Part one
"History teaches that For 2,000 years there was no such conflict between Jews and Muslims in Palestine The land of Palestine was inhabited by Palestinian Arabs. In 1850 these consisted of approximately 400,000 Muslims, 75,000 Christians, and 25,000 Jews. For centuries these groups had lived in harmony: 80 percent Muslim, 15 percent Christian, 5 percent Jewish.
But then in the late 1800s a group in Europe decided to colonize this land. Known as "Zionists," this group consisted of an extremist minority of the world Jewish population. They wanted to create a Jewish homeland, and at first considered locations in Africa and South America, before finally settling on Palestine for their colony At first this immigration created no problems.
However, as more and more Zionists immigrated to Palestine.... many with the express wish of taking over the land for an exclusively Jewish state ....the indigenous population became increasingly alarmed. Eventually, there was fighting between the two groups, with escalating waves of violence. Finally, in 1947 the United Nations decided to intervene. However, rather than adhering to the democratic principle espoused decades earlier by Woodrow Wilson of "self-determination of peoples," in which the people themselves create their own state and system of government, the UN chose to revert to the medieval strategy whereby an outside power arbitrarily divides up other people’s land Under considerable pressure from high-placed American Zionists, the UN decided to give away 55 percent of Palestine to a Jewish state — despite the fact that this group represented only about 30 percent of the total population, and owned under 7 percent of the land When the inevitable war broke out the outcome was never in doubt, according to U.S. intelligence reports from the time.
For one thing of that 55%, 30% of it was the Negev desert a barren wasteland, the rest was areas where our population overwhelmed the Arab populations such as Tel'Aviv and Haifa and the land surrounding it extending to the Arab controlled Galilee. The Arabs got the better deal, they got all the west bank and more, the had the land around Jerusalem, they had Gaza and the land extending east of it, they had the Galilee and the Sea of Galilee, very fertile land with control of the Jordan river. The Arabs got the better deal.
The Zionist army consisted of over 90,000 European-trained soldiers and possessed modern weaponry, including up-to-date fighter and bomber airplanes. The Arab forces, very much a third-world army, consisted of approximately 30,000 ill-equipped, poorly trained men By the end of the 1948 war the Jewish state — having now declared itself "Israel" — had conquered 78 percent of Palestine — far more than that proposed even by the very generous UN partition plan. And three-quarters of a million Palestinians had been made refugees. Over 400 towns and villages had been destroyed, and a new map was being drawn up, in which every city, river and hillock would receive a new, Hebrew name. All vestiges of the Palestinian culture were to be erased. In fact, for many decades Israel — and the US, following its lead — denied the very existence of this population. Golda Meir once said, in fact: "There is no such thing as a Palestinian." In 1967, Israel conquered still more land. Following the Six Day War, in which Israeli forces launched a highly successful, Pearl Harbor-like surprise attack on Egypt, Israel occupied the additional 22 percent of Palestine that had eluded it in 1948 — the West Bank and the Gaza Strip. It also occupied parts of Egypt (which since were returned) and Syria (which remain under occupation). You wanna talk about deaths? :
You honestly think that was our army! :rofl :rofl :rofl :rofl We had a total of 400 full time members of the Haganah when the war broke out! None of which had any European training! We learned over time to excel at the covert irregular warfare that we and the Arabs had waged. 70,000? Your nut's we had a total of 40,000 people in our "army" which was a mix of Irgun, Lechi, Haganah, Zahal (After the 4 week truce), Stern Group, and Palmach. We had a total of 2 heavy artillery pieces, 3 British planes with 2 pilots, no tank's our only Armour was home made armored cars which were basically trucks with steel plates welded on. We had a mix of WW1 era rifles and WW2 era rifles, around 600 automatic weapons with limited ammunition for them, we had enough rounds for our rifles but that was it, we had 100 mortars, and maybe 20 machine guns. We had to buy old guns and ammunition from the Czechs, cargo planes from the US, and more weapons from Greece and Czechoslovakia. Our army was pitiful to say the least. We had no training in real warfare and had to learn from experience. The Arabs had planes, artillery, tanks, Armour, AMMUNITION, and they brought to the field a 20,000 man advantage. The Arab armies were British equipped, British trained, and Jordan had an alliance with England who basically gave birth to the Arab legion, a crack force with numerous tanks, Armour, and most of all well trained men.
Don't bring me this crap about the Arab's inferiority to our troops, we managed to hold the day during the first half of the war, and during the Truce the Arab's bickered over land and support for the war from various allies. We spent our time reorganizing our army into the Zahal, got guns, Armour, artillery, planes, and ammunition. During the 2nd half we fought back and smashed the Arab forces everywhere save Latrun.
The Arab's provoked war in 1967, Nasser FORCED the removal of the UN peacekeeping army, funny thing isn't it? The UN up and left leaving bunkers and defenses in place without even going to the GENERAL ASSEMBLY. They left at Nasser's behest and he moved in a quarter of a million men into the Sinai and then onto our borders. He started moving planes and tanks onto the border. Syrian raids intensified and culminated on the attack on a string of Kibbutz, and a jet strike into Israel. With Egypt massing on our borders we struck and drove their army into the Suez, and in the process we gained land to use as a security zone and buffer between us and them. Guess what, the Egyptians did not raise a finger against us until we withdrew, then the attacked us in 1973. Jordan invaded us forcing us to counter attack and seize the West Bank, the Jordanians never struck us again.
122 Israeli children have been killed by Palestinians and 686 Palestinian children have been killed by Israelis since September 29, 2000.
3,645 Palestinians and 1,058 Israelis have been killed since September 29, 2000.
7,307 Israelis and 28,980 Palestinians have been injured since September 29, 2000.''
How quaint you would leave out how many combatants we have killed 1,238, and how many the Palestinians have killed 126, how many civilians have the Palestinians killed? 1,178, our civilian toll is hard to mark because they don't fight in uniforms, they look like civilians save for the fact they have guns or hidden bombs. Most likely a good 40% of the civilian dead from our side are actually combatants, from my experience at a raid into Khan Yunious, there were multitudes of rioters and no uniformed people yet we were hit by rockets and bullets, we tried to find people who were firing and when we thought we had a target we fired, taking this into account when tallying up civilian dead is that many people marked dead as civilians are most likely combatants. Also it shows that most of the civilian dead are not intentional. The Children in Palestine play more of a role of soldier than you think want some pictures? These are the Kid's we face.
Also the UN can quite frankly shove it, ever since partition it has been a political weapon against Israel, what did the UN do when Egypt evicted the security force? Nothing. What did it do when the Arabs invaded Israel? Nothing. What did it do when the Arab raids into Israel intensified? Nothing. What does it do when we counter attack? Condemn. What does it do when we fight back? Condemn. What does it do when we start winning and after the Arab invasions? Condemn. The UN resolutions are a roll of crap we use them for toilet paper, but even as that it is not that good to be honest.
Some great quotes from Arab leaders on the day's preceding the 6 day war.