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Is there any good reason for suicide? (1 Viewer)

thoughtts on committing suicide?

  • I would/am considering doing it

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I know someone who has and I would never do it

    Votes: 2 16.7%
  • Suicide is an alright thing to do.

    Votes: 1 8.3%
  • Suicide is a terrible thing to do BUT there are always exceptions

    Votes: 9 75.0%

  • Total voters


DP Veteran
Oct 8, 2005
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Political Leaning
This thread does not include those who are sick terminally and they are facing a terrible death. What does thread wants to talk about are people who have committed suicide without any warning. Do you believe it is ok to commit suicide and have you ever tried/considered?
Well most of the time there is a warning, it just depends on if you notice it at the time. My best friend committed suicide in February and looking back on it there were definite signs that I should have picked up on, but didn't.

As as to the second part of your question I will just say yes.
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Well most of the time there is a warning, it just depends on if you notice it at the time. My best friend committed suicide in February and looking back on it there were definite signs that I should have picked up on, but didn't.

it's tough to know. and i'm so sorry.
This thread does not include those who are sick terminally and they are facing a terrible death. What does thread wants to talk about are people who have committed suicide without any warning. Do you believe it is ok to commit suicide and have you ever tried/considered?

The option I want isn't listed. It's a terrible thing to do, and I would never do it.

Suicide (as you have described it) is a selfish, desperate act to avoid confronting the problems life throws at us. It's selfish because it breaks the hearts of those who loved us. And those who commit suicide are so self-absorbed they can't see the forest for the trees. It's desperate because those who do commit suicide are generally in some stage of clinical depression. They see no hope. Get no joy from life. And figure, "Why bother?"

Suicide crossed my mind once in my life...during a bout with depression. The urge passed. Was never too strong. But -- I recognize now -- the depression wasn't too deep.

Because of another question you've asked just recently, I would tell you that, if suicide is crossing your mind, you really do, honestly, need to reach out to someone who can help. Holding in powerful emotions, trying to live with depression by one's self, is very very difficult.
The only time I'd consider suicide as a good option for someone is if they are already dying and are in unbearable pain.

If they are just depressed, counseling and medications are always better options.
The only time I'd consider suicide as a good option for someone is if they are already dying and are in unbearable pain.

If they are just depressed, counseling and medications are always better options.

In my state of Oregon doctor assisted suicide is legal. To be considered the patient must be certified by two doctors that you have 6 months or less to live and of sound mind. I think this is a good law and apparently the voters of the Washington state thought so too, they recently pasted a similar law.
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If you have a reason to live, then you have a reason to die. What is funny is how our culture shapes our view of death.

If a soldier throws his body on a grenade to save his comrades, then his sacrifice makes him a hero. If a man cannot emotionally cope with the suffering in the world and offs himself, then he is a coward. Apparently it is justified to kill ourselves for the well being of others but not because we can't cope with living.

If a murderer offs himself then most people rejoice that we won't have to pay the legal system to kill him. A parent offs himself and people are angry because of the burden he has left on the remaining parent to look after the children. Apparently it is justified to kill ourselves as long as we don't inconvenience other people and it is even appreciated if we make things easier for people.

If a man is burned at the stake by his religious persecutors for refusing to give up his religious beliefs then he is martyr. If a man blows himself up and takes some of his enemies with him, then he is a terrorist. Apparently allowing yourself to die for what you believe is fine but taking other people with you in the process is not.

And it goes on and on.

As far as me, I had the intent and means to commit suicide once but I couldn't go through with it. Mainly, I was afraid it would hurt.
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If you have a reason to live, then you have a reason to die. What is funny is how our culture shapes our view of death.

If a soldier throws his body on a grenade to save his comrades, then his sacrifice makes him a hero. If a man cannot emotionally cope with the suffering in the world and offs himself, then he is a coward. Apparently it is justified to kill ourselves for the well being of others but not because we can't cope with living.

If a murderer offs himself then most people rejoice that we won't have to pay the legal system to kill him. A parent offs himself and people are angry because of the burden he has left on the remaining parent to look after the children. Apparently it is justified to kill ourselves as long as we don't inconvenience other people and it is even appreciated if we make things easier for people.

If a man is burned at the stake by his religious persecutors for refusing to give up his religious beliefs then he is martyr. If a man blows himself up and takes some of his enemies with him, then he is a terrorist. Apparently allowing yourself to die for what you believe is fine but taking other people with you in the process is not.

And it goes on and on.

As far as me, I had the intent and means to commit suicide once but I couldn't go through with it. Mainly, I was afraid it would hurt.

Well I think there is a big difference between being murdered and committing suicide. If someone with a young child commits suicide are you going to compare them to a parent who sacrifices their life to save their child? One respects this great gift that was bestowed upon living beings, the other seems to have taken it for granted.

