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Israeli Officials Weigh Sharing Power With Arab States in Postwar Gaza (1 Viewer)


There can be no talks about an Arab state until all hostages have been released. Hamas needs to be forced to financially compensate their victims and/or their families.

Until there is an absolute guarantee that Iran will stay out of other countries business, there can be no Arab state.
Doesn't seem fair to me. If Israel has a right to exist, then so should Palestine.
Lets remember that before the 6 days war, there were really no "palestinians" in that area. Before that, they were Jordanian, Egyptian, and/or Syrian.
Irrelevant. Palestinian is a nationality, not an ethnicity.
Irrelevant. Palestinian is a nationality, not an ethnicity.
Not quite.

That territory belonged the ancient Hebrews (Jews) and was known as Roma Judea until the Romans stole it.
Absolutely, and less likely to be accused of treating Gaza as a colony (or unwanted stepchild).
That's a fantastic fairytale.

This proposal reminds me of how we got here in the first place. Wolves sitting around a table deciding how to divide the flock.

I will endorse this, though: Gaza needs massive investment in infrastructure, and it ain't gonna get it unless the international community commits to providing it. They created the conditions have done precious little to rectify the mess they created in 1947. It is time to pony up, Marshall-plan style.
I think not.

We cannot have a terrorist group controlling a country.
Works for Israel. Works for Russia. Worked for the United States, and the MAGAs are still out there.
Doesn't seem fair to me. If Israel has a right to exist, then so should Palestine.
It was never thus. Not since the Balfour Declaration. The "partition plan" was never about equity.
Lets remember that before the 6 days war, there were really no "palestinians" in that area. Before that, they were Jordanian, Egyptian, and/or Syrian.
Not true. So we shouldn't "remember" false history. That's what got us the Civil War, Jim Crow and MAGA.
I'm probably going to bow out of this thread, too. Whenever the subject of Palestine comes up, fake history, fairytales, and various prejudices take over, and the thread reverts to competing "campus protests".

In principle, I agree with the premise of an interim, international protectorate. IF I had any confidence that the Israeli government was suggesting it for honorable and principled reasons, I'd be all on board. I just can't trust that, so long as Israel is controlled by terrorist factions.

Like Jerusalem, like the West Bank, Israeli governments will - periodically, if not consistently - push more and more control over the region to displace Palestinian inhabitants through annexation and appropriation or other means. International accords will be ignored, as they have been for 85 years.

The obvious flaws in the plan have already been identified: once again, the interests of the Palestinian people are to be ignored; Israel will maintain the upper hand/hegemony; and the international community will shirk its responsibilities, after giving appropriate lip service to "self rule" and "equity".

I come by my cynicism honestly.
Here's a better idea:

We go back to 1947 and undo the partition plan to start from scratch. An interim protectorate is established for all of the Levant, Israel, Gaza, Jerusalem, etc. We can call it a "mandate", under international control. After a certain period of time, the international coalition will decide they have had enough and establish a new partition plan that takes the interests of all parties into consideration.

Sound good?
Not quite.

That territory belonged the ancient Hebrews (Jews) and was known as Roma Judea until the Romans stole it.
Technicality the territory belonged to Egypt and Jordan. Neither want anything to do with it.
Not quite.

That territory belonged the ancient Hebrews (Jews) and was known as Roma Judea until the Romans stole it.
From the Israelis who had stolen it fair and square... (or, so the Bible says)
I'm probably going to bow out of this thread, too. Whenever the subject of Palestine comes up, fake history, fairytales, and various prejudices take over, and the thread reverts to competing "campus protests".

In principle, I agree with the premise of an interim, international protectorate. IF I had any confidence that the Israeli government was suggesting it for honorable and principled reasons, I'd be all on board. I just can't trust that, so long as Israel is controlled by terrorist factions.

Like Jerusalem, like the West Bank, Israeli governments will - periodically, if not consistently - push more and more control over the region to displace Palestinian inhabitants through annexation and appropriation or other means. International accords will be ignored, as they have been for 85 years.

The obvious flaws in the plan have already been identified: once again, the interests of the Palestinian people are to be ignored; Israel will maintain the upper hand/hegemony; and the international community will shirk its responsibilities, after giving appropriate lip service to "self rule" and "equity".

I come by my cynicism honestly.
Cynicism never solved a thing. Usually creates more problems.

If the cause is defeated before it has begun, then peace is an impossibility.

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