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Israeli Education Ministry Approves New 'whites-only' Settlement School (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Jul 6, 2010
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Several months ago, a religious school in the illegal Israeli settlement of Immanuel was criticized for segregating white Jewish students from non-white Jewish students in classes.

Originally, the school was fined for this policy of racial segregation, because the school was state funded. Now, the Israeli education ministry has agreed with the white parents' request to allow the school to continue with its racial discrimination under private funding.

There is no law preventing racial discrimination by private organizations, even schools, in Israel.

The Israeli court has interpreted these laws to also apply to illegal West bank settlements, like Immanuel, which are located in areas that are supposed to be under Palestinian control. The Palestinian Authority does not allow racial discrimination, but due to the Israeli military occupation of the Palestinian Territories, it has no authority over the area in question.

74 white girls who have been studying in a building next to the school will now be allowed to study in whites-only classrooms that are privately funded, as their parents claim they do not want their girls to study in racially-mixed classrooms.

Israeli Education Ministry Approves New 'whites-only' Settlement School - International Middle East Media Center
Non white Jews just got owned.

To me, this seems the African jews and the European jews are butting heads. anyone with a ''Whites only'' mentality is from Europe.
Yeah, it was also bad for Israel to have an "Arabs" only policy in Gaza when they forced all the Jews to leave. The article states that the Israeli government stopped funding this and told them to change the policy. Israel doesn't support this and that's evident in their withdrawal of funds. Now, the school is a private institution. By Israeli guidlines, it's evident that you can't have a state funded school that segregates. However, private institutions are allowed to do as they please with their money. I'm not saying it's right, I'm just shedding truth to the fact that the Israeli Education Ministry pulled the funding from this school and the school became private. The Education Ministry did not "approve" of this, they stopped the funding.
the mideast sitiuation is really weird,blurry and interfused.
Tashah, whats your fav car?
Aren't there laws in Israel that prohibit such racist institutions?
Aren't there laws in Israel that prohibit such racist institutions?

When it was state funded it was indeed illegal and the school was fined and this has caused mass orthodox demonstrations against the supreme court.
Now it is private funded and I doubt the state can do much about it.

The parents behind this 'project' in Emanuel claim that they are not racially motivated but religiously motivated.
Ashkenazi Jews and Sepharadic Jews each have a slightly different approach to Judaism, they are different flows of the same religion, and some of the Ashkenazi parents in Emanuel have demanded a segregation between the Ashkenazi students and the Sepharadic students, claiming that it is against their freedom of religion to have them study Judaism together.
When it was state funded it was indeed illegal and the school was fined and this has caused mass orthodox demonstrations against the supreme court.
Now it is private funded and I doubt the state can do much about it.

The parents behind this 'project' in Emanuel claim that they are not racially motivated but religiously motivated.
Ashkenazi Jews and Sepharadic Jews each have a slightly different approach to Judaism, they are different flows of the same religion, and some of the Ashkenazi parents in Emanuel have demanded a segregation between the Ashkenazi students and the Sepharadic students, claiming that it is against their freedom of religion to have them study Judaism together.

I would have thought this was directed more towards the Ethiopian jews that now live in Israel.
I would have thought this was directed more towards the Ethiopian jews that now live in Israel.

Because you hear the "non-whites" and you think "black". But no, there are no Ethiopian Jews over there.
Not so long ago there was a thread about the Parents of the children from this school going to Jail for contempt of the supreme court after failing to comply with the demands of the state and the court to stop the discrimination in this school. Now the education ministry decided to stop funding this school, so how did you manage to twist it so much to get a title saying "Israeli Education Ministry Approves new whiles-only settlement school" ???

BTW, the fact that this school is not supported by the goverment anymore would mean that many of those parents will not afford to send their daughters to this school anymore, and those who will, will have to pay a great deal of money to do so, in the end the discrimination might have won but the winners will pay a heavy toll to keep it.

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