Also, the man that "blows himself up and takes his enemies with him" is also considered a martyr in some religions.
It is selfish for us to keep others from killing themselves....
There are people in considerable pain, or facing a progressive illness for which there is no imminent cure..
I hope to be able to take my own life before entering the final stages of the disease I have, IF it gets that bad. Doctor says I stand just as good a chance of dying from something related to old age before the Parkinson's gets too bad, but once I hit stage 4, I will start planning on ending my life before getting into stage 5.
My late father suffered an extremely painful form of cancer in his face and throat that required a trach tube and rendered him unable to talk the last 6 months of his life. He fought hard going through three rounds of chemo and a couple of radiation. Four of five days before he died (he died at home-he had 24-7 nursing care) from the MRSA he contracted during one of his many trips to the ICU (he actually beat the cancer but couldn't beat the bug) I went to see him and he patted the side of my jacket and wrote down-Give me your pistol I want to die. I told him I wasn't carrying and he shouldn't give up hope even though I had just met with his doctor and got the news that nothing they had could stop the infection.

I wouldn't have blamed him if he had killed himself at that point.

My mother on the other hand was different. she basically committed suicide-she came down with pneumonia (she had COPD-like my father she was a heavy smoker) and refused treatment. Maybe not as drastic as eating a gun but the same thing. NOw I was very bitter about that because she could have beaten that pneumonia with a simple course of Ceflex and refused.
Jucon gave the only reason I believe in - which is intolerable pain.

I've never tried to commit suicide. I've never considered it. And I have no sympathy for those who do.
Jucon gave the only reason I believe in - which is intolerable pain.

I've never tried to commit suicide. I've never considered it. And I have no sympathy for those who do.

there are other acceptable reasons-a military officer with important information killing himself so the enemy cannot obtain the information and kill many more of the officer's comrades
Samurais and ninjas have good reasons to kill themselves sometimes.

Samurais and ninjas have good reasons to kill themselves sometimes.


a noble born samurai would be disgraced and banished if he was captured alive. a ninja was seen the same as a murderer and would die a very hard torture filled death if captured since they were seen as low born assassins
People should do whatever they want. If that means to keep living, so be it. If that means to stop living, so be it. No one else can possibly know the amount of emotional/psychological pain someone else is in and therefore has no grounds whatsoever for judging another. Emotional pain is just as bad as - if not worse than - physical pain. Only it's something that people can't see externally, can't understand. I would never presume to judge someone for being weak when I couldn't possibly know the level of suffering they are enduring. Quite frankly, I think friends and family that want to keep suffering people around just to keep themselves happy are BEYOND selfish. Everyone is selfish, everything we do is ultimately for selfish reasons. But to keep someone suffering just to keep yourself from being sad is just plain sadistic and cruel.
Long story short, the individuals doing the suffering should make the decision for themselves...and the rest of us should respect their decision. We don't have to help them end their lives, but we also don't need to hinder them.
For the most part, I think suicide is a bad idea. Most problems can be overcome with less drastic measures. That being said, I respect a person's right to live their life in the manner in which they choose, and that includes ending it prematurely if that's what they really want. If a friend or family member were considering it, I would do my best to talk them out of it, but in the end, it's their decision.

I've never personally considered suicide seriously, but my wife attempted it several times during her teenage years. Fortunately, she's past that now, and dealing with her depression in a much healthier manner.
This thread does not include those who are sick terminally and they are facing a terrible death.

Then no.

None of the poll options appeal to me though. It's not so much a terrible thing to do as it is a tragic and mistaken thing to do, and people around those who consider/try it should do everything in their power to stop them.
Hard to answer but sometimes people are just not to be of this world on Earth for various reason and while I do not agree with it? Your body? Your choice-as messed up and selfish as it may be.


This guy has taken something that is somewhat complicated and made it MORE complicated into the state of being either over emphasized and/or illogical. He is thinking like A to B to C to D and so on. When its much more logical if he combined A-D and added X, Y and Z. I understand WHAT he wants but his explaination is elongated and misguided. What he took 10 minutes to explain could have taken about 2 minutes. But this isnt a review on HIM.
People choose between pain and suffering to what they THINK is the lack of those things. But what is BEYOND death no one knows (like the guy said). BUUUUUUT when the pain SEEMS to be beyond what the unknown is..... then killing yourself IS the decision that person makes.

Personally I feel if the pain is too much...... over any other logical way to survive EMOTIONALLY or PHYSICALLY...... then it may be a valid action. But ONNNNNNLY when all and every other resource has been addressed. I cant think of a case though. I cant think of a case where suicide IS the right choice.

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