I was just debating with a teenage twit on the 'come in and say hi' thread. (nameless), and it occurred to me that one can only know suffering when one suffers. This kid (like so many pampered lilberals) are quite willing to criticize the actions of people in uniform from 7000 miles away, far from the reality of Syrian (and other) terrorists
cutting heads off innocent people, flying bullets, the smell of blood and **** when your buddy's torso gets blown apart by a bomb planted by an Arab coward.
There are many other beneficial reasons for compulsory service for teenagers of high school age:
-Family (for those kids from broken or abusive homes)
-National identity (nobody is special at BCT--nobody is white brown or black---everyone is GREEN)
I'm really sick of staple-faced punks on skateboards running around with 'no blood for oil' posters when they don't know what they're talking about .
Quite frankly, I'm tired of seeing the good guys die. Throw a few hippes in uniform and let them get killed for a change.
cutting heads off innocent people, flying bullets, the smell of blood and **** when your buddy's torso gets blown apart by a bomb planted by an Arab coward.
There are many other beneficial reasons for compulsory service for teenagers of high school age:
-Family (for those kids from broken or abusive homes)
-National identity (nobody is special at BCT--nobody is white brown or black---everyone is GREEN)
I'm really sick of staple-faced punks on skateboards running around with 'no blood for oil' posters when they don't know what they're talking about .
Quite frankly, I'm tired of seeing the good guys die. Throw a few hippes in uniform and let them get killed for a change.