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Ivanka Trump played an undisclosed role funneling inauguration funds to the family business (1 Viewer)


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Dec 3, 2017
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As the inaugural committee planned the landmark celebration, internal concerns were raised about whether Trump’s Washington hotel was overcharging for event space. The spending could be a violation of the law.

When it came out this year that President Donald Trump’s inaugural committee raised and spent unprecedented amounts, people wondered where all that money went.

It turns out one beneficiary was Trump himself. Raising the 'potential for undue enrichment'
'Undue enrichment' is a new one for me but I wouldn't be surprised if it means exactly what it says. Overcharging, skimming & who knows what else might explain what happened to that $40M+ in inauguration funds.

Unjust enrichment means when a person unfairly gets a benefit by chance, mistake or another's misfortune for which the one enriched has not paid or worked and morally and ethically should not keep. A person who has been unjustly enriched at the expense of another must legally return the unfairly kept money or benefits.

As the inaugural committee planned the landmark celebration, internal concerns were raised about whether Trump’s Washington hotel was overcharging for event space. The spending could be a violation of the law.

When it came out this year that President Donald Trump’s inaugural committee raised and spent unprecedented amounts, people wondered where all that money went.

It turns out one beneficiary was Trump himself. Raising the 'potential for undue enrichment'
'Undue enrichment' is a new one for me but I wouldn't be surprised if it means exactly what it says. Overcharging, skimming & who knows what else might explain what happened to that $40M+ in inauguration funds.

Unjust enrichment means when a person unfairly gets a benefit by chance, mistake or another's misfortune for which the one enriched has not paid or worked and morally and ethically should not keep. A person who has been unjustly enriched at the expense of another must legally return the unfairly kept money or benefits.

Don't all hotels charge more when there is more demand for big events? I know they do around here. Parking also goes up, etc,etc.
Don't all hotels charge more when there is more demand for big events? I know they do around here. Parking also goes up, etc,etc.

Yep. A savvy member of our motorcycle club made advance reservations at the Rapid City, SD Hilton 11 months before the 50th anniversary of the Sturgis rally at $65/night - those rooms were later going for $165/night.

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