personally.

But, I think that the vast majority of people who were telling me about Iraq being the "first domino" of freedom and democracy in the Arab world held their beliefs with sincerity. I suspect that some non-insignificant number of them have feelings consternation about the state of affairs in Iraq today.

No doubt.

I'm sure that the people of Iraq will be happy to hear that.
Freedom cannot be brought by foreigners with a gun.

freedom cannot be brought to those who have no concept of freedom. might as well try to teach calculus to a pig.
This is not all that surprising. Iraq has been experiencing a large amount of terrorism this year.

I'm close to 100 percent sure that it will have even more in future years.

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