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Is there a God? (1 Viewer)


Jan 7, 2005
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Political Leaning
I thought this would be an interesting topic and touchy topic to raise. What is your thought on the existence or non existence of God?
I think that the answer is yes. There is a god(and for me thee God), there is just too many things that can't be explained, anyway else. It is hard to find many true atheists. I think that the real question is, what role does god play in our lives and how can we benefit from our religion?
I hope there is. It is a fantasy that Millions of people share. An existance after life.
No matter what an afterlife, if any, is like, eternity is a long time. Maybe there is something that can keep me entertained for a trillion years or so, but after a trillion trillion years I expect I'd be a tad bored. I think I'll skip it. :drink
Now this all comes down to faith. Some choose the scientific way, saying life started ... blah blah.

But something had to start it all. Life cant just start on its own, if it never existed. or did it always exist? We will never know. My personal opinion, there is.
Afterlife is a creation of humans in order to cope with the fear of dying. That logic leads you to believe that there in not a God. I'm not sure if there is one or not. I can't explain the beginning of everything. Hence me being Deistic. Oh well.
I believe there is something, some creator, since nothing can never turn into something. But is it a god in the sense that we in the west think of god? I feel that all 3 major monotheistic religions do poor jobs describing what God is. They interpret God as some ultimately simple entity (that always seems to appear as some human, walking in the clouds of heaven) that creates things in his image. But as we continue to see how massive this universe is, what are the chances of this God choosing us humans as His grand creation? Can't he create something better? Perhaps we were an experiment gone wrong. Also, this whole idea of an afterlife is just terrible. It puts too much emphasis on the next life, even though there is no evidence that this next life exists.
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Why don't we all just accept the fact that some things are unknowable? We don't know what reality is, much less know who built it. As we learn more and more, reality just seems to keep getting bigger and bigger and stranger. Religion is simply the preaching of the ignorant to the ignorant. Why bother, don't we have enough to learn about the reality we know? ;)
I do believe there is a God, and an afterlife. The “afterlife” is a very logical idea as well. Allow me to give a brief example:

You are currently viewing this on some sort of computer. Let's just for arguments sake say you are using a Compaq computer (hardware) and running Microsoft XP operating system (software). Now, you can have all the hardware you want, but without the software, nothing is going to happen. Take a blank CD. Measure it. It weights say 1 gram. Now take that same CD, burn XP on it, and tons of other MB of information on it. Now weight it again. What does it weight now? Still just 1 gram. So software is mass less.

Now take the concept of "time". We now know that time is a physical property (thanks to the theory of relativity, which is more of a fact, not really a theory). So we live in a 4 dimensional world (at least) of time, length, height, width. We also know that time is effected by certain things, one of which is mass (along with velocity and some other factors). So since information, or software if you will, is mass less, it is eternal, and not effected by time. That my friends, is what makes up all of us. We are not this physical body (hardware); the real you, the real me is what some people call a "soul" (software). We are all eternal beings; it's just a matter of where your eternal software will end up...
I do believe in God. I believe he created a rational universe where most everything can be explained by science. We don't have all the answers yet, and we may never have them, bu they are there. I believe God's marvelous creation that is the universe was not created in seven days but in billions of years. I do believe firmly in evolution. Sure, there are the miracles and I do believe Jesus did what was said in the Bible, but those are the very rare exceptions. In my eyes, we live in a universe created by a God who made almost everything in a logical way that can be explained by science.
I beleive that the idea of god is the immaturity of today's world. I feel that once we get past our fears of being alone then we can rely on each other to be their and we can truly have growth and peace
There is a saying that goes something like....."If you don't believe in God, then you better be right."
God is alive and well. It's like our sun. It is there wheather some people can see it or not, or believe or not. If you don't believe in God, the question IS, what if you die and you find out your wrong? Read the Bible for the answer since the Holy Bible is the authority on the subject. There is more and more science that proves the existence of God.
Science doesn't do anything but create metaphores for god. Like the verse in Genisis that says: And God said let there be light science turns around and says it could be a metaphor for the Big Bang. Science knows where they stand in aspects of a religious world so they are just sitting back and waiting for everybody else to wake up. As far as the bible is concerned I don't have anything against the bible. It is the number 1 book of all time and has good stories in it and it also has many valuable lessons to learn from for the long road of life but it is the people who take this book too seriously and create a cult (christianity for example) that creates fanatics that troubles our world.
The Bible has many good stories, lessons, and morals. But problems do happen when people start to take every little event in the Bible and say it happened exactly as written. When one reads the Bible, they need to take into account the time period it was written and the bias of humans that wrote it. I do believe the Bible is the word of God and God as far as I know is infallible, but his human interpreters were susceptible to the same biases and prejudices we have.
I would rather live like there is a God and find out there is not, than live like there is no God and find out there is.
I would rather live like there is a God and find out there is not, than live like there is no God and find out there is.

