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It's my birthday and this is what I want. (1 Viewer)

Trajan Octavian Titus

DP Veteran
Aug 17, 2005
Reaction score
We can't stop here this is bat country!
Political Leaning
Very Conservative
For my present I would like someone to bring me the head of the weatherman. Well, weatherman, todays forecast calls for a few sprinkles of genius with a chance of DOOM!!!! Also, I would like nude pictures of B-Arthur.
I have a few of those pics of Bea Arthur, but in none of them is she alone.

Should I edit out Abe Vigoda and that poor, unfortunate hamster, or send them as is?
Trajan Octavian Titus said:
For my present I would like someone to bring me the head of the weatherman. Well, weatherman, todays forecast calls for a few sprinkles of genius with a chance of DOOM!!!! Also, I would like nude pictures of B-Arthur.

Shame then that you'll just get to stand in the naughty (no pun intended) corner instead.
Trajan Octavian Titus said:
For my present I would like someone to bring me the head of the weatherman. Well, weatherman, todays forecast calls for a few sprinkles of genius with a chance of DOOM!!!! Also, I would like nude pictures of B-Arthur.

I am a God among men!


  • My guys 136.JPG
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happy B day bitch...:lol:
Why should you get anything for YOUR birthday, when I didn't get anything for MINE? :2razz:
teacher said:
It's long past your birthday and I'm the only one who really got you what you wanted. Nobody cares.

To The Sewer.

I found a image of a painting of a nude B-Arthur for him.

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