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Is the European Union a good thing? (1 Viewer)

Is the European Union a good thing?

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C. Gerstle

Jun 22, 2009
Reaction score
Southeast US
Political Leaning
Slightly Liberal
The European Union has provided a common market for European goods and has increased the standard of living in many of the member-states. Many "Eurosceptics," however, fear that as the EU's central government grows stronger as the organization evolves, the member-states lose their independance and their individual national identity.

What do you think?
I think you are right. Many countries including my country, Finland, joined for the economic benefit of raising the standard of how we live. This is true, there have been economy benefits to this. However it has come at a cost of independence and national identity. Norway was smart to stay out of the EU.
I think you are right. Many countries including my country, Finland, joined for the economic benefit of raising the standard of how we live. This is true, there have been economy benefits to this. However it has come at a cost of independence and national identity. Norway was smart to stay out of the EU.

The more damage that can be done to nationalism anywhere the more i like it. The more countries begin to blend the closer to one world government. Down with nationalism everywhere. It divides and makes us enemies.
The more damage that can be done to nationalism anywhere the more i like it. The more countries begin to blend the closer to one world government. Down with nationalism everywhere. It divides and makes us enemies.

I don't think it is good for people to forget who they are.
I don't think it is good for people to forget who they are.

I don't mind if people recall who they are. IT is when nationalistic walls keep as apart and do more damage than good.

I am totally against anything that leads to nationalism any symbol of flag or pronouncement. Let the nations fade away.
The more damage that can be done to nationalism anywhere the more i like it. The more countries begin to blend the closer to one world government. Down with nationalism everywhere. It divides and makes us enemies.
Because, you know, people would never have enemies if they didnt have a state to identify with.
I don't mind if people recall who they are. IT is when nationalistic walls keep as apart and do more damage than good.

I am totally against anything that leads to nationalism any symbol of flag or pronouncement. Let the nations fade away.

It is Religion keep more people apart and to fight then anything alse in the world. Nationalism is not near as bad to separate people then religion.
Because, you know, people would never have enemies if they didnt have a state to identify with.

Nah. The One World Government would be our enemy, Goobieman. You know it and I know it, don't we?

Inferno, your side is going to have to kill me and Goob first, or wait on us to die of old age. :mrgreen:

Then again, even after we're gone our kids might give your 1WG eight kinds of hell too. Hope you're patient.

Nah. The One World Government would be our enemy, Goobieman. You know it and I know it, don't we?
I have no issue with a single world-wide government -- so long as it is the government formed by the Constitution of the United States.

Really -- if all these EU countries (and EU supporters) are so worried about how the actions of the US affect them, why dont they apply for statehood? They're obviously not concerned with national identiy, so that can't mean anything, and as a state, they's have direct inflence over US policy - foerign and domestic.

Funny, how I dont see that idea taking hold...
Yes to an institution of all the European states, but no to the EU as it is today.

There is only one institution that is voted - the European parliament, all the others, the council of ministers, the presidency and so on are not directly voted. The competences of the parliament is limited so more and more power is uncontrolable for the voter.

Besides the treaty of Lisbon makes the constitutions of all those member states a piece of paper the EU court can take away any right which is guaranteed to you in your national constitution if the court decides.
Let the nations fade away.

Sounds wonderful in theory. If every country wants to replicate the US Constitution word for word, I'm cool with that.

Don't see it happening, though, and would not want to live under any other law but American law myself. So, for now, I'm willing to tolerate nations and nationalism. The alternative doesn't impress me.
Because, you know, people would never have enemies if they didnt have a state to identify with.

The more walls of separation you break down the better off we all are. I don't know any more than you do. I think the more walls that come down the more we all get along.

Look at churches. They all believe in a god yet the walls that separate them are tall and create violence between them. You want peace. You want to show that you are for peace tear down the wall.
It is Religion keep more people apart and to fight then anything alse in the world. Nationalism is not near as bad to separate people then religion.

They both do. I do agree that religion is a big stone in the way of global healing.
Nah. The One World Government would be our enemy, Goobieman. You know it and I know it, don't we?

Inferno, your side is going to have to kill me and Goob first, or wait on us to die of old age. :mrgreen:

Then again, even after we're gone our kids might give your 1WG eight kinds of hell too. Hope you're patient.