The believer will never find out he's wrong, and the Atheist will never find out he's right. At least the Atheist will not have to prattle a lot of nonsense while he is alive. :violin
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tluv04 said:
I would rather live like there is a God and find out there is not, than live like there is no God and find out there is.

:applaud absolutely!

Wecome to Debate Politics. :)
tluv04 said:
I would rather live like there is a God and find out there is not, than live like there is no God and find out there is.

This is another issue about the idea of god that irritates me. The strangglehold of fear it has over the people in this world. If you want to be good because you don't want to go to hell, then that's no reason to be a good person. I think it is time our world grows up and gets out of the dark ages and learns how to take responsibility for our own actions instead of blaming it on some invisible deity's divine plan.

God is a fictional character, just like Jesus Christ, the kings and shepherds, Rudolph, Santa and the reindeers. Nice story though.
MeChMAN said:
This is another issue about the idea of god that irritates me. The strangglehold of fear it has over the people in this world. If you want to be good because you don't want to go to hell, then that's no reason to be a good person. I think it is time our world grows up and gets out of the dark ages and learns how to take responsibility for our own actions instead of blaming it on some invisible deity's divine plan.

I’m not sure if you understand fully what living the Christian life is all about. I'm not a "good person" (whatever that ambiguous statement means) because I DON"T want to go to hell, but rather it's the goodness of God that draws me to repentance. It's His grace and mercy, not some "DO what I say or I'll punish you!!!" theory. If that were the case, mankind would not give God proper worship, instead, it would be blackmail. God desires worship, not simple obedience.
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Urethra Franklin said:
God is a fictional character, just like Jesus Christ, the kings and shepherds, Rudolph, Santa and the reindeers. Nice story though.

Actually, I believe there is strong archaeological evidence that a man named Jesus did live and preach. Now the deal about the miracles and the resurrection are matters of faith and can't be proven through scientific or archaeological evidence.
Defij said:
I’m not sure if you understand fully what living the Christian life is all about. I'm not a "good person" (whatever that ambiguous statement means) because I DON"T want to go to hell, but rather it's the goodness of God that draws me to repentance. It's His grace and mercy, not some "DO what I say or I'll punish you!!!" theory. If that were the case, mankind would not give God proper worship, instead, it would be blackmail. God desires worship, not simple obedience.

I personally do not believe in Hell. I believe that God is merciful and just. One either lives forever or is gone forever. My belief is that God just requirers faith. If one actually believes a man was born of a woman that was a virgin, and lived a life free from sin - one cannot help but to live the 'Christian' life. As the mear thought is inspiring.
Urethra Franklin said:
God is a fictional character, just like Jesus Christ, the kings and shepherds, Rudolph, Santa and the reindeers. Nice story though.

I beleive Jesus was a real person that had some great ideas, except for his phcizoprenia (I can't spell this word but I think you know what I mean) that caused him to beleive that he was the son of god

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