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It’s On Now! (1 Viewer)

I went straight to Twitter to see if that was real before I posted.

Every time I think, "no, not even Trump would do that," sure enough Trump did it.
This is a really bad idea on his part, Tillerson knows everything about how Trump has behaved as a president, and now he has every reason to tell everything that he saw to a Democratic majority in the House net year.
At this point who hasn't he talked **** about?

Is that it?
I went straight to Twitter to see if that was real before I posted.

Every time I think, "no, not even Trump would do that," sure enough Trump did it.
I do the same thing.

It's surreal.
I went straight to Twitter to see if that was real before I posted.

Every time I think, "no, not even Trump would do that," sure enough Trump did it.

Tillerson called Trump a moron early on....tit for tat.
Tillerson called Trump a moron early on....tit for tat.

Not publicly and, if I remember correctly, it was according to those anonymous sources Trump supporters don’t take seriously.
Tillerson needs to take the gloves off.
Tillerson called Trump a moron early on....tit for tat.

So, you agree that Tillerson did call Trump a moron?

It seemed the consensus opinion of rightwingers was that we shouldn't believe the reporting that he actually said that.

Whatever. As usual Trump's behavior is way beneath the dignity of the office of president. And it appears that he hasn't hit bottom yet.

Who thinks that all Trumps criminal henchmen are going to work together to bring him down either by working with Mueller or by yapping to the media? They know the gig is up!

Also how long before Mike Pompeo becomes dumb as a rock for screwing up the NK deal??? I give it three months. Max.
This is a really bad idea on his part, Tillerson knows everything about how Trump has behaved as a president, and now he has every reason to tell everything that he saw to a Democratic majority in the House net year.

Yeah...Long term strategy planning ain't exactly Trump's strong suit!
He didn't deny it.

Good point. Trump also didn't deny Tillerson's claim that Trump asked him to carry out orders that were illegal.
i hope to live to see the end of this Maury Povich **** masquerading as government.
i hope to live to see the end of this Maury Povich **** masquerading as government.
Trump might have really ****ed with the wrong bull this time. Tillerson for all his corruption, is far more intelligent and calculating and Trump, and I'm sure at his age revenge is a dish he likes to serve to his enemies.
Trump might have really ****ed with the wrong bull this time. Tillerson for all his corruption, is far more intelligent and calculating and Trump, and I'm sure at his age revenge is a dish he likes to serve to his enemies.

i'll believe it when i see it. in the current dynamic, i wouldn't be surprised to see evidence of serious criminal activity and obstruction of justice being shrugged off by his cult. it will be another jump directly to the "so what?" step thing.
i'll believe it when i see it. in the current dynamic, i wouldn't be surprised to see evidence of serious criminal activity and obstruction of justice being shrugged off by his cult. it will be another jump directly to the "so what?" step thing.
True enough, but this is the thing that will sour independents and moderates from voting Republican in tight Senate races in 2020.

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