You don't know any different so you set up a wall. What happened to the USSR when the wall came down. Those that fail to see the nuances of history close their eyes to the possibilities. We get stuck in a rut.

It is generally fear that makes us afraid of change. I will never see the day there are to many people that work for and live in fear mode. My style and ideals are not the way of the world. I speck them and live them to the extent that I can. I don't expect to change many if any. I will be heard and if someone thinks. Then I did some good.
I have no issue with a single world-wide government -- so long as it is the government formed by the Constitution of the United States.

Really -- if all these EU countries (and EU supporters) are so worried about how the actions of the US affect them, why dont they apply for statehood? They're obviously not concerned with national identiy, so that can't mean anything, and as a state, they's have direct inflence over US policy - foerign and domestic.

Funny, how I dont see that idea taking hold...

I would have no problem with a one world government based on that constitution either. If the world agreed and we actually lived by what it says then certainly. When leaders as we have and had don't respect the intent it is purposeless and is a dead issue. I would not have a difficulty with that. I would prefer other but if the world could and would agree to that then yes.

Is that constitution thing like having preconditions to meeting with other world leaders trying to say that this is the best in your mind?
Sounds wonderful in theory. If every country wants to replicate the US Constitution word for word, I'm cool with that.

Don't see it happening, though, and would not want to live under any other law but American law myself. So, for now, I'm willing to tolerate nations and nationalism. The alternative doesn't impress me.

Who says the US constitution is the best. There may well be better if we all get along. Why stand on what is when what could come from total unity may be far better.
Hell no. I know they wanted to make something that was on the order of the US in terms of size, population, and economic power; but abdicating control of your currency is stupid and makes you not a sovereign state anymore. Plus people lied about exchange rates and such, and consensus is going to be really difficult given the varying attitudes and philosophies. I think the EU is up there with the UN...waste of time, space, and energy.
Who says the US constitution is the best.

me...though we should have been more specific on our restrictions on the judicial branch.
Hell no. I know they wanted to make something that was on the order of the US in terms of size, population, and economic power; but abdicating control of your currency is stupid and makes you not a sovereign state anymore. Plus people lied about exchange rates and such, and consensus is going to be really difficult given the varying attitudes and philosophies. I think the EU is up there with the UN...waste of time, space, and energy.

I don't see this as the main problem, it had already economical benefit and especially for an export orientated nation like Germany it has some serious advantages economically.

The problem is that it's a great instrument for lobbies to influence the policy without any chance for the voter to change anything.
The world needs to move towards the common good, instead of the good for each nation. The EU is a step in that direction, so I support the EU.

Why should two nations have to suffer to help one nation? Whatever helps the most amount of people is the best.

Note that odviously a dictatoral world government or individual rights being trampled is bad for everyone as well.
Sounds wonderful in theory. If every country wants to replicate the US Constitution word for word, I'm cool with that.

Don't see it happening, though, and would not want to live under any other law but American law myself. So, for now, I'm willing to tolerate nations and nationalism. The alternative doesn't impress me.

I have read the U.S. Constitution and I agree it appears to adopt all the good things from most early european government. Also I believe that it is always good to have government in writing. :)

They both do. I do agree that religion is a big stone in the way of global healing.

I agree this is more then Nationalism.
me...though we should have been more specific on our restrictions on the judicial branch.

We should have made them stronger to temper the ignorance of the voting public.
The world needs to move towards the common good, instead of the good for each nation. The EU is a step in that direction, so I support the EU.

Why should two nations have to suffer to help one nation? Whatever helps the most amount of people is the best.

Note that odviously a dictatoral world government or individual rights being trampled is bad for everyone as well.

Yes this is true. The common good is where we fall short. We do everything we can to stay at opposite ends of everything. Time to join hands and work as a world.
Sounds wonderful in theory. If every country wants to replicate the US Constitution word for word, I'm cool with that.

Don't see it happening, though, and would not want to live under any other law but American law myself. So, for now, I'm willing to tolerate nations and nationalism. The alternative doesn't impress me.

Democracy is fine but it is to have all element to work in a government that is difficult. How can you get democracy to work for people if the people they don't work for democracy?

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