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Is there anything at all that Trump could do that would spark outrage among hs supporters. (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Jul 17, 2020
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Springfield MO
Political Leaning
Apparently not.
One scandal after another.
Have affairs with a porn star and a former Playboy bunny while his wife is home with a young child.
Govern based on whatever whim passed on front of his eyes, with many of them from watching FOX.
Tweet instead of taking seriously the daily intelligence briefing.
Make fun of a disabled reporter.
Not pushback against Putin/Russian influence in the previous or the present presidential election.
Throw the basic tenets of decency and honesty in the trash basket.
Destroy the “Justice” Dept, the State Dept, and the Post Office, among others.
Just some quick thoughts. The actual list of sins against democracy could run into the hundreds and thousands.
There is literally nothing Trump could do to lose his core supporters. If he decided to be pro-abortion (like he was his entire life), conservatives would start defending abortion so fast it would cause whip lash. He could admit to kidnapping and diddling kids and they'd not only continue to support him, they'd defend kid-diddling.

These people have no morals of their own, they dictate it entirely from Trump's agenda, not unlike the GOP platform that was determined 100% by Trump and wasn't even debated this time. It's a cult.
Basically it comes down to that old adage of "The enemy of my enemy is my friend."
This question was answered in 2017. No, there is nothing trump could do to lose their support. What it means to be a trump supporter is to stick by him literally no matter what. That's the point of being a trump supporter.

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