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Its the beginning of the end (1 Viewer)


USMC 1988-1996
Supporting Member
DP Veteran
Sep 18, 2011
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New Mexico
Political Leaning
Feds just raided one of trumps tax lawyers offices. Everyone was told to brown paper all windows and leave.

Links to come.

This along with cohen making a new plea deal and giving 70 hrs of new testimony saying he lied about trumps ties to Russia.

Buckle up. The ride to the new year has just begun.
"It's the beginning of the end"

"It's the beginning of the end"


Predictable response from the true believer crowd.

You just sit back and play ignorant so you can live in bliss. Its what you do best.
Trump's a slippery sort of fella, we'll see what happens here.
Feds just raided one of trumps tax lawyers offices. Everyone was told to brown paper all windows and leave.

Links to come.

This along with cohen making a new plea deal and giving 70 hrs of new testimony saying he lied about trumps ties to Russia.

Buckle up. The ride to the new year has just begun.

I hate to agree with Mycroft, but my first reaction was "again?". Maybe, just maybe, instead of crying "this time" every couple weeks, it would make more sense to wait and see. It would certainly be a whole ****ing lot less hysterical.
I hate to agree with Mycroft, but my first reaction was "again?". Maybe, just maybe, instead of crying "this time" every couple weeks, it would make more sense to wait and see. It would certainly be a whole ****ing lot less hysterical.

Could be that stories such as these are the new normal. Also could be that there is so much to the pile that this is yet another stone in it.
I mean, it's interesting that it's occured. Surely, we haven't seen this sort of legal/law enforcement activity surround a President in recent history. But there's little point to jumping up and down and exclaiming that this is the beginning of the end. We don't know what they're looking for, why, or what they'll find. So we have to wait. Maybe something will precipitate out of this, but I wouldn't hold my breath. Likely we will have to get him out in 2020 if the Dems can put up someone good.
Considering this dude's connected to the local govt of Chicago, it could be just a regular Crook County issue.

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