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Israeli Officials Weigh Sharing Power With Arab States in Postwar Gaza (1 Viewer)

Netanyahu won't have any say over Gazas postwar future.
Hopefully he'll be expressing his thoughts from a well-deserved jail cell.
This isn't a choice Israel has.
What I find astounding is that the views expressed in support of Israel's actions mirror - sometimes literally - those pushed by Putin in his invasions of Ukraine, Georgia and Moldova. Yet this seems not to give proponents of Israeli righteousness a moment's pause. The parallels are everywhere.
Screw that. Israel exists as much you hate it. Palestinians are so psychotic no nation (Egypt, Jordan) wants anything to do with them.
Screw that. Israel exists as much you hate it. Palestinians are so psychotic no nation (Egypt, Jordan) wants anything to do with them.
Racist express much? Can you post without lying?
I think you didn't read it. It really sounds like you're trying to defend racist behavior being taught to school children.
Not at all. There was some of that before, and it was addressed. That's the part you're ignoring. Israeli texts, today, deny the existence of Palestine or a "Palestinian" people and misstate the history of Israel and its formation. Is that different "racist behavior"? Or are you, perhaps, being... um,... inconsistent with your appellation.
You are mad because your hatred of Jews is exposed.
No, because you keep posting bait and lies. I'm on to you. So, I suspect, is everyone else.
You are mad because your hatred of Jews is exposed.
He is mostly mad because he can't handle any discussion that doesn't base itself on his hateful demonic portrayal of Jewish people.
Can you not see the difference between calling for the death of the Jews and denying that Palestine exists?

Granted, what the Israelis are doing is not particularly nice, but it is a far cry from calling for the death of a people.

Yes, those people are there, yes, at one point they were Jordanian, Syrian, and Egyptian. If not for the 6 Days War, this issue would not exist. Egypt is responsible for starting that war. Egypt also had Soviet assistance.

Now those people are stuck in captured territory and their former homelands will not take them back.
Can you not see the difference between calling for the death of the Jews and denying that Palestine exists?
Not really. One leads directly to the other, in both directions.
Granted, what the Israelis are doing is not particularly nice, but it is a far cry from calling for the death of a people.
Do you see a difference between Netanyahu's, Smotrich's, Ben-Gvir's and Putin's rhetoric? They are all supportive of genocide, and for the same reason.
Yes, those people are there,
Good to acknowledge and remember...
yes, at one point they were Jordanian, Syrian, and Egyptian.
not actually. So were Israelis, you realize, if you use the same metric - and Persian, and and Roman, and Turkish. The land that is modern Israel and Palestine was ruled by several different regimes. The Palestinians are simply the ones who were there when Israel was created by international fiat.
If not for the 6 Days War, this issue would not exist. Egypt is responsible for starting that war. Egypt also had Soviet assistance.
If not for Israel jumping the gun in 1948, this issue would not exist. If not for the Balfour Declaration, this issue would not exist. If not for US arms, this issue would not exist. If not for the displacement of of hundreds of thousands of innocent Palestinians, this issue would not exist. If not for Israeli expansionism, this issue would not exist. If not for Zionism, this issue would not exist. There are a lot of ways to play this game.

I don't mind outrage, I mind selective outrage and selective history. Let's just ignore the settlements, the occupation, the forced displacement, the expropriation of property...
Now those people are stuck in captured territory and their former homelands will not take them back.
Absolutely inaccurate. Flat untrue. Mythical history. A LIE.
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I'm fine with the US covering the rebuilding tab as long as it come from our defense spending to Israel.
As we just saw with the $26 billion additional funding for them, there's not really any such thing as being taken out of their military aid. Anything is just added.
So when was palestine ever a country?
About 140 countries recognize Palestine as a country now. Not that you ever see US media mention it. Of course the UN Security Council just voted to have the UN recognize it also, with only one country- the US, who lies that it supports a two state solution - blocking it.
Palestine also has observer status in the UN. I happen to disagree with the US veto, because it is based on not enforcing UN resolutions 194 and 242. Our position is nothing if not inconsistent. (We voted for both resolutions.)
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