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I've suggested this as a joke but Portland comes through! (2 Viewers)


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Sep 16, 2012
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Tucson, AZ
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Portland’s Mayor Decided to Replace Police on Horseback With Unarmed Cops. Where Are They?


Advocates say such unarmed officers build trust with citizens most likely to have frequent interactions with police or be victims of crime.

"When you bring your gun and a badge into a situation, it can make some people uneasy," says Sam Sachs, a former Portland park ranger. "If you're not wearing a gun, it kind of changes things."

So here it is...maybe. Cops (some) will be replaced with "community relations responders".

The idea is that the community responder will show up for stuff like property crime and incidents with the homeless. They'll have a cop with them, maybe, but it will be their job to make the complainant feel better about calling the authorities.

Well, why not? What's the worst that could happen? I mean, cops are dangerous and kill innocent people, right? Why not send someone to hand out hugs and warm wishes?
Good for them. Let them experiment at the state level and let us know how it works. If it's a flop, they just helped advance our knowledge base. Such is the progress of civilization.

Physicians assistants, Nurses, similar stuff right? Delegation.
Do you want cops responding to the same homeless guy once a week? Is that the best use of city funds?

Thing is with experiments, it may sound good but may fail for entirely unexpected reasons. Make those relations managers cute or nice enough, and people will be calling them for the company and conversation. "No, can you send Rico instead? Yeah, he projected raw, animal masculinity, it really made me feel better and stuff."
Portland’s Mayor Decided to Replace Police on Horseback With Unarmed Cops. Where Are They?


So here it is...maybe. Cops (some) will be replaced with "community relations responders".

The idea is that the community responder will show up for stuff like property crime and incidents with the homeless. They'll have a cop with them, maybe, but it will be their job to make the complainant feel better about calling the authorities.

Well, why not? What's the worst that could happen? I mean, cops are dangerous and kill innocent people, right? Why not send someone to hand out hugs and warm wishes?

Most British Police do not regularly carry guns, and seem to do just fine. Are American cops less competent than British cops?

The city originally proposed the public safety support specialists, or PS3s, as a way to more robustly staff the Police Bureau at a lower cost than simply hiring more sworn police.

The bureau said in 2017 the PS3s would respond to minor car crashes, perform welfare checks, and handle lower-level livability issues. Then-Chief Mike Marshman said the program would be modeled on one in San Diego, where community service officers patrol neighborhoods, write reports and help children safely cross the street after school.

Now as to the above expected duties of the unarmed personal (who would not be full police officers ) do not seem to require firearms to perform.
Second amendment freaks, afraid to lose their boogeyman ?

Portland’s Mayor Decided to Replace Police on Horseback With Unarmed Cops. Where Are They?


So here it is...maybe. Cops (some) will be replaced with "community relations responders".

The idea is that the community responder will show up for stuff like property crime and incidents with the homeless. They'll have a cop with them, maybe, but it will be their job to make the complainant feel better about calling the authorities.

Well, why not? What's the worst that could happen? I mean, cops are dangerous and kill innocent people, right? Why not send someone to hand out hugs and warm wishes?
Yeah, but people are also dangerous and kill cops, too.
God bless those who volunteer for that duty.
Portland’s Mayor Decided to Replace Police on Horseback With Unarmed Cops. Where Are They?


So here it is...maybe. Cops (some) will be replaced with "community relations responders".

The idea is that the community responder will show up for stuff like property crime and incidents with the homeless. They'll have a cop with them, maybe, but it will be their job to make the complainant feel better about calling the authorities.

Well, why not? What's the worst that could happen? I mean, cops are dangerous and kill innocent people, right? Why not send someone to hand out hugs and warm wishes?

There is a major shortage of cops in America.

If you were a cop would you want to be one in Portland?

There is a really good longish piece on the situation in Portland here:

Downtown Portland's paradox: Crime, public perceptions threaten growth, retailers say


A Taste:
The survey also asked Portlanders how they felt walking alone downtown during the day and at night. In 2016, 63 percent said they felt safe during the day, and just a quarter of respondents said they felt safe at night. Those rates were the lowest the survey had seen in a decade.
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God bless those who volunteer for that duty.

The bureau said in 2017 the PS3s would respond to minor car crashes, perform welfare checks, and handle lower-level livability issues.

I don't think making reports regarding minor car crashes, or checking to see how Grandma is doing likely requires the use of a full police officer and a gun.
Oh, I'm sure they will be paid. Even the school crossing guards are paid...

Couldn't pay me to be a cop, let alone unarmed. Too much stress and risk.
The most dangerous weapon a cop carries is his radio, not his sidearm. Take those away and I guarantee they'd be on better behavior...gun or no gun.
Portland’s Mayor Decided to Replace Police on Horseback With Unarmed Cops. Where Are They?


So here it is...maybe. Cops (some) will be replaced with "community relations responders".

The idea is that the community responder will show up for stuff like property crime and incidents with the homeless. They'll have a cop with them, maybe, but it will be their job to make the complainant feel better about calling the authorities.

Well, why not? What's the worst that could happen? I mean, cops are dangerous and kill innocent people, right? Why not send someone to hand out hugs and warm wishes?

It seems the British did this for many long decades. I've seen cops riding horses in the Mardi Gras crowds of New Orleans many times, though I cannot remember if they were armed or not.
It seems the British did this for many long decades. I've seen cops riding horses in the Mardi Gras crowds of New Orleans many times, though I cannot remember if they were armed or not.

Apparently these PS3s aren't gong to be deployed independently. The idea, from what I read, seems to be that they will either serve reporting functions only or will be teamed with an armed responder. Either way, it doesn't change much of anything EXCEPT that it pulls more armed cops off the street.
Portland’s Mayor Decided to Replace Police on Horseback With Unarmed Cops. Where Are They?


So here it is...maybe. Cops (some) will be replaced with "community relations responders".

The idea is that the community responder will show up for stuff like property crime and incidents with the homeless. They'll have a cop with them, maybe, but it will be their job to make the complainant feel better about calling the authorities.

Well, why not? What's the worst that could happen? I mean, cops are dangerous and kill innocent people, right? Why not send someone to hand out hugs and warm wishes?

Portland Oregon is the laughing stock of the nation.....the poster child of all leftist policies gone wrong.
Portland’s Mayor Decided to Replace Police on Horseback With Unarmed Cops. Where Are They?


So here it is...maybe. Cops (some) will be replaced with "community relations responders".

The idea is that the community responder will show up for stuff like property crime and incidents with the homeless. They'll have a cop with them, maybe, but it will be their job to make the complainant feel better about calling the authorities.

Well, why not? What's the worst that could happen? I mean, cops are dangerous and kill innocent people, right? Why not send someone to hand out hugs and warm wishes?

England makes cops go unarmed at first so they learn to use their words and not intimidation.

Seems to work for them.

Sounds like a good idea to me.

Like making congressfolk live in the worst area they represent.
Social workers and meter maids aren't bulletproof either.

Nobody is, but not every governmental employee that deals with the public is armed, with the authority of the police to detain, and arrest people. Should we arm them all, give librarians firearms just in case?
Portland’s Mayor Decided to Replace Police on Horseback With Unarmed Cops. Where Are They?


So here it is...maybe. Cops (some) will be replaced with "community relations responders".

The idea is that the community responder will show up for stuff like property crime and incidents with the homeless. They'll have a cop with them, maybe, but it will be their job to make the complainant feel better about calling the authorities.

Well, why not? What's the worst that could happen? I mean, cops are dangerous and kill innocent people, right? Why not send someone to hand out hugs and warm wishes?
Could work in some situations. I hope they give it enough thought so these unarmed individuals aren't inadvertently placed in a dangerous situation.
Nobody is, but not every governmental employee that deals with the public is armed, with the authority of the police to detain, and arrest people. Should we arm them all, give librarians firearms just in case?

Social Worker shows up on the CBS News top twenty most dangerous jobs.